Leaptel Port Forwarding

Hi All.

I've scoured the net, can't find the answer. I'm thinking with Leaptel's good deal last year that many of you here might be on it and may be able to help.

I'm trying to port forward a single port to a TCP/IP server on my PC. I have an Archer VR1600v modem / router and I'm pretty sure I'm doing what needs to be done there (virtual servers). I can connect to the server from inside the network using the router's WAN IP address but not from the outside. Some web searching makes me think it's something to do with CGNAT but I'm lost here. Can anyone help?

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  • +4

    Get Leaptel to switch off CG-NAT.

    All connections are CGNAT by default, however you can disable CGNAT and receive a IPv4 dynamic IP at no cost through our portal, full details at https://leaptel.com.au/faq-cgnat/.

    • +2

      Thanks mate. That looks like it.

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