Best Vaccuum for Elderly Mother

Looking for good bang for buck vaccuum for elderly mother.

Narrowed it down to the following -

Xiaomi Viomi A9 (Mother has used mine, seems okay but battery life is probably a concern(
Miele C1 (Feel like its best brand for build quality and long term use)
Bosch GL-30 ProPower (More powerful Wattage compared to Miele, probably more lighter)

So whats the OzBargain Communities feeling for the best Vac ? Myself Im thinking its a toss up between Miele and Bosch, but not sure which one would be better.


  • +4

    Does she do the vacuuming herself? How mobile is she? How often does she vacuum?

    The Miele and Bosch that you’ve suggested are large and heavy. Is she able to use them?

    Honestly, I would recommend a robot vac, even to supplement what she does already.

    • +1

      Yeah I'd say robot vac too. OP can take their own vacuum cleaner around every now and then for a deep clean and let the robot take light daily duty. At 70 she might get a bit of a thrill out of owning a robot vacuum cleaner anyway.

      • +1

        +1 To robovac. Otherwise something upright and fairly light, I have Bissel petvac and it does good work, and mum (not hugely mobile, hip problems) also uses the same model fine. They also have a Dyson stick she quite likes as well. Only downside to the Bissel is plug-ion, but it comes with a loooong plug

    • Definitely not a coded vacuum.
      Stick vacuums are okie but if she have energy to use it.

      battery life is probably a concern

      Is she gonna vacuum the whole house inc yours in one go?

      • nop just small sections but charging is probably seen as a pain

        • I got a mid era dyson and charging never was a problem.

    • Can walk around for short periods of time. was thinking Miele / Bosch are heavy but are on the ground that you can drag. She can use an very old Wertheim similar weight. Robot Vac would be too fancy,

      • Robot Vac would be too fancy

        You might think that, but I’ve got elderly relatives who love theirs. They found it as a gimmick at first but afterwards really like that it just scoots around for them and they only have to spot clean.

  • +1

    Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro model 60.

    Get an extra dust filter.

  • Is this to use on your mother? Or by your Mother?


  • +1

    Robot Vac. There's a reason so many people here are recommending them.

    Our elderly parents got one 3 months ago and it has significantly reduced the amount of times they actually vacuum and mop by about 95%.

    • I got much lazier after getting the robovac. Highly recommend!

  • +1

    Get a stick vac, the last thing you want her to be doing is sitting down wasting away even more. The most mobile elderly people I have met are mobile because they move around daily.

  • Seems like a fair trade.

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