What The Hell Is Going on with Diesel Prices?

Tl;dr - my 4 paragraph rant about how diesel is about 25c/L more than it should be and fuel retailers are extorting diesel owners.

Unlike the majority of OzBargainers who drive hybrid Camrys or Corollas, the minority here who drive diesels are likely fuming about the price of diesel still.

The price of diesel has been sitting in the $2.30/L area at most servos in Brisbane for ages now (at least a month), and hasn’t been below $2/L since the fuel excise relief ended back in September (credit where credit is due, Costco has it for $2/L and my helicopter can also lock in for low $2/L as well). it’s probably worthwhile pointing out that diesel doesn’t usually follow a fuel cycle either

On the other hand, the Terminal Gate Price (TGP) or the wholesale price of diesel has been steadily dropping for $2.27/L (end of Oct) to $1.93/L (9 December) - this means any fuel sold at $2.30/L has a margin on it of 37c/L compared to a long term average of 12c/L (according to RACQ)

This seems fairly consistent across the country (the NSW governments fuelcheck site says an average $2.21/L vs TGP of $1.928/L). The only outlier is WA - $2/L retail vs $1.88/L TGP.

In saying that, I’ve still got half a 150L to go before I’ll probably fly to WA and lock in at $2.02/L or fill up at my next monthly Costco shop.

How else is everyone managing the extortionate prices on diesel at the moment?


  • -1

    What is the ACCC doing with the numbers you have supplied them?

    • +2

      Ah yes the "Anti Consumer and Competition Commission", probably running interference to ensure the high prices can continue.

      • They explicitly state they do not control or set fuel prices nor able to help with individual issues.


        To answer OP:

        Petrol price cycles are the result of pricing policies of petrol retailers and not from changes in the wholesale cost of fuel.

        Your market analysis isn’t relevant. They can simply charge whatever they want to.

      • -1

        What are they doing about the price of tin foil used to make hats?

    • +1

      Probably nothing. They're perennially asleep at the wheel.

    • +4

      What do the ACCC ever do?

    • -5

      "about 25c/L more than it should be and fuel retailers are extorting diesel owners"

      What a load of GARBAGE!

      What does OP know about Diesel supply and pricing?

      Who is OP to say "fuel retailers are extorting diesel owners"
      The fact is that retail margins are very low for deisel right now so its exactly the opposite of your unsubstantiated claim!

      So stop mouthing your head off and making false claims.

      If anyone was to complain its the truck drivers and they are not complaining.

      And obviously you have NO IDEA that there is a GLOBAL DIESEL SHORTAGE
      So obviously diesel prices will go up as a result and thats around the world!!!!

      Just pay the price or stop driving your diesel guzzeler

      Read this article if you want to know more (you could have just Googled this yourself!)
      It shows that what I have said here is FACT not OPs fiction.


    • +4

      You realise trucks, boats, barges, tractors and many more forms of long haul, high volume use relies on diesel?

      I would like to see how much diesel v petrol is consumed in Aus though

      • +4

        Yep, this!

        Diesel makes the country run because our ‘heavy’ logistics rely on it. Ultimately high diesel prices means higher production and delivery costs…

        • +3

          That's not why they negged. Perhaps if you left off the last line others would be commensurately more charitable.

    • +1

      100% agree!

  • +1

    Don't get me started on the price of meat…..

    It's well known that diesel vehicles, despite there other issues are pretty good on the juice. Government used to steal less tax on diesel due it's use by primary producers and freight vehicles and industry machinery. They've been ramping the price up over the years to match the amount they pinch from petrol sales, currently 46c P/L. Of course is the price of diesel goes up then all the associated costs with bringing fuel to the bowser go up as well, as to the tax, as do the costs, rinse/repeat.

    As for managing the costs in the run up to the globalist's Hunger Games scenario we are just cutting back a bit. So maybe a steak once a month or 2 weeks instead of every week, buying less crap food or eating out that kind of thing.

    • If you're worried about meat prices, these are pretty cheap;

      • +4

        Eat Ze Bugz?

      • +1

        For $10.16? No thanks.

        I never spend more than $6 on a can of crickets.

    • -4

      You have it ALL WRONG!

      Diesel vehicles were pumping out heaps of smoke and harmful particals along with it
      So the government forced fuel refineries to put deisel through another stage of refining to clean up the fuel
      Thats when the price of diesel jumped - purely as a result of higher production/refing costs
      And currently there is a GLOBAL SHORTAGE OF DIESEL so diesel prices all over the world are going up

      Primary producers and busineses get a fuel tax rebate/credit so your argument there also goes down the drain

      Next time do your reseach before you blab on about so much nonsense

      • +1

        That only applies to machinery owned by farmers for use on private property .

        Transport companies, Earth moving businesses etc cant get it even if working on private property no doubt big industry like mining gets it with there political pull.

  • -1

    What The Hell Is Going on with Diesel Prices?

    Going to hell?

  • +2

    "How else is everyone managing the extortionate prices on diesel at the moment?"
    My tractor only uses two 20 litre jerrys per year.
    Never been tempted to buy a diesel car.

    • Same. Every time I start my tractor I think ohhh shit better check the fuel level. It never seems to drop.

      Got to love the old 3 cylinder 2.5L Perkins motor. Frugal as all $#@&.

      • same engine here, MF35. it's used to drag a 5ft slasher around

        • Fordson Super Dexta - drags a variety of implements around my joint. Can't kill it after 60 years and you can still buy parts.

  • +1

    It sucks. When I first bought a diesel vehicle it was close to petrol price. Depending on the petrol cycle it was a few cents above or below. prior to Ukraine invasion, it’s was consistently a few cpl cheaper than petrol which combined with better economy made it cheaper to use.

    Recently I’ve seen as much as 50cpl difference over ULP which really sucks.

    • Yeah same thing happened to me.

      Now petrol prices are dropping but diesel doesn't budge, rip

  • +5

    Imagine how much they are making from all the trucks, no reason for them to lower prices, as they can get away with it, and no one will do a thing.

    • +4

      Absolutely. Diesel prices hurt personal use, but where it really hurts is the extra cost to farms and trucking companies. That flows on to consumers while fuel companies rake in massive profits.

      • +5

        And government rakes in massive taxes.

        • -1

          The amounts which only partially cover the cost of fixing the roads that the heavy diesel trucks damage.
          It all goes around and around and around…..

          • +1

            @saltypete: And yet they seem to have billions and billions to waste on stuff that has nothing to do with running the country?
            And add to that that they gave themselves money printing powers (QE) back in 2020 there is no good reason we should be paying anywhere near the amount of tax that we do.

      • yep.. it all flows onto everyone including tourism

      • Farmers get assistance with diesel if used on private property.

        • +1

          They do, but their price isn’t capped. It’s still going up.

    • +4

      And that extra cost is passed on to consumers - so the cost of diesel is an issues for everyone even if you drive a Tesla or bicycle.

      Primary industries use a lot of diesel it goes full circle.

      • -1

        Businesses aren't a charity.

        • +1

          Thanks for emphasising my point.

        • -1

          Which is why they put up their prices for EVERYBODY to cover their increased costs.

  • +1

    It's absolutely ridiculous. Glad I have a reasonably efficient petrol car which gets 5L/100 highway and around 7-8 around town. Hate the thought of doing 10L+ per 100 around the suburbs in a diesel guzzling ute right now. To think just one year ago it was cheaper than petrol..

    • -5

      I get 1000 k's on a tank at around 7L per 100 highway in my Nissan Navara, I get GST back and fuel is tax deductible anyway. My Mrs has a new Suzuki swift I know what I would be rather driving lol

      • +2

        wow tough man with a navara!

        • grow up DS

        • +1

          Don't get him started on his Telstra business plans

      • I get 7L per 100km on the highway in my WRX too… Your point?

        I also only get about 13L per 100km when fanging around the suburbs.

        Both are pretty shyte efficiency, but the rex is fun..

        • 4wd ute is fun too and less likely to end up in a speeding ticket.

          • @Euphemistic: I too have a 4wd ute (2017 Colorado) but the turbo wrx is more fun. But both great vehicles - the colorado is needed for getting around our property, the wrx is just more fun for everything else.

    • Agree. I remember when it was 15% cheaper.

      P.S. my Diesel car gets about 6.5L/100k around town, and less than 4.2L/100k highway.
      Not a ute, and I don't tow much, but I'm sure there are Diesel utes that are economical?

      • 7l/100 (Highway) is pretty efficient for a ute. Most of the modern normal sized Utes are fairly similar. Mine does high 8s around town.

  • Yeah low key regretting going diesel

  • +2

    You are competing with heavy vehicles for supply, so demand is sky high driving prices up, etc!

    There are far more diesel shortages world wide than petrol, expect diesel prices to triple in 2023 as the US runs out of strategic reserve and the world virtue signals that they will not buy Russian crude directly (but are happy to buy Russian crude products via third party Asian petroleum companies)!!

  • +1

    This article from this morning is very timely for your topic OP

    Fuel analyst says motorists being 'held to ransom' as diesel price drop not seen at bowser

  • +7

    Won’t somebody think of the tradies with their hiluxes and the soccer mums with their bmw x5s?

    You know…the battlers

    • You poor minded little thing

  • Interesting take from John Cadogan - https://youtu.be/TjJQyRXkr78

    • +2

      Even though I think he's spot on with most auto topics I can't anymore stand to filter it through the rest of his crap.

      Any chance of a TLDR?

  • To assist in understanding the fuel cycles it would be appreciated if all fuel apps had the pricing cycle graphs. Petrol Spy has it for unleaded but it would be good to see one for diesel.

    • +1

      FuelMap has a graph for all petrol types.

  • Thought diesel was more expensive due to the increased demand in logistics and transport trucks whuch uses… Diesel.

  • +1
  • +2

    Unlike the majority of OzBargainers who drive hybrid Camrys or Corollas

    Most OzBargainers making $250k, 13kw of solar with Fronius inverter and charges their Tesla for free during the day and only drive at night.

    • Hell yeah, and we make our income from Broden'ing and reselling from OzBargain!

  • +1

    For my little diesel Golf
    Avg Price/Litre - $1.73
    Avg Price/Fuel-up - $65.15
    Avg Price/km - $0.122
    Total Spent in the last 12 months- $1,107.57

    I'm fuming that prices are still high. However, what I'm fuming about even more (and I've never seen it on these forums), is the cost of parking. In some councils, you're looking at $10 per hour. Manly beach? You better bring your credit card with you, with how much they charge.

    Parking costs are RIDICULOUS. Sometimes people pay for parking in two days, more than a full tank of fuel!

  • +1

    Paid $3.10 p/l last week on the nullabour!

  • +1

    And some those same companies are gearing up to install EV charging locations so they can continue to rip motorists off. And with our short memories we’ll be posting charging ‘bargains’ on here from BP etc.
    All a bit sad really…..

  • I few years ago it was 15-20c cheaper then 91

  • and my helicopter


    I’ve still got half a 150L to go before I’ll probably fly to WA


    How else is everyone managing the extortionate prices on diesel at the moment?


    fkn what

    • He doesn't know.

      I flew to WA for some fuel just today.

  • Over here in Chile it is cheaper than petrol. It is always that way and interestingly is the same no matter where you are in the country! I think that is due to some kind of government control. That’s one of the reasons that I bought a diesel Hilux. Cost is about CLP$1200p/L, about AUD$2.00p/L.

  • Which rotary wing aircraft use diesel?

  • In saying that, I’ve still got half a 150L to go before I’ll probably fly to WA and lock in at $2.02/L or fill up at my next monthly Costco shop.

    150L? You must be driving a Prado or similar.

    How else is everyone managing the extortionate prices on diesel at the moment?

    Flying my helicopter and buying low when I can.

    Only thing we can do really.

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