Are These Car Booster Seats Legal in NSW?…

Can you guys tell me if these car booster seats are legal to use in NSW?


  • +1

    I would say no. The listing says it weighs 2.8kg. Booster seats over 2kg need to be anchored/tethered to the vehicle. I don’t see anything in the pics that indicate this is possible.

    Fitting booster seats
    Booster seats must be used with either a standard lap-and-sash type seatbelt or an approved child safety harness. Never use a booster seat with a lap seatbelt alone.
    Booster seats heavier than 2kg must be anchored to an anchorage point.

    • looks identical to a one i used in the past. It did not weigh 2.8kg. Piece of styrofoam covered in fabric.

  • +8

    I'm not sure I'd be buying something on ebay for my child's safety. Best to go with a name brand that's got a good reputation from a reputable seller.

  • Last time i checked all booster seats require a fixed back. I actually have one similar to the ebay listing and its pretty good as long as the kid is heavy enough, its very old though and that style is not allowed to be sold in stores.

  • +1

    I honestly dont understand such a post, we have australian standards, now why would you complicate things, just go kmart / bigW and buy whatever cheapest that meets your need

  • Short answer: illegal.

    Long answer:

    Child car seat rules

    Children aged under 7 years must use an approved suitable child restraint when travelling in a vehicle…
    To be approved, child restraints must meet Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1754

    If it doesn't have the sticker, avoid.
    You will find older ones on scumtree with the sticker (which makes them legal), but no new 'no-back' boosters are given the sticker any more.
    Get the foldaway that soan papdi links to above.

  • So after reading all the above postings I conclude that it depends on how old the child is. Which the OP doesn't say. If they are younger than 7 these booster seats are not legal, but if they are older they are because the requirement for booster seats to be Australian standards approved does not apply. Is that correct?

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