Help Selecting a New Monitor


Not knowing a lot about monitors, panels, resolution etc. I was hoping for some help and advice. I recently got rid of my 12 year old Samsung 27" monitor and bought the Dell SE3223Q from this deal thinking it would be better.

The text looks blurry and fuzzy to me. I've tried scaling, zoom and changing the resolution of the display without change. I've also tried adjusting ClearType text.

My PC's GPU is a GTX 1660, from my Googling the panel on the Dell is a VA?

My son uses a LG 27GL850 and that display doesn't look blurry to me, I think the LG is an IPS panel?

Reading up on panels is quite confusing, would I be better looking into a gaming monitor? Probably the most taxing game I play is Overwatch. Does the type of panel affect clarity and sharpness?

My main uses are academic, teaching, website design etc. I went up to the 32" hoping for text clarity and sharpness and would prefer to stay at this screen size, but would consider going back to a 27" if there is something better.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


  • What resolution are you running it at?

    • Running at 3840x2160

  • Check if your running it at 3840x2160

  • +1

    I much prefer IPS panels, won't buy another VA. You might be happier with IPS, take a look at Dell Ultrasharp range

  • Are the Nvidia drivers for the GPU up-to-date?
    In Advanced Display settings does the monitor name and model show up?
    You may need to change the scale (size of text) as sometimes I find certain scaling causes text to be sharper than others.

    • Drivers are up to date

      Display settings appear in advanced setting screen, see link

      Tried adjusting the scaling, doesn't make much difference.

      • +1

        There are more suggestions on a previous thread you may wish to consider - also about a 34" Dell monitor:
        The suggestions mentioned above usually fix the more common problems so maybe it's something else, eg, VA versus IPS. I've only used IPS as prefer the colour gamut and greater viewing angles so can't advise regarding VA screens.

        • +1

          Thank you, appreciate your time.

          • @Benoffie: No probs. Perhaps swap the monitor with your son and see if it is still blurry? If you are both ok with it, maybe use his 27" LG until you find a 34" which you like? Appears not all 34" monitors are the same - some sharper than others. If possible, check in store before purchasing. Good luck!

  • Also, look in the monitor settings (using the buttons on the monitor) for something like "Super Resolution"???.

    I bought a monitor a few years back and the text was fuzzy blurry. I tried many things to fix it, and then accidently turned Super Resolution OFF and this immediately fixed the problem. YMMV

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