• expired

10% off Select Airfare Types for Enrolled Tertiary Students @ Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer


Exclusive perks for future high flyers
To be eligible, you must be currently enrolled at an eligible college or university. Join KrisFlyer for free and verify your enrolment status.

Save on selected fare types
Enjoy 10% savings with exclusive student fares when you book a Lite, Value or Standard fare on Economy Class or Premium Economy Class. You can book for a maximum stay of 12 months.

Additional checked baggage allowance
Check in 40kg of baggage, or 3 pieces of baggage for flights to and from the United States and Canada.

Complimentary booking change
Enjoy a fee waiver on your first booking change, regardless of your fare type. This could be a date, destination or cabin class change.

Referral Links

KrisPay / Kris+: random (361)

Referrer and referee receive 750 bonus KrisPay Miles for use in Kris+ App.

Related Stores

Singapore Airlines
Singapore Airlines

closed Comments

  • I've only done limited searches so far so DYYR. I compared the fares for student and standard and on some occassions found that normal fare was coming through cheaper than student (same destination, flight time etc)!

    The best value IMO is the increased baggage allowance. Perhaps my experience was an anomaly too but the 10% fare savings didn't apply in my case.

  • So, how exactly do they verify your student status? Is it enough to have an email address that ends in .edu.au, or do they have some way to check if you're currently enrolled?

  • +1

    just be careful when you book it doesn't say "partly operated by scoot", pay high prices & end up on a scoot plane

  • Do they ever go on sale?

  • This has always been a thing, more a PSA than a deal

  • does this work for scoot?

  • Are you able to book for other people on standard adult fares to get the 10% off? lol.

    • +1

      No. I tried and you are required to make normal booking.

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