Andor Is Such a Good Show. Please Watch It

There isn't much chatter about this show. Here, at work, with friends… No-one I know seems to be interested in it.

Disney+ Originals has lots of stinkers, but there are a couple of gems on there. This is by far one of the best ones. If you like Rogue One, you will love Andor. Complex characters and back stories, great dialogue, great acting, great pacing.

Please watch it. It's one of the few Disney+ shows that isn't some thinly veiled fan service vehicle. The more people watch it, the more the algorithm will tell Disney we want shows with depth.

That is all.


  • +1

  • -2

    Sorry, not for me. I don't use pay TV services.

  • +3

    Did you enjoy it? It didn't feel like star wars to me tbh. Though I only made it 30minutes into the first episode.

    I guess I just enjoy fan service.

    • “Fan service” is a term used to belittle the concept of connected stories.

      • +1

        With good reason, lots of junk trotted out to milk the Star Wars universe.
        I saw 10mins of Andor the other night, and it looks like a better story than anything else I’ve seen set in Star Wars for many years.

      • Sometimes, sure.
        Sometimes it's used to describe shameless pandering, as was seen in parts of Rogue One.

        • Agreed. There were small parts that didn't obscure the story they were telling. Like seeing the Ghost and hearing "Captain Syndulla" or whatever over the PA system in the background.

          That last bit of the movie with you-know-who was epic though.

    • I LOVE it! Yes, it's not part of the Skywalker Saga, but I think I've had my fill of Jedi and Sith. It's a massive universe to explore. I still like a bit of the Force stuff. Rebels was a great series. A good balance of the Force, if you will. Espionage + Force.

      I really enjoyed the single player campaign for Battlefront 2. The newer one. Great story. Wish they made it longer.

  • +2

    Just watched the official trailer

    Not for me sorry but thanks for the suggestion.

  • It’s boring, dude.

    A show about a nothing character from a nothing movie

    No idea why they made it

    • +4

      I want to see a Star Wars show about the life of the leather farmer who makes Darth Vader's cape.

      • That’d be some impressively large cows

    • Fair enough. It's not for everyone. +1-ing your vote to balance out the neg. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

  • -1

    Disney plus = trash

    • +1

      I don't disagree. But there are a handful of new shows that are good, and there are lots of good old stuff on there as well. Legion, Bob's Burgers, etc.

  • +2

    I'm watching and enjoying it. It takes a few episodes for it to kick into gear but it's hard to put down now.

  • +1

    I made it halfway through episode 2 and then I gave up. It is boring.

    • It's a slow burn. Kind of like how Breaking Bad was for me.

  • +1

    I can’t watch that show.

    • What didn't you like about it?

      • +4

        I should have been clearer. I literally can’t watch it, I don’t have Disney plus

  • Well I'm not hating it, and that's about the best I can do. SW died for me the second the Ewoks turned up.

    • +1

      And if that didn’t do it then Jar Jar Binks, certainly, lost a lot of people.

      • True, but without Jar-Jar Binks we wouldn't have got Mr Pinkett's Phantom Menace Review so at least there was a tiny bit of redemption there. :)

      • +2

        Jar Jar is secretly a Sith Lord or at least a Dark Side user. No-one can convince me otherwise.

  • +1

    Couldn't get into it after three episodes.

    They took the blandest character from a good film to make a series out of it. I couldn't see much point of him in the movie (other than love interest) so I don't understand why they would go through his past.

    • -2

      Because he (Diego Luna) is a minority playing a minority (Andor) and this is Disney Star Wars's focus for their films & tv shows having minorities as protagonists. This is not a pro or negative comment, just stating facts. If Disney can grow their customer-base, I wish them luck.

      For me personally Star Wars ended with Return of the Jedi but that film was also quite bad. The Ewoks were annoying and the fight tactics on Endor were just silly that a primitive koala alien species could defeat the Empire when humans & near-humans regularly got their asses handed to them.

      Prequals were also quite bad. Hayden Christensen shouldnt have played Anakin. He really hates sand…

      The sequal trilogy were an absolute mess.
      Solo was shit.

      Rogue One was probably the 3rd or 4th best Star Wars movie.
      K2So should have had his own show. He was one of the best elements of the movie.

      In Rogue One not sure if would have called Andor an deuteragonist but some would think so.

      I saw the first 4-5 episodes & couldnt get into it.
      Missing the action & fight scenes.

      • Fair enough if you think it's just about putting minorities in the spotlight, but Rogue One had better minorities and more interesting characters.

        I would love to see more about Chirrut and Baze. You get some excitement of the force, without them being Jedi.

        I feel the nothing in the movie would have changed if Cassian had not been in it

  • +1

    Definitely one of my favourite shows this year.

    If you go into it expecting a spectacle you're gonna be disappointed. The characters don't need to be the main ones to tell a good story. It's a bit like The Expanse vs Obi-Wan (which was pure garbage).

    • I've been told good things about The Expanse. Haven't had a chance to watch it yet.

  • Don't forget the Star Wars classics.

    Existential Troopers.

  • Never been into Star Wars, probably won't start now.

  • Adnor is great if you like watching snails paint, then waiting for that paint to dry.
    Great acting, yes, but the storyline is slower than a wet week staying at grandmas when she doesnt have internet.
    For a break and enter story it could've been done in 5 episodes.
    And what of the search for his sister? That petered out pretty quickly.

    • Yeah, I agree. That sister thing was BS.

  • I agree it's good but it's not as fast-paced as Manolorian or Fett. I think they all play good parts of tying into the main story.

  • +1

    Best of the 3 Star Wars shows this year. Took a while to get going but once the robbery planning started coming into play it got a lot more interesting. Just grateful to be off Tattoine and not have a story revolve around the Skywalker family.

  • +1

    OP, I wish I could upvote your thread by +100. Good taste!

    • As do you! Can't wait for the next one. I would have been happy if the season ended on a cliffhanger like the last episode. Another 5 episodes apparently.

  • I am enjoying it, especially the latest ep

  • Just finished watching the final episode of season one. Going to binge it again. So good. So, so good.

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