Crypto Scam Call


I received a call from this number 0467 904 xxx

Caller stated my name and my email address. I don't know where he get it from (Maybe from Optus breach of personal information)

Caller told me that I previously owned Bitcoin and now it's value at $12000 AUD. He would like to transfer to me.

He asked me to install AnyDesk remote access software to get the money transfer. Caller said he work for blockchain but I never have blockchain account in the past.

I believe this is a scam. I am afraid where he got my personal information from.

Has anyone experienced this?


  • +14

    It's a scam. Don't answer unknown numbers. Anyone important will leave a voicemail message to ring them back.

    • My personal information has been exposed. I am afraid what he could do with it.

      • +5

        It's fairly readily available if you've ever ordered anything online or click & collect or signed up to anything or logged into any Shopify site etc.

        DoorDash customer service, that you had a run in with recently, would have access to that information of yours and much more including address and phone number. Could have written it down and sold on to someone. Or a person at Bunnings when collecting an order or shoe shop or Myer or JB HiFi or whatever.

        Picked up a Bunnings order once and they had a printed receipt with my name, address, phone, e-mail etc just printed and sitting on the desk next to the item waiting to be picked up. It's not difficult information to obtain.

        • Is it concerning?

          • +6

            @BurnSomeCashs: I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Make sure your important e-mail and banking accounts are secured with 2-factor authorisation.

          • @BurnSomeCashs: Yes if you do anything the scammer asks or if you confirm more than "you called me".

      • This scam is what 'he's doing with it'

    • +3

      It's a scam.

      Absolutely. It's digital make-believe funny money based on zero tangible value and that costs more than the yearly wattage of a small country to generate 7 total transactions per second.

      … Ah, right, yeah. The guy that called OP about the AnyDesk nonsense is a little bit suss too.

  • +9

    LOL @ anydesk… scam, 100% If anyone you know asks you to install Anydesk, you hang up on them.

    And I always NEVER say my name when I answer the phone, and you ask them where they are calling from and who they are looking for… If you dont know them or their company, you just say to them "Im sorry ……. doesnt own this phone number any more. Your information must be out of date. Sorry for your confusion…" and hang up.

    If they say they are from a company that you know, tell them you need to know their name and department and you will call them back to confirm…

    • Caller said my name correctly and also my email address :/

      • +7

        So what… they downloaded a list or bought a list from a company that sells your personal data or mined it off social media… You know that sites like "ShopBack" or silly mall competitions, etc and the like all sell your data…. If you are getting something for free YOU are the product… This is how "free sites" make their money, by selling your information.

        You just say "I'm sorry, that isnt me and that isnt my email address" and you hang up on them.

      • Is your name Rumpelstiltskin?

        • +2

          No for them it's Wanye Kerr and if they are still on the phone then you know they are not from OZ.

          • +1

            @AndyC1: Mine is either Phuc Yu, Phat Kok or Mr Youself… Mr Gohfuk Youself…

      • And you replied "yes" to name and email details? Scammer now has confirmed credentials :/

    • +4

      I prefer to say let me:
      1) Turn the computer on. It takes while.
      2) Let me log in.
      3) What's next….
      4) I have to turn the router on to do that.
      5) Next ….I forgot to turn the NBN black box on
      6) How do I do that….
      7) I do not know what that app does, let em loom that up….
      8) put the phone to the side until they hang up.

      Some give up before I get to 7 and some get all the way to the end.

      I love the "MS support company" calls as I say the errors are normal and expected….

  • +2

    Scam, just ignore.

  • +9

    I believe this is a scam

    You don't say.

  • +4

    I am afraid where he got my personal information from.

    There are so many data breaches, lots of opportunities to get your personal information.

  • +3
    1. Don't install AnyDesk. AnyDesk allows the scammer remote access to your mobile phone if you give them the 9 digit code to connect. Once connected they can do things like transfer themselves your own money, read your email, steal passwords and so on.
    2. That is not the scammers real mobile number. Don't call back or send that number a text message.
    3. The scammer might call you from a different number in the coming days. Ignore it.

    Unexpected money scams
    Remote access scams
    Optus data breach scams

    • +1

      thanks. helpful info.

      • +1

        Do not install anything or go to ANY web site as it may contain drive by installers. If you do not know use google.

  • +2

    I have a feeling that in 2050 we'll still be quoting the Optus hack for every scam call we get.

    OP suggest you watch a couple of these. It's an entire industry:…

  • +3

    Did he have an Indian accent ?

    • +1

      Or did the caller sound like a pirate.

    • +3

      I'm pretty sure AnyDesk's business clientele is almost exclusively Benchodes.

      • +2


        Bruhhhh 🤣🤣

        • +2

          Used to watch some scambaiter channels a while back, one of them (can't remember the name, ScammerRevolts maybe? I was watching a few) had a hilarious bit where he'd syskey the scammer, call the scamcentre back and ask to "talk to the guy who just got syskeyed", and then call him a benchode over and over for the next twenty minutes (or until the scammer finally got upset enough to hang up).

          And he did that same bit for literally every video. Like, the entire channel is him just syskeying scammers and calling them benchodes over and over.

      • +1

        Wow Benchodes

    • Yes lol.

      • +2

        Marketing companies buy your data from Big tech, eBay etc etc
        That data eventually gets dumped on the internet somewhere and those scam callers are able to get a hold of it.

        This has been happening for so many years now and has happened to almost everyone of us.
        I am surprised that you got startled over’s pretty common.

    • -1

      Thats discrimination. Not all Indians are scammers. Netflix must watch "Jamtara" in English, all the scammers of todays world.

      • +1

        Not all Indians are scammers.

        True but everytime an Indian person calls you to market something or how we owe ATO in back taxes etc, rest assured they are all
        And 99% of scam calls are made by Indian scammers.
        So you can play this butthurt game but these are just the facts.

  • +1

    Sounds like OP has never had a scam call before. Get used to it as they can call every few days until you piss them off.

    • I just speak to them and ask them some naughty questions and thats the trick. 😂

  • +1

    This sounds legit. It looks like you are missing out on some serious cash.

    • It was legit until caller asked me to install anydesk…

      • You are mistaken. It was NEVER legit.

      • You should have asked him to download pornhub and tell him to connect from Anydesk

  • +1

    It is a scam. These scammers are most interested to get your money out from your bank accounts. I got a banker who advised me to leave small balances in my commonly used bank accounts. I can do what she said as indeed I am a poor bank saver.Her advice is most practical and I often leave a sum not more than $10.00 in my online purchases one.Whenever I want to use more I then make transfer from another particular account which I never reveal to others.

  • +1

    I hang up on anyone with an accent

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