Have You Tracked How Much Money You've Saved (or Spent Unnecessarily) as a Result of OzBargain?

Have you tracked how much money you've saved (or spent unnecessarily) as a result of OzBargain?

I am curious. I am forever thankful for the deals that are posted here and the money I've saved, things I've been able to try, gift, trade etc. But I've also bought some stuff I don't need. Surely some of you guys keep tabs in some matrix style excel spreadsheet?

What are the key metrics? Is there a bias to one or the other? Or is unnecessary spending a subjective category?

I haven't tracked for the record. Pretty sure I am in the green however.


  • +24

    First rule of bargains… never track what you spend, only what you saved.

    • Ha love it!

    • +2

      Second rule of bargains… buy now, think later.

      • +2

        3rd rule of Fi…

      • Third rule of bargains, buy now, put in drawer on arrival, use one day… maybe…

    • +3

      Is it really saved if it was an impulse buy? I always wonder sometimes

      • +3

        If it's never tracked…. wife can't find out.

      • Of course, I save $800 last week, found some almost new sheets of roof iron for $800 that are normally $1600!!! That's $800 in the bank baby!!!

        Now… what to do with this roof iron..?

  • +5

    You need to buy now before it's OOO, and don't think about if you have bought it before.

    • +1

      "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. - Wayne Gretsky"
      - Michael Scott

  • +4

    I'd be better off tracking how many calories I've gained from OZB. Later today I'll inhale three packets of Caramel Crowns because of a deal.

  • This is OzBuying. What do you think will happen when you keep buying?

    • +1

      I low key regret that triple whopper meal the other day from the DoorDash glitch lmao

  • no.

  • don't have a dollar figure, but 90% of the time…. its stuff i don't need

    • Reminds me of when I first discovered aliexpress, order dozens of cheap things and then four months later a box of junk I don't remember ordering shows up at my door.

  • I buy stuff that I need. I've got 100 pairs of shoes so that'll do me right for the next, couple of lives

  • +1

    Saved $500…..spent $2000. Maths checks out ;)

  • +2

    nope, but it's well into the thousands spent on stuff i don't need.

  • No, because i'm not insane

  • 1st rule of ozbargain for me is only buy what you would have bought because you needed it and were planning on buying it anyway.
    So any saving is exactly that a saving.

    If you buy what you dont need because you have no self control that's on you not ozbargain.

  • +3

    Will the nationwide inflation rate be negative if OzB is down for a month?

  • Surely some of you guys keep tabs in some matrix style excel spreadsheet?

    MS Paint is the OzBargain app of choice. And don't call me Shirley.

  • I only go to the deal sections that have what I need, so saving it is

  • +1

    I spend a dollar, I save a dime

    'Cause I browse OzBargain on company time

  • +2

    This could be an ad:

    OzBargain: helping Australia's economy, one impulse buy at a time.

  • I'm not worried about impulse buys.. what about my 1000's of hours pressing F5 that i will never get back !!

    • +1

      Life wasted…… :(

  • +1

    No. I don't track my spending or saving. Crazy I know.

    • +2

      You're in the majority.

      This approach is fine as long as you have sufficient passive income rolling in.

  • I don't think i have ever saved on something i NEEDED. On things i wanted that were not a necessity, i have saved money.

    But overall i am worse off.

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