Car Impounded Doing 112km/Hr in a 60 Km/Hr Zone

I have just gotten my car impounded doing 112km/hr in a 60 km/hr zone, they gave me a impound ticket with a release cost of $1040 at 12:00 A.M.

They gave me my licence back and said I could have been arrested but now I am gonna get a court date and they said I'm gonna lose my licence for a minimum of 12 months. I have reflected on my mistake. I was being incredibly stupid endangering myself and others. I apologise to everyone. I am 19 years old and on my red p's. I contacted Legal Aid and they asked me to contact them once I get the court notice. Are there any other costs other than the release fee? Can I pick my car up from the impound yard 4 days later than its release date (I tried contacting the impound yard but they do not pick up)? How much trouble am I in? How long will the notice take to arrive?

I would really appreciate the help. I did not understand the seriousness of the offence when I committed it but now I understand there is much more to it. The state is Victoria.

closed Comments

  • +1

    Can do 112km/h on the freeway without getting in trouble, stupid to do that in a 60 zone.

  • +4

    Start investigating a Work Development Order. Becoming involved will help reduce your Fine.

    You will probably have to participate in a safe driving program) enforced by the Magistrate.

    Above all, just remember you could have Died, or even worse, ended up a Quad for the rest of your life, OR EVEN WORSE STILL injured/killed an innocent Bystander.

    This is one Lesson, you MUST Learn.

    • -2

      I will make sure this never happens again if I ever decide to drive after a year of suspension, thanks for the help.

  • Why are you SUCH a sic(profanity)?

  • Today's episode at Things that didn't happen at ALL

  • Maybe commit to taking a defensive driving course, that maybe viewed favourably by the judge (but I am not a lawyer so I have no idea). Also, those courses can be quite eye opening as most young drivers dont realise how bad things can turn out by doing such high speeds on slower roads.

  • +1

    And this is why young people sign up to the military and go to war. the brain is not yet mature though they are deemed an adult. OP is contrite and accepts their mistake and is lucky they are alive and no one else is hurt. Can a family member take the car from impound and store it to save you costs? I would suggest you do the safe driving course now so when you go to court you're already ahead of the game. Ask for a student discount. Goodluck.

  • As someone who got done doing 147 in a 60 zone when i was on my Red Ps. (Over 10 years ago)

    My car was not impounded but they did take my license on the spot with an instant 6 month suspension. I wouldnt be surprised if you get this in the mail. I believe the $1040 seems about right, Plus your going to get a hefty fine for doing 45+ ($2,547). They also have the option to get you for reckless driving, which they didnt do for me, i like to think i was lucky
    I was also able to go on a payment plan rather than paying it all in one go, not sure if they still do this. But helped since i was still in year 12..

    What helped my case was i was remorseful and it was 3am on a dead main highway.

    From my experience court isn't going to help reduce the 6 month suspension. Although what happened to me is over 45kph is instant loss of license, i then got hit by another 3 months for no demerit points. I went to court for this and they lifted the additional suspension. I was always polite and said i was stupid and did the wrong thing. Ironically in the speeding fine the policeman quoted me saying my reason was "Because i am an absolute idiot"

    When i went to the court, the judge was obsessed with this whole driving is a privilege not a right which i said multiple times..
    Also if they do let you off or reduce your suspension they might require you to do a driving saftey course, which from my experience was 90% aimed at drunk drivers.

    • I appreciate the help! Thank you

  • Yeah. You're (profanity)!

  • +1

    I remember the last time i did 112 in a 60… oh wait

  • +5

    As a father, car driver, motorcyclist, cyclist and partner of an ED nurse this just saddens me. Like most others here, I hope that the court process provides you with time and space to reflect on the mayhem and devastation that could have been caused.

  • +6

    I did not understand the seriousness of the offence when I committed it

    You didn't understand that going twice the speed limit in a suburban area is dangerous?

    Mate, stop driving, seriously, you're an idiot and a danger to others.

    And you're on your red P's?! You should be disqualified from driving for 5 years for being such a selfish prick.

    • It never ceases to amaze me how many P platers I see that drive like morons; speeding, not driving with their headlights on at night, not able to even drive at the posted speed limit.

      Getting your Ps isn’t a licence to drive like a moron. IMO P platers who get booked for driving like idiots should lose their Ps and go back to their Ls for a period of time depending on what they did wrong. For OP I would suggest they be forced back onto their Ls for another year.

  • -1

    Sell the car you will avoid rego insurance etc for the year you are out.
    Expensive lesson but life is about making mistakes and not repeating them

    • -1

      I will be giving it to my father if he wants it or it will be sold.

  • +1…
    In 2021, there were 1,123 road crash deaths.

    There are more and more hoon drivers in my school zone area.
    Is there anything I can do to stop it?
    They typically do it late at night, so it is hard to catch them on camera.

  • +1

    Wow no kidding almost twice the legal speed. You could have killed someone.
    Also yday I saw a green P driver texting on his mobile and weaving on eastern freeway at 100 clicks! All these are accidents waiting to happen and can claim life’s.

  • You'll eventually receive a summons (probably hand delivered by police to your home address on a few months time).

    The case will be opened and closed within about 10 minutes.

    Expect a loss of license for over a year and probably a financial penalty in the range of 500 to 2,000. Hopefully no conviction recorded.

    Stay off the roads and avoid repeating the offence, the second time around will be treated a lot worse.

    Costly lesson but not as bad as killing yourself or others.

    • I appreciate the information mate! Thank you

    • "Expect a loss of license for over a year and probably a financial penalty in the range of 500 to 2,000."

      Yet Qldr's get fined over $1000 for not having a seat belt buckled up or looking at your phone whilst stopped at traffic lights.

  • I know everyone's piling on you and that's pretty common as noone here ever does anything stupid or dangerous and of course the result of every stupid act committed by a noob here will be the worst case scenario and all doom and gloom. Yea going 50 over could kill someone but there's just as many 'within legal limits' drivers that are as dangerous if not more. Go to court, act humble, apologetic and remorseful. Hopefully you'll catch a magistrate on a good day, pay the fine, catch the bus for a while and move onto the next stupid shit teenager do lol.
    and yeah ignore the commenter below…. obviously they haven't come across many human traits in their lives.

  • -3

    You are actually the worst kind of human. I hope the financial and criminal repercussions are huge.

    Think of this as a second chance and don't (profanity) up again.

  • Just to illustrate the point about the risk you took:

    'Mr Hashemi was taken to The Alfred Hospital in a critical condition with significant head injuries. He underwent emergency brain surgery and was in a coma for two weeks.

    His front passenger escaped with minor injuries.

    Nearly two years on, Mr Hashemi was unlikely to recover full functioning for “many months to years, if at all,” Judge O’Connell noted.

    He endures memory loss, mood swings, exhaustion and can’t work as a carpenter or labourer.'

  • A 19 year old red P-plater doing 112 in a 60 zone?
    Jesus christ.
    Large fines, loss of license. No sympathy.

    Enjoy the bus, you'll be taking it for a while.

  • You got off lightly. Better to lose your license for a while than killing someone.

  • Time to close this thread.

  • +1

    I have just gotten my car impounded doing 112km/hr in a 60 km/hr zone


    but now I am gonna get a court date and they said I'm gonna lose my licence for a minimum of 12 months.

    Also good.

    I did not understand the seriousness of the offence when I committed it

    Bullshit. You went through getting your Ls, you understand the basic road rules before you even got your Ps.

    No sympathy from me, serve out the punishment, pay the fines, don't do it again. Count your lucky stars they're not going to crush your car.

  • Congratulations: You got a bit of attention on this board.
    In QLD you could have had the car on 90% finance, besides a huge load of meth also downed a bottle of whiskey and done petal to the metal.
    Only a 3 year bankrupt time using the bus and then the mass media would still celebrate as a hero, you will get the top job of the toughest real estate celebrity being back on every front page of every paper. Some find doing a free law degree in jail was their most valuable time in their life.
    Many successful business people were bankrupt in their early 20's and after a short 3 years start to cash in on the legacy hero status!

  • 110/hr is the speed limit only on certain sections of the freeway in victoria….most places is 100

    112/hr is so incredibly fast on city roads….you're unbelievable…did the cops check for DUI? no way you were sane doing such high speeds on city roads especially on P plates

  • +1

    Go directly to Jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200

  • In North Korea, OP would have been shot by firing squad….no court.

  • Totally deserved the charge. OP should google some raw footage of traffic accident videos and watch them for 12 hours. Being hit by a car at 60 had a fair change of being dead already. At 120, you could blow someone brain out, with arm, leg disassembled literally

  • +1

    Account 3 hours old.
    Racked up 3 pages of comments
    Good troll.

  • +1


  • A quick look at a map tells me you were around three km north of the reservoir. I suggest being more honest with the judge than you are here.

    • ~200m of "creek"

  • Enough has been said about OPs behaviour and all but question,

    Licence was not immediately suspended and if they get a court summons for say 6 months away, can OP legally continue to drive until the court date and eventual suspension?

    Also OP said they're due to get their green P's in a month. Can they still do this if the court date hasn't come around yet?

  • Thread closed, OP disabled account

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