Bofrey9966 » user profile

Member Since 20/07/2022
Last Seen 30/10/2022

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Thanks for your info.
21/07/2022 - 12:50
You are right, but we cant force friends for kids? Can we? We can only put kids in xx school that has mostly yy type of kids, and the kids…
21/07/2022 - 09:39
Do you think WHPS support both 'bright' kid and 'not so bright' kid that need extra attention/push? And is the school fun enough for kids…
21/07/2022 - 08:47
I live in one of those school zone, however my kid is also accepted in the other one. Now, I am confused which one to choose. Been to…
21/07/2022 - 00:06
Bofrey9966 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
20/07/2022 - 23:58