How Does The Giftcard Scam Work?

Hi All,

Asking as i would like to understand how this scam works?

I just recently sold a JB Hi-Fi physical giftcard without the pin scratched.
I got alot of scammers asking for a photo of the front and back of the card.

Is there a method for them to brute force the PIN on the card? Is that not a massive flaw as the Giftcard number is also not covered in shop.
Obviously i never sent the photos…. Seemed sooo sus to ask what a GC looks like.



  • +4

    They probably use your photos to create a new listing to scam someone else

  • So much risk for so little savings. I would probably blur out half the numbers.

    • I just didnt send it lol. No reason you need to see the back on the GC as a buyer.

    • what the actual f?

      How is this giftcard system even a thing……?

    • What a ride that thread is! Amazing. Hope the OP got compensation and then some - exposed a serious security flaw in their gift card system. Go ozbargain: commercial detectives!

  • Harvey norman?

    That's another scam from the real Mcoy

  • +1

    How Does The Giftcard Scam Work?

    People buy $1500 worth of giftcards to save $75.

    • +1

      People buy risk $1350 to save $150 on $1500 worth of giftcards.

      • Yeah I was just saying, normally these giftcards are 10% off from stores accessible to anyone.
        Then when someone wants to get rid of them they sell them for an additional 5% off on marketplace.
        So buyer can always get the 10% discount, but they think getting that extra 5% discount from a stranger is worth it.

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