• expired

Apple Music Student ₺9.99 ($0.81) / Month, Individual ₺19.99 (A$1.62) / Month @ Apple Turkey


Turkish Apple ID required for this. Free and easy to create.
Follow guide on my previous post to set it up.

If you have a Unidays account, you can also qualify for student membership.

For Android users:

Redeem a gift card on your Android device

Open the Apple Music app.
Tap the menu button , then tap Account.
Tap Redeem Gift Card or Code.
Enter the 16-digit code. Then tap Redeem.

Related Stores

Apple Music
Apple Music

closed Comments

  • +4

    Been using this for a few months now. So far, so good.

    Initially, you'll get Turkish recommendations in the 'Listen Now' page, but later it'll populate with suggestions based on your listening history. The 'Browse' section, however, still shows Turkish recommendations. (And some automatically generated playlists might have a Turkish-language thumbnail.)

  • Any news of people getting banned from these? Only heard of Google banning people for VPN deals but still worries me

    • +7

      if you get banned you just make another account, no issues for me so far and i have Disney, Netflix, YouTube and NBA

      • +8

        This guy is a champ 🏆

      • How do you do netflix and other accounts?

        • +1

          for Netflix there's a post already on it but basically you have to sign up in a private browser with turkey vpn on then pay using a Turkish giftcard to avoid phone number activation, then once thats done hop on live chat to get them to change payment method. nba and Disney are probably the easiest you have to make a new Google play account have your payment method set to a turkey currency, then download apps from the web from the Google play store using the account you just made(using a private browser again with turkey vpn) and your streaming service app you just downloaded should be in Turkey

        • +1

          You can't do Netflix via Apple anymore. See comment above for rest.

      • If they ban you from apple music. does that mean you can use apple music from Turkey? can't use apple music at all? Or cancel your AppleID?

        • No such thing happened so no one knows.

      • How much is NBA?

  • long live Erdoğan

    • +12

      Thank God he tanked Turkish economy so we can have cheaper apple music s/

  • Can the family just all use the same turkish account as their “media” login?

    • Sure can. But don't think they all will be able to play at the same time on 6 different devices

  • +19

    Apple turkey sounds delicious

    • +4

      It’s a Turkish delight.

  • +1

    Great deal, thanks OP! however it is very inconvenient to change store countries as you lose apple store credit and get into some trouble with updating the apps purchased in Australia.. so the Apple system is forcing me to pass this deal!

    • You don’t have to lose anything. Just logout of “Media and purchases” section. Which is app store, apple Tv, apple music etc. rest of the stuff is till primary ID. You can update apps while logged in with any ID.

      • Mmmm, things might have changed then?. A couple of months ago, I tried to change AppStore country and got a warning that I would lose all my credit balance, so I didn't change. Also, I had some issues earlier updating the apps that are associated with other accounts. Every time I needed to log in from the related account to update the app, which was very hectic.

        • You are not changing the country and not downloading any apps with Turkish apple ID. All you are doing is to use it as a payment method. Rest still runs from your main Apple ID

      • That’s not entirely correct. Yes, updating apps will be ok but not downloading new ones.

        Say you want to download a banking app that you have previously deleted. Most likely an app like that will be only in the Australian App Store.

        To accomplish this task, you will need to sign out from your Turkrey Apple ID, sign in to your Australian ID, download the app and then go back to your Turkey ID.

        • Yeap that’s true and no where I said in my comment that you won’t have to. It was more to say, you don’t have to sign out of entire ID and lose everything. Instead just logout of “media and purchases”. Looks like they are trying to change country of primary ID or signing out of iCloud.

          I am working a method to stay signed in on Primary ID and use Apple music.

  • Any good with apple music?
    Compared to Tidal or spotify?

    • I love the Dolby atmos and lossless audio on it. Especially playing on my Samsung Q990B

    • +1

      Subtitles view is top notch design and basically the reason why I have Apple Music over the competition

    • Better quality audio than Spotify. The compression seems to work better when you use airpods with an apple device. I think I read that Apple Music AAC gets decoded at the airpods. Whereas if you use Spotify the OGG has to be decoded on the device, reencoded and then transmitted to the earphones. This is all before even considering that apple offers lossless which you can use with a DAC for best sound quality

  • +1

    Hi OP,

    I’m not interested in Apple Music, I want access to the US iTunes Store. I have a second Mac I would use for a US Account to not share or associate with my local account. I tried some time ago and the first prompt it asked for was a US number.

    From your wisdom, what’s the steps to get access to and buy music from the US iTunes Store? Will I be snookered not having a US mobile, credit card or IP address?

    • +2

      You can use your Australian number to sign up and you will need Apple US gift cards as a payment method. AU cards not accepted. Maybe Amazon US will have them or direct from Apple US. Basically same method but with Apple US gift cards.

      Try here

  • +2

    Damn western country getting ripped

    • +4

      A billion hard-working people surviving around or below the poverty line, providing many of the commodities our capitalist heros are profiting greatly from, will disagree.

  • I can't purchase from TurGame. Have tried 3 different banks and all payments are on "Failed"; Greater, ANZ, Revolut Virtual. Anyone else having issues?

    • I spoke too soon! the revolut one is processing. Cheers OP

    • +1

      Create a support ticket

      They are fast at replying, especially at night.

  • Do you need a student email address?

    • +1

      For Unidays, yes.

  • +1

    For any crypto users here. I use Bitrefill to purchase apple turkey GC's. I find it much easier than turgame. Paired with binancepay its a breeze.

  • +2

    Is there a way to do this for Apple Fitness +?

    • Not at the moment

  • Is this a limited time deal for Apple Music?

    • It’s standard pricing.

    • Ongoing, until their currency gets stronger I guess

  • I’m guessing you need to stay signed in with the Turkey account for Media, meaning the App Store will be Turkey too? So we have to switch back and forth?

    • +1

      Yeah that’s the drawback if you use it on iPhone. It’s great for Apple TV, secondary phone or Android users.

  • +1

    So apparently in order to achieve family sharing you need to have a credit card attached and that credit card needs to be a Turkish one. Anyway around this?

    • Ah ok, maybe family sharing even with Turkish Id’s won’t work then.

      Updated post.

  • can i use the same email as my old music account or should i make a new one?

    • +1

      That would be your primary account email?

      Then you will need a new one

  • +1

    Thanks OP for the clear instructions 🙏

  • Any way to get iCloud Turkey access?

  • I'm confused. If family sharing doesn't work, how can you use apple music (under your Turkey account) while using your AU account?

    Edit: NVM, found the relevant comments above

    • Using on your primary device can be bit hassle, unless you don’t mind the login and logout process (about 1 min.) but there are other use cases. People who use it on Android, Apple TV, smart TV, secondary phone etc.

    • Which are the relevant comments? I’m unable to find a solution

  • Can you use it to get apple fitness as well?

  • When you “live” in turkey but attend UNSW

    • +1

      That commute.

      • Pros: Cheap hair transplants
        Cons: Airport train line cost

  • Can you do it for Apple arcade and icloud?

    • See comments above for iCloud. Arcade, yes via India

  • Can you setup the Apple Music subscription and redeem the Turkey gift cards all from an Android phone?

    What if you don't have an iPhone or iPad?

    • Looks like it:

      Redeem a gift card on your Android device

      Open the Apple Music app.
      Tap the menu button , then tap Account.
      Tap Redeem Gift Card or Code.
      Enter the 16-digit code. Then tap Redeem.


      • Hi OP, sorry but can you please confirm if I need to get Google Play gift card or Itunes gift card for Apple Music? I am using Android.


        • You will need apple gift cards I think.

  • Is there any way to purchase gift cards greater than TRY 50? Going to be annoying typing in 50 of these things. What the highest value per card in Turkey?

  • I set this up for a friend last night but today she's getting a pop up in Apple Music whenever she downloads a song.

    "You must transfer this device to your Apple ID to play content saved offline. You'll be unable to transfer this device again for 90days. Cancel/Transfer"

    I'm not Apple savvy. What's the story/solution with the msg?
    I'm guessing it's suggesting she transfers her whole phone to the Turkish ID.


  • i am getting 'this code must be redeemed in the Turkish store front'

    • You need to create Turkish Apple ID.

      • So I have to keep logged into Turkish id to play music?

  • Can anyone confirm Revolut card works for this?

    • Worked for me

      • -1

        Cool, so Apple Music accepted your Revolut card and you didn’t need to buy Turkish gift cards?

    • +1

      I just brought 10 x 50 iTune card yesterday using my Revolut Virtual card from TurGame.

  • Anybody been able to stack the shazam offer with this hack?


  • Anyone else have the issue of existing Apple Music playlists not transferring over when using the Turkish ID for purchases only?

    Have tons of existing playlists and music on my OG Apple ID that haven’t synced/remained while using the Turkish Apple ID. Pretty frustrating.

  • +1

    Method still works great, thanks so much! using Bitrefill to buy TRY giftcards and redeeming on the newly created Turkish account.

    I wish the family option worked but it's all good for now considering it's $10 per month saving still!

    • The family option worked for me

      • What steps did you take to get family option working?

  • Amazing..simply amazing..thanks

  • Has anyone tried suscribing for a whole year?
    I'm currently doing monthly and it seems to work OK. I don't see why annual wouldn't work.

    • +1

      I managed to subscribe for a whole year after loading enough gift cards :)

      Thanks all!

  • Just used this Shazam link to get 4 months free Apple Music with Turkey Apple ID, hopefully it works for you too. If not, google 'Apple Music Turkey Shazam free'.

  • So after using this for a few days, one big issue to note is that if you are still logged into your main iCloud account on any Apple device. You can't download music, only stream.

  • Managed to add a family account using OP method.

  • Subscribed to Apple Music family fine with Turkey ID account

    Added the Turkey ID account to existing Family

    On Turkey ID account 'Apple Music' shows the shared with all the other family accounts.

    On Subscription on Turkey ID account 'Share with Family' option is selected.

    Why isn't my Apple Music being shared amongst the other family accounts?

    • Only iCloud can be shared overseas. No other family subscriptions.

      • assume these are the only ones here https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/718277

        Microsoft 365 family yearly subscription, Netflix, anything else?

        • Those don't require family sharing via Apple ID. They are shared via password or by creating accounts for respective apps.

          If you want to Family share turkish Apple Music then everyone you are sharing to will need Turkish Apple ID.

  • When redeeming turkish gift card I get error stating

    "Cannot Redeem Code

    The code you entered could not be found."

    I am trying to redeem on apple music website as i cannot see the option to redeem on the apple music app on android. Someone help please, cheers.

  • Can't find anything similar to this for Apple TV. Anyone know if you can use the same process?

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