Tailgated by a psycho

I just been tail-gated for 50 minutes while driving down from brisbane to gold coast.
Offender used High beam and very close to the car and this psycho kept following me even when i moved out of the way.

Whats the best way to get these psychos. I want to prepare for next time


    • Why's that? Too many cowboy drivers in Queensland?

  • +7

    keep left unless overtaking

    • -6

      Whilst this is how it should be, I spend more time keeping right unless undertaking these days.

      Yesterday I was driving home as I normally do, I accelerate immediately at the green light to help allow others to also make the green, but one of these psychos misread that as me wanting to race him, so after about 3-4 greens of me destroying him (only because my green light reflex is instant) and me getting to the exact speed limit in the shortest time possible for my car, this guy sped up to about 40kms over the limit to get in front of me, only to meet me again at the next red, where I again nailed his (much faster) car from green to limit.

      I might appear as a manic on the roads, but I assure you that everything I do is for the greater good for traffic control/flow. Problem is no one else drives like me, so we have such things as traffic jams still… Sigh.

      • Made me larf.
        Whodathunk drag racing on public roads is now a community service.

      • Geez I’m glad you flog your car and burn extra fuel just so too ok u can get to the next red faster.

        • when you paid all that money for a Tesla you've gotta burn those feelings somehow …

          • @Hangryuman: He can’t have a Tesla. Said the other car was much faster and everyone knows teal are better than everything. /s

      • April 1st was 3 days ago.

    • The second car must not be following that law either or they would’ve moved over and passed the car in front if they weren’t overtaking anything.

  • +1

    Keep a few bricks in the car

  • -2

    We all need to share the road. If you want to do 90, do it in the left hand lane. Please have some self-awareness when there is nothing in front of you and a trail of cars behind, it's not rocket science.

    • +5

      Reading comprehension isn’t rocket science either but here people are adding rubbish that wasn’t in the comment.

      • -7

        Putting 1 and 1 together and getting 2. Crazy, right?

        • +4

          Assumptions fill the space where logic is lacking. Might be an education problem, might be due to low IQ, but it should be looked into.

          • -2

            @Roll Eyes: Are you a potato on the road as well? What else might motivate you to come to the defense of your brethren? I will applaud you in that you at least, are self-aware.

            • +3

              @defecat0r: Classic 😂 This is like shooting fish in a barrel. You can now literally just refer to my first comment again.

              • -2

                @Roll Eyes: Roll Eyes, the hard skeptic, requires verifiable, irrefutable proof before he/she will believe anything. Assumptions fill the space where logic is lacking, don't you know… because I say so.

                • +3

                  @defecat0r: Yeah of course I do. It’s such a rare quality these days that people don’t know how to handle it. Or respond to it 😝

      • That’s the problem though.

        The OP only put their side of the story and it lacks much needed detail.

        The OP is also MIA and is not willing to correct the assumptions of others. Until the OP does then any logical assumption is worth considering that provides an explanation for the alleged 50min !!!!! tailgating.

  • I get it regularly on the Western freeway & Geelong freeway out of Melbourne. I use a GPS speedo so I know I am doing the real speed limit.. but will get physco's tailgating and even on the horn when I am overtaking slower traffic when I am travelling at the speed limit.

    I have even had it when I am in a line of traffic overtaking slower traffic, travelling the the speed of the overtaking traffic …I always leave 3 second gap with car in front as I was taught by Greg Handsford but maybe the physcos think I am leaving to much of a gap ?
    I even had one physco dangerously undertake me when I was in a line of overtaking traffic and cut into my 3 second gap.. just as the car in front hit their brakes…

    There seems to be a lot more of physcos doing this sort of now compared to even a few years ago

    At the end of the day all you can do is move over when safe and let the crazies past…It is not worth having them run into you…And unfortunately the only enforcement you see is the very occasional speed camera so the physcos are just getting away with it until they cause an accident I guess.

    • +2

      When empty heads are filled with social media dross, ice and meth, and dreams of tyranny the roads become either a playground or a battlefield to some of these units.

    • +6

      You don't get it Speed up when overtaking or else stay in the left lane. If your not willing to go safely over the speed limit overtaking to get the so called physco's off your back you don't understand the risk/reward equation . Agitating them can have worst consequences.

      • +1

        Whilst I agree in principle and I would do that in more, lets say, enlightened countries…I don't think 'safely speeding' has ever been accepted as an excuse here

      • +3

        You don’t speed up to overtake on a multi lane road unless you are under the speed limit before hand. Otherwise, maintain the speed limit while you pass. You don’t get a free pass on the speed limit for overtaking and you probably shouldn’t be overtaking if you’re under the limit.

        • You'd be surprised at how many long term license holders still argue you can exceed the speed limit when passing.
          They ring up talk back shows and read the riot act. "The only way I can safely pass a mega long truck is to break the sound barrier. But it's only for a short distance, so it;s OK. " (f/wittery)
          If the upper speed is 100 or 110 kph on freeways etc, I endorse pinging ppl exceeding the speed limit.
          Cops should not harass ppl obeying speed limits, in the right lane, MORE than they do speeders in the right lane.
          And yet that's what they appear to do, when asked about the issue .

      • +1

        If you think the driver with a 3 second gap in front vs a 0.5s gap is going slower then it may be time to repeat grade 3 maths.

    • +2

      Get out of the right lane (yes, even if you are doing the speed limit) and then it will stop happening to you. Can't believe you need someone to tell you this.

  • If you pull over to a complete stop they may stop may have weapon's. Change direction, slow down. If they have been following for more than five minutes and and you've positive they are tailgating you ring the Police they may say we have a car in the area and intercept (doubtful but theres a chance) or tell you where the nearest Police station with officers in attendance.

  • +2

    Use your windscreen wipers on wash and spray the prick behind you, works everytime.

    • -1

      Only works if your car has a rear windscreen wiper water dispenser

  • Time to get a gun.

  • +2

    Depending on the situation, you may be able to outdrive them, but I don't recommend it because it involves very dangerous driving. not 2 weeks ago I had someone follow me and attempt to get out when I stopped because I honked my horn when he cut me off. He was in a ~20 year old lifted 4bie with accessories, I was in a little 1.4T hatchback with sport tyres. The second I was sure he had violent intentions my fight/flight response kicked in and I turned and booted it into an industrial area, lost him after about 3 corners. If I didn't lose him the plan was to drive toward a police station and call them while en route. It did feel satisfying to lose him by leveraging the differences in our cars to my advantage. Again, not recommended and I actually have trouble remembering some parts of it because it turned on that response in my brain and … instinct(?) took over.

    • +1

      Wow, glad you avoided a potentially violent confrontation!

  • -1

    Ring the bikies or keep up with the speed limit!!!

  • That really sucks that this happened to you OP. Has happened to me too. You did the right thing to let them pass around you then they can just (profanity) off away with their miserable life. This has happened to me too, unfortunately there are these (profanity) everywhere and its just probability that you'll encounter them from time to time.

    Personally i would, slow down out the way so they can pass. if this doesn't work and if possible take the next left and hopefully they will continue away, if not find a petrol service station and pull in - hopefully a crowded one. This place should have lights, cameras and hopefully people so if anything does escalate it will be captured and the police can deal with them. should also happen the next actions and license plates and dates and times.

    • +1

      If I was being followed I would not pull into a garage station or get out of my car.

  • +1

    I've been the passenger of a car where the driver started tailgating a ute infront of us (not on purpose, the driver of the car I was in was just a bad driver).

    What happened next is the driver of the ute started tossing lit cigarettes out the window which hit the windscreen of our car causing ember sparks to fly everywhere. Suffice to say the driver of our car got the message and stopped tailgating (much to my relief).

    • +2

      driver in front be throwing dollar bills out the window at current cig prices

  • +4

    another OP shit post getting off on the comments

  • -1

    What did you do to deserve that?

  • Can we please have more details on exactly how this unfolded?

  • +4

    OP not returned since 20 hours ago - I'm thinking it was a troll post

    an obv thing for me would be to slow down, indicate left, and pull off the road - most tailgators will rush past like 'I won !!!'

    if they pull over behind you, that's a sign of criminal threat, so I'd drive to the nearest police station or petrol station if none nearby - they should have CCTV cameras

    if they pull over in front of you, I'd wait until they get out, then reverse rapidly away - hopefully, you have enough skill to do this before they run and catch you

    what's missing from the OPs story is what they did in this interaction - brake check, speed up, stay in the overtaking lane ? Bris to GC is mostly multi-lane now, isn't it ?

    Lacking basic info about that I'd tend towards the OP contributing to the problem that would have otherwise been easily avoided.

    • hopefully, you have enough skill to do this before they run and catch you

      +1 for being ready to move out quickly to avoid something like this:

      (just the first 40 seconds, couldn't find the raw footage with a quick google for "bogan boomerang car"

  • Brake check, spray your wipers, slow down to 20km/h /s. But nah seriously, there’s so many (profanity) on the road you’ll experience another one the next day.

  • -1

    Ignore them and drive at the speed you are comfortable.

    They are not your problem.

    • +2

      Is someone is tailgating you the safe speed to drive is slower. Not ignore them.

  • +1

    I just been tail-gated for 50 minutes

    I can't help but think there's more to this story, I'd like to hear the other side of the story before crowning who is the bigger idiot. I'm assuming something happened that resulted in that behaviour, you could have almost run this person off the road or did something stupid, not that I would have the same reaction but I certainly wouldn't be happy about it.

    Also for 50 minutes? You couldn't have driven to a Police Station in that time? That would have either done one of two things, got them to F off or allowed you 2 to settle whatever happened.

    • I'd like to know what happened at the end. Did they just exit the freeway to go home? Why not follow OP to house if they are in it for 50 minutes.

  • +1

    OP should've shat in his hands and then throw them out of the window.

    • +2

      User name definitely checks out

    • What if OP tried and realised it was the runny type only after their hands were full?

      • That's when you start flicking away.

  • -1

    There's two sides to every story

    • +1

      The front and the back cover

  • +2

    The easiest thing to do is get in the LH lane and if in a 100kph zone slow down to about 80 or 70 (gradually), they'll hate going so slow that they'll zoom off in front of you.

    Then you can get back to changing lanes without indicating, driving slow in the RH lane, whatever it was that made them angry with you in the first place.

    • +1

      "this psycho kept following me even when i moved out of the way"

  • +1

    try using the red turtle shell.

  • +3

    There's no psycho. They just had adaptive cruise control on.

    • Plot twist… probably true!!

  • -1

    How about waving a toy gun

    • Sounds like a good way to get shot, plenty of idiots with actual guns

  • +1

    Slow down to a crawl, theyll get bored of following you at half the speed limit.

  • +5

    I learned while riding a motorcycle (where you can't afford to let people put you in danger) to put my ego out of the way and solve the problem by pulling over to the side of the road and letting them pass.

  • +1

    Turn on hazard lights and slow down to a crawl. This usually works and is safer than just slowing down

  • Hard to believe you put up with being tailgated for 50min.

    You needed to get away from them as soon as practicable.

    Take an exit, and then get back on again.
    (If they follow you then call the police hands-free)

    • yep. At 80-100kph, that's a long distance. I'd need a food break

  • Maintain speed.

    Call 000

    Tell them which direction you're heading.

  • +1

    If you were just sitting in the right hand lane and not in the process of overtaking then it's your own fault , it's actually a road law to be only in the right lane when overtaking on a 2 lane road , when I was younger I was pulled over in a 60kmh zone by the police and given a warning for sitting in the right hand lane , myself and the police car were the only 2 cars on this section of road , one of the reasons being so you don't impede emergency vehicles.

    Those signs you see saying " keep left unless overtaking" are not just a suggestion but are law and you can be fined for not doing so.

    • Why didnt the tailgater simply pass on the left after 50 minutes

  • +2

    Buy a rear dashcam and snitch

  • Expensive but more gratifying solution: buy a dashcam and hand the video to the police when this is done.

    Cheap solution: put a "Dashcam recording" sticker on the back of you car

    • Can police act on recordings now with deepfake? I can create anything with AI

      • I think you can prove if something was deepfaked or not, any forensic would be able to spot it

        • +1

          A general duties cop is not a forensic. It's not ncis

          • @Tleyx: Enhance!

          • @Tleyx: I know but my point is it can still be proof - you can probably use some online tool to prove a video is not deepfaked.

            • @liongalahad: What if the online tool doesnt work and it is fake but its not so anyone can get a fine when it wasnt them now?

              Are you ok if you lost your licence because they couldnt tell it was fake?

              I just think we need to have video that comes from secure sources at least. Happy to be fined by a government camera and not submitted by someone because they were angry because I did something to slight them so made a video of me doing something illegal

              • @Tleyx: It also lacks motive, why would one deepfake some random guy they don't know and claim they were tailgating them.
                But yeah there will be soon certified dashcams, with non-removable memory and with read-only external access , so you know the video came from the dashcam and nowhere else.

                • @liongalahad: Maybe they have another gripe against them

                  But there's no such thing as certified dash cams with unremovable cards?

                  Would you be ok to lose your licence if you hadn't done anything just because someone didn't like you?

                  Why not just put government cameras in bridges that record cars tailgating

  • +2

    I always let them pass then I follow them back and maintain their speed (not tailgating)

    Typically they will be doing over the speed limit and now you have found a way to speed without the risk of losing your license since they will be caught first

  • +6

    Plot twist: OP was chased by cops for 50 minutes until they called off the chase

  • +1

    Oh, she's sweet but a psycho
    A little bit psycho

    • Dumb girls do like to tailgate. I’ve noticed a bit of a trend with this.

      • +1

        90% of cars speeding in shopping centre car parks seem to be women.

  • Keep left

    • +1

      Trump says no

  • +5

    "very close to the car and this psycho kept following me even when i moved out of the way" - was this not just your caravan that you were towing?

  • +1

    Need some work done, or bored with your current car?


    (No brake lights come on with the handbrake.)

    • I've actually done this, just gently, so they had to brake and reconsider their position.

  • +2

    there are legit psycopaths on the m1 every. single. day - mostly utes and presumably tradies but plenty of variety to not need to generalise to much, there are just more of them on the road in general.

    no idea what is going on in their head but the rules do no apply to them and you are in the wrong if you get in their way and they will sometimes react in road rage if they feel slighted by you.

    if the cops actually gave a damn about road safety instead of revenue raising, they would just have squads of marked and unmarked cars and bikes driving up and down the m1 constantly in mornings and afternoons…

    • +1

      Good point about the utes . Totally agree /

    • +1

      If you look at the numbers of police each state has , we should be tripping over them. No idea where they hide them.

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