School (VIC) : Wheelers Hill Primary or Jells Park Primary

I live in one of those school zone, however my kid is also accepted in the other one.

Now, I am confused which one to choose.

Been to school tour, both are good, with WH put emphasis on academic, and JP seems more relaxed and fun.

Any experience with those two school?


  • What does your kid think?

  • +5

    Primary? Relaxed and fun for sure.

    Kid has the rest of their life to stress. Let them be a kid.

    • +1

      some are better than others.. my first one was apparently pretty shit, teachers were nice but some of them were not so good at actually teaching, so i was behind when i started at a new school.

      • Oh for sure, but that’s not something you’ll really know until you’re in the school.

        Even if right now all the teachers are great, they move around a lot so by the time their kid is in the school it could be completely different.

  • +2

    My kid goes to WHPS, we like the school and yes they are more academic oriented. My younger kid will be starting next year in whps too…Not sure about JPP.

    If you need more details, please DM.


    • Do you think WHPS support both 'bright' kid and 'not so bright' kid that need extra attention/push?

      And is the school fun enough for kids to enjoy their childhood? Beside of academic things.

      Anything about the school that parent needs to consider?

      Somehow I cant DM you. Pls DM me with the answer if you want. Cheers

      • +1

        DM'ed you!

      • WHPS does have support for kids with special needs or academically challenged and their support is excellent (aids / funded students / special program IEP)

        I know this from experience so if you have children with that sort of needs, WHPS is great. Not sure about Jells.

  • +4

    sometimes it's not all about fun and games or pushing academically,

    social skills, friends, and environment are equally important. if your kid socialises in certain groups, it will change their behavior.
    kids are sponges and will absorb things you want them to and things you don't want to.

    foundation for good habits is a very important part of primary school education.

    • You are right, but we cant force friends for kids? Can we? We can only put kids in xx school that has mostly yy type of kids, and the kids will choose his friends. In my case, both are pretty similar as both are public and in the same area.

      And are social skills affected by school choice?

      • And are social skills affected by school choice?

        that would depends on what programs they have to encourage self esteem and confidence.

        my daughters school has multiple occassions per year where they give kids opportunities for public speaking and enter state and national programs for public speaking. my nieces school not so much, and they are in the next suburb and both public schools.

  • +2

    Go with your gut. When we were touring schools, some just felt better than the others.

  • +1

    My kids go to WHPS and they are happy in that school. I will second they are academically oriented but around grade 4 or 5 onwards, sports starting to become forefront and in fact, WHPS won cross country district championship for 2 years in the row now. They had 1 State champion in swimming as well.

    JPP is WHPS rival in terms of sports and one of my kid's teacher's kid go JPP. It is an equally good school imho however I got this feeling they may be sports oriented. WHPS principal is academically-oriented but as I said, sports starting to gain prominence of recent times.

    WHPS has OSHC and I am not sure if JPP has one. It is not common to have a school run OSHC and so that is a plus for WHPS.

    • Thanks for your info.

  • which secondary schools does it path into and which do you prefer (if different)

    where are their friends going to

  • Pick the one closest to your house. You won’t regret it!

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