Has Anyone Made Money from a Side Hustle Website?

I was wondering if it's possible to make money from a side hustle like this:


Or is it just marketing nonsense? I mean why would they put these ideas out if it's only making competition for them?

Has anyone had a successful side hustle and if so are you willing to share it?


  • +27

    I was wondering if it's possible to make money from a side hustle like this

    Absolutely. The guy who runs the website, runs ads and gets commissions for clicks on affiliate links is absolutely making money from this side hustle.

    • +1

      OzB isn't Scotty's side hustle. It's his main hustle.

      • +10

        It was my side hustle for the first 4.5 years though, when OzB was much smaller. Now we have full time moderators / community managers.

        • Thanks for your service!

          You know if you earned money for every time you have helped our fellow members save a dollar, you'd be ri…
          Wait. Nevermind.

          Still thankful anyway, the money wasn't going to spend itself :)

        • Your inspiring entrepreneurial start up/side hustle could be posted on youtube. Similar to people on youtube like Chris Fix, started as a video to help others, ended up as his main career, almost reaching 10 million subs. As people say, when you give a lot to the society, you end up getting back more than you give. Well done Scotty!

  • +1

    Ozbargain.com.au seems to be doing ok ; )

  • +3


  • +5

    Hassan Osman self-published on Amazon something like "Write a Book on the Side while Working Full Time" for free that's probably a safe experiment to see how much (or little) the side hustle world is for you: https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B01MY6YT2P

    IMHO it's not worth it - if you have a reliable job then your free time should be a valuable (scarce?) resource, not something to burn up chasing that sort of low (additional) pay.
    I'd rather learn watercolours for enjoyment (say) than "launch your own bespoke watercolour greeting card business" etc.

  • What a horrible, spammy website you've linked to

    • +1

      Agree. The site looks like one of those sites that has fake testimonials.

    • I agree. Is there many that aren't?

      • Depends what you look for. If you're looking for "get rich quick" sorta crap, then of course you'll just find people spruiking online courses, ebooks etc


    That should answer your "competition" question.

    I have a side hustle, though it has nothing to do with websites such as this. Better money than my full time job.

    • +1

      Well don't leave us hanging!

      • +3

        Well, it's not really applicable to most people. I buy cars/boats, repair them, then sell them. Just sold a boat for $50k profit, probably about 50 or so hours of work in it.

        • +2

          That's something similar to a realisation that I had recently: everyone's work - whether it's full-time employment, self-employment or side-hustles - is just trading their time for money.

          You traded ~50-hours of your time for $50k. The person giving you that money felt that the boat was worth the money you charged (or close enough to).

          I'm trading my time for my employer. My employer is getting my productive output for the money their paying me.

          • @Chandler: Not only traded time, but labour and skill. I might have 50 hours available but I don't know the first thing about repairing boats.

            Likewise whatever your job is. That's capitalism baby!

    • Deuce Bigalo?

  • "Side Hustle Website?"

    you mean ozbargain? yeah.. ask those 38"Dell people

  • +1

    Ordering 38" Dell monitors is my side hustle - it's not profitable, but its a hobby.

    For realsies though, I do Matched Betting as a side hustle. It's super profitable ($30k my first year, then I stopped tracking lol) and risk free.

    Had a few people accuse me of hyping up gambling - just want to reiterate that this is NOT gambling, it is arbitrage, and 100% risk free. It uses gambling websites, but theres no element of chance involved.

    You don't need to know anything about sports really (I mean, it helps, but isn't essential) and the community is really helpful if you get stuck

    Check out [Bonusbank] Mod: affiliate / referral links not allowed in comments

    That's obviously an affiliate link - I don't make bulk money off of it, it's more a thing that allows me to use the service for free. Hustlers gonna hustle haha

    • How many times have you been banned from betting sites?

      • Many times haha. I should have mentioned - it is risk free, but nothing lasts forever.

        Luckily there are like 40 bookies in Australia, and more startng every day

    • +3

      Had a few people accuse me of hyping up gambling - just want to reiterate that this is NOT gambling


      Under this account, you've only posted 2 comments outside this post…

    • +1

      100% risk free

      I respectfully disagree. Bookies can take your winnings and not pay out. People have lost hundreds, if not thousands, from this. Even the match betting service that you are trying to shill has many warnings about this. So don't play it down just to try and get affiliate referrals.

      And your profit claim is highly dubious, unless you are using other people's identities to create accounts. This however is borderline fraud, and makes it even more likely for bookies to not pay. And if you are doing no lay, that's even riskier as hitting a run of bad variance can mean negative 1 thousand+ in a weekend. The Bonus Bank discord, which is a cliquey circle-jerk, has many that lament this.

      It's definitely not as risk free as you are trying to portray.

      • I respect your right to respectfully disagree.

        I haven't had bookies steal my winnings, so I can't speak to that. I've heard of it happening to others, but if you stay away from Bob's Backyard Bookie then you should be fine.

        The profit "claim" is legit, but you can be a dubious as you like. There's so many bookies in Aus, with new ones popping up weekly.

        I would advise against no-lay unless you can take the variance - my post did not mention no-lay for this reason.

        I do no-lay, and I trade now as I find it more fun, but I wasn't advocating anyone else do that.

  • +2

    Baking dog treats to sell. Okay, but…

    What happens when someone's dog becomes sick or even dies, and the customer blames you and says it was your product that made the dog sick? You're innocent and that's great, but you'll still spend thousands of dollars in legal fees to clear your name.

    • +1

      insurance happens

  • +1

    Become a VTuber. Doesn't matter what you look like, but you generally have to be A) entertaining and B) have a cute female voice.

    • +1

      A) entertaining and B) have a cute female voice.


    • wtf is vtuber?

      • +2

        Its when someone buys enough V to put in a tub and sit in it

  • +1

    EBay/marketplace is enough for me as a side hustle time wise, especially when you have to box stuff up and take to post office

  • +4

    Cashrewards for all of my eligible purchases from OZB

    • +1

      Spend to save

      • Another reason to justify buying stuff here lol

  • +2

    serial loan refinancer

    my home loan is around 250k~ (fully offset) and i just keep refinancing to get the cashback

    • How much have you made?

  • +2

    yeah my mate works in online marketing and set up one of those “download this PDF for the secrets to marketing success for your small business! it’s $19.99 for over $1000 worth of value!” websites just to see if they actually worked because he was always skeptical. He knows what he’s doing so he set it up correctly and through sales of the PDF (which is very little in comparison) plus all the other ads and affiliate links etc on the page, he makes around 10k a month for what is barely a few hours work required to maintain it.

    He’s super embarrassed about the fact he’s doing it though, so he’ll never admit in public what he’s done hahahaha

    • Was it his own secrets to marketing success or did he just rip bits of information from other sources? I guess the advertising is where the revenue comes from? My wife has a Facebook channel with 300k followers. I'm thinking if she can find a way to get sponsored by companies she could really boost income but we are not sure how it all works. She gets mostly spam messages with the odd legit ones. She had a message from a handbag company called Teddy Blake. They sent her a leather handbag from New York. She has had multiple TV interviews online for TV in the Philippines.

      • the info he provided was legit, and all totally his own work. It was very much designed for people who know fa about marketing. It’s not the prettiest looking document ever, but the content is an interesting read

        mind you, this was also a good 10-15 years ago, so his technique probably doesn’t work as well anymore

    • At least he's only scamming $20 from each person, but the amount of scams they must fall for would be insane. Or maybe once they see it, they realise they've been had and it's actually a cheap way of teaching them not to fall for BS.

  • I had an Amazon Affiliate site that I got to earning $1k per month back in 2018.

    Then Google's algorithms had its way with my SEO and that was the end of it. I just officially discontinued domain and hosting fees for it a few months ago.

  • I have been doing online questionnaires through Octopus Group.
    I can regularly make $20-50 extra a week while waiting for the missus, on the toilet or just bored at home.
    You can make more if you jump on the questionnaires as they pop up, but i'm usually too slow.

    Mod: referral links / solicitation is prohibited.

  • +1

    The Oodie guy did. Find a product people are willing to overpay for because of whatever. Like the Oodie, which has cute designs and is cheap to source from China.

    You just have to find the right product that is easy once it's set up that people will talk about and show their friends.

  • you are already on a great site for a side hustle
    just look for bargains on here and resell them on ebay / facebook marketplace / gumtree for profit
    or go around garage sales looking for bargains

  • purchase competitions - buy a $1 pear, enter online - $10-$100 gift cards

    https://www.goodthingscomeinpearspromo.com.au/ ( finished now )

    $20 investment > $200

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