This was posted 12 years 2 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Threadless T-Shirts, $9.99 USD, for 48 Hours!


Threadless are doing their $9.99 tees again. I gotta cupboard full of funky tees, always a great conversation starter with the laydees, when they stare at my chest and laugh!!

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Might give one a try. Usually the laydees stare at my face and scream. Would be a nice change if they laughed at my chest instead

  • +3

    $9 delivery kind of ruins just a 1 or 2 shirt buy. Great though if you were buying a few more…

    • If only the shipping remained at $9 - I had 5 Tees in my cart and shipping was going to be $21. Decided to order only 4 and it cost $15 shipping.

  • It's worth buying a stack of shirts for birthday presents, early Chrissy shopping. At less than ten bucks a piece, for a bit of pop culture, it's great value.

  • +4

    Unless I hear from someone that threadless have started using quality t-shirts (American Apparel would be good) the junk they print on isn't worth 90c, let alone $9.99. Can anyone who has placed an order in the last month comment on the quality of the shirts, thickness of the material, consistency of sizing, and pre-shrunk (i.e. don't shrink 2 sizes the first time you wash them)…

    • +5

      Depends on the shirt.

      One of the guys at work used to be in fashion import business and i showed him some of the threadless shirts.

      His first comment is most of the female shirts seem to me alot thinner quality shirts but the male ones tend to be of a much higher quality (based on the ones i have ordered that is)

      I have a number of shirts that i wear regularly which i always wash after and even the colors and logos are still good on them

      As an example i orders this shirt… in my first order from them (JAN) and it is still great to this day after a number of washes.

      To give you an example i ordered this shirt for the miss recently and it felt alot thinner and i was told (From the guy at work) it was def lesser quality than all the other ones

      So its hit and miss really, so far i am yet to get a cheap and nasty guy one, but for the $10-15 each (Once you add postage etc) i think its better value than the garbage you find in local shops sometimes…

      • +1

        Thanks for the reply, hit and miss sounds about right. From my last order (8 months ago) about half the shirts were wearable, the rest were way too small and the material on all the shirts (male, size L) were all much thinner than shirts I have ordered from other sites for comparable prices (most of which use American Apparel). I'm sure some people love Threadless shirts for the price but I expect my shirts to 1) consistently fit and 2) last longer than 6 months, regardless of the cost.

      • +2

        I can confirm that the shirts that they are using are low quality thin material. I love the designs but for a shirt only to last a few wash cycles before it starts to wear is very disapointing.

      • I've probably ordered 30+ shirts from threadless and I'd say 95% are decent or great. The only shirt that stands out for me as being horrid was a super thin 'who am i' shirt:

        Pretty much everything else has been good and comparing the shirts to another place where I bought a few video game/internet humour type shirts they're a 1000%x better.

        • Sounds like it's still hit and miss, I don't feel like playing T-shirt roulette when there are stores I KNOW for sure always use the same quality/type of shirt for not a lot more money. It's a shame, I do like some of the Threadless designs but it's just not worth the risk.

      • I've also bought a good 20 shirts from threadless, again 95% of them I was satisfied with, one did shrink and is barely wearable any more (coincidentally or not, also light blue).

    • Out of curiosity where can you buy American Apparel shirts with good designs for $10?

      • That's not really the point, I'd rather pay $20 for a shirt I can actually wear than $10 for one which I may or may not be able to wear depending on the day of the week, the phase of the moon or whatever mood the Threadless stock buyer was on a particular day.

        $10 is a good price for a t-shirt with a unique design, but it's not a good price for a t-shirt with a unique design which you can only wear a few times (if at all), the issue is with the consistency of their shirts and until I start hearing reports that they have improved their quality across the board, I will never order another shirt from them.

        VVVVV Same experience here, my first order a few years ago was great, the next order, about a year ago, left me with about half the order being shirts I can't wear (they make good pyjamas or undershirts though, I suppose but that defeats the purpose, may as well wear a $10 Bonds shirt).

    • I bought about 5-6 probably 2 years ago and they were great shirts. In one of the recenty sales (I think it was about 2-3 months ago), I ordered another bunch of 5 and they were all much much worse quality (to be honest the old ones look better than the new ones after all this time)

      Definitely thinner and stretch out of shape easily.

      Cool designs but I probably wont buy any more from them unless I hear the qual has improved.

  • +1

    Buy alot of my shirts from here now, they have some nice designs :)

    Shipping does kill it but if you can stack up a big order for summer etc they are a great buy,

  • +2

    Might have to give this a go.. it'd be a welcome change from the laydees staring at my crotch and laughing.

  • -1

    Meh… not my type of humour I guess, because none of those shirts made me laugh.

    I browsed through the first 5 pages and stopped when I saw the Queen painted up as the Joker…. I was hoping to see 'funny' shirts to make people laugh, not silly ones that try to shock.

    This is more my type of humour:


    • +2

      so you just want shirts with sexual references?

    • +4

      haha i hate your type of humour.

  • +2

    Although not the best quality, I tend to buy these knowing the profit do go to the original artists. So when you buy the shirts, you're also supporting independent artists.

    • I agree. Support the independent, free thinking artist. Foster free thought and expression. ;)

    • knowing the profit do go to the original artists

      How so? AFAIK, the artists are paid a one-time fee for a set amount of prints; they get paid again (a lower amount this time) if the tee gets reprinted. So it's more of a commission-based thing rather than royalty-based. Except you've got to be 'picked'. But honestly, the chances of your design getting picked is very slim if you're not at least semi-famous in the graphic industry or have got a brilliant design. Which is probably why designs scoring low 2s gets printed anyway.

    • There are plenty of other t-shirt site which support (pay) the artist:

      Springs to mind….

    • -1

      "I tend to buy these knowing the profit do go to the original artists"

      You're awfully naive. Threadless take the lion's share of the profits. The artists will get thrown a bone (a set $2000 + $500 each reprint) or store credit. Ditto goes for user-submitted photos. No-one's certain of how many shirts constitute first print, but I daresay Threadless make an order of magnitude more than $2000 for each design.

  • +1

    Just got 5 for good measure, have ordered from these guys before, was fairly pleased with the quality of the shirts. I must admit I have opened some conversations with these designs before that led to further activities

    • -6

      "I must admit I have opened some conversations with these designs before that led to further activities"

      Please go on and tell me about your fascinating social/sex life.

      • he was talking about gaining more members for his WOW clan. nerdy shirts are a great way to let everyone know how much you love PC games.

        • obviously my clan of Orc slaying Knights has grown from the wearing of these shirts. How could you think I might actually use these in a social situation?

  • The quality of these shirts is questionable. I bought 7 of them a year ago, and they look awful now, stretched/faded. Also the style is bizarre - the tiny neck holes are very strange, and give the t-shirts a strange overall fit.

  • +2

    I have no problems with neck holes for both guy/girl tees, but discolouration and thin material has left me hesitant to buy more Threadless shirts. :(

  • there's only 1 I like and it's out of stock =(
    I've looked through their sales so many times, never find anything

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