Do You Sprinkle Cocoa on Your Coffee?

Do you sprinkle cocoa/chocolate on your coffees/cappuccinos? If yes, what do you use? Does it improve the taste?

I’m undecided. I sometimes sprinkle cocoa powder mixed with a bit of icing powder. Less sweet is better. But sometimes I think it overpowers the coffee taste.

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    I don’t drink coffee.


  • +3

    No, but I usually do make cappuccino so maybe I should. I like the foam, it's more fun. Reminds me of bath time.

    • +3

      ok bath-water drinking weirdo….

  • +1

    No. I don't even add sugar but to each their own.

  • +1

    I sprinkle Coffee over Cocoa.

  • I do for caps but I use the Vittoria Dark Chocochino powder. Dark chocolate is less sweet in general so it doesn't add too much sweetness like a lot of milk chocolates. IIRC the cocoa content of the dark version is double that of the normal version.

    • love dark Chocochino, makes best hot choc drink.

  • I make cappuccinos so I sprinkle a bit of Vittoria Dark Chocochino powder and no sugar. Since I don't add sugar, chocolate powder gives a nice contrast to the taste of the coffee.

    • +1

      That Vittoria is 63% sugar though.

      • It is but 63% of maybe 0.5g is a fairly small amount of sugar.

        EDIT: actually it's probably way less than 0.5g given a teaspoon is 4g

        • correct! its not a lot since for a coffee you'd just sprinkle it

  • -1

    Not buying shit tasting coffee sounds like a better idea

  • No i just drop it on it

  • Yes I do.

  • If I go to Melbourne I do adopt local customs. Every white powder will do!

  • +1

    Never use sugar. Big yes on the cacoa. I even add a teaspoon of milo in when I'm feeling extra luxurious because I am an absolute child.

    • +1

      used to mix milo in all the time, i think i just forgot

      make cappuccinos now and sprinkle drinking chocolate.

  • I use either dark hot chocolate or baking cocoa powder in my coffee.

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