Work from Home No More?

There are growing voices from the corporates to force people to go back to office 5 days a week, with NAB now taking action for full 5 days a week in the office for senior staff:……

Have you been asked to go back to work 5 days a week yet? Would you accept the request?

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  • 42
    Yes, I was asked to go to work 5 days a week, and I have accepted it.
  • 16
    Yes, I was asked to go to work 5 days a week, and I quit.
  • 260
    No, but I was asked to go to work more days, but not 5 days a week, and I accepted it.
  • 9
    No, but I was asked to go to work more days, but not 5 days a week, and I quit.
  • 125
    No, my work is always on work site, never done Work From Home,
  • 802
    No, the company that I work for still supports good Work From Home policy.
  • 71
    No, I don't work at all. I spent way too much time at Ozbargain.


    • If we have another COVID we will be back in lockdown waiting to be stabbed with the latest Pfizer comes up with. All non essential workers will be WFH.

      • -3

        Yeah nah, social media nimrods & anti vaxxers have swung the political pendulum, It swung back to a position where politicians will just throw the masses under the bus, rather than lose a few votes. If ppl are stupid enough not to be up to date with scientifically proven protection , then they'll be waiting in the 3km queue at their nearest ED for whatever placebo is available..
        Politicians have no appetite for providing oxygen to the 'I'm special' cohort any more.
        Time to stock up on dunny rolls & Ivermectin, LOL.
        Bottom line in WFH is he who holds the paycheck, makes the rules.Unless unions pick a fight with corporates over WFH, which would be bizarre. I mean then there would need to be property inspection for safety, special insurance etc.AFAIK unions represent workplaces and I'm not sure the law has been changed to define homes as a workplace per company, yet.It was only done before under emergency circumstances declaration.
        I wonder comes next. "HI Mr Corporate, I would like that job, can you come around and interview me at home.I'll be in my jim jams shampooing the cat".
        Really if we have another covid now, lots of places will just go to the wall.They haven't fully recovered yet, and the whole costs column is bloated beyond belief.

        • -2

          lol, so you're the one who has had 6 boosters by now? Guess what mate, I have none and am still here LOL LOL didn't even go to the ED when I got it, recovered in 3 days, LOL, how're your 6 boosters going? LOL LOL

          Keep drinking their BS, "scientifically proven protection" LOL LOL LOL LOL, but let's ignore ALL the other research against it.

          Here's a tip, you can't fast track long-term safety studies, so eat that. "scientifically proven protection" LOL LOL LOL

          If you're still eating their BS, NOTHING, and I mean, NOTHING can save you. Enjoy the life of being a pin-cushion!


    Productivity plunges, also due to WFH, while wages are stable or even increase. WFH is not sustainable , reduces productivite and creates inflation (less productivity, more workers required, more expenses, higher prices) and it's dragging the economy towards a recession that will inevitably wipe this WFH nonsense out. WFH will not be the norm, it will be the exception again. Can't wait to see all the entitled WFH "if they want me back to the office I'll quit" having to suck it up and go back to work if they want an income at all.

    • Hahaha you believe everything you read in the news? Productivity has gone up significantly at our company.

      • Thanks for letting me know, but that's an uninteresting, anecdotal piece of information that has no significance. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), on the other hand, among other things, measures productivity in Australia and is reporting it as going downhill. Same goes for the Committee for Economic Development of Australia and others. I tend not to believe simply everything I read, but I trust these sources just a tad more than bobwokeup from OzBargain and his little report from his hyper-productive company. 😂

    • +1

      Oh dear. .…

      Read the graph

      Take note their 'commitment' claims are *workplace related, so it goes without saying, home is not a w/place, so the 'commitment' claim is not relevant.

      I think what this all demonstrates is it's easy to cruise through being semi productive in the w/place, but way more fun to feign productivity at home, and (bonus) no-one watches . It's a sponsored free kick life style

      It's a bout being accountable. I see a 'happy' compromise though, CCTV of WFH staff, back to base, in their at home workspace, and internet monitoring of the device being used (if there is a device involved). Why would anyone object?

      I mean it beats the shite out of being unemployed while AI does the work. Innit?

      • Of course it's like that… Gen Z is the most spoiled generation, maybe ever..but there will be a big wake up call coming their way though, I'm afraid.

        • Real bad news for those rorting WFH privileges.
          A precedent has now been set. Will the employers legal floodgates now open?
          ( One way to weed out the bludgers).
          So? Are you better off working from home >monitored ,or > at work and leaving it behind after office hours.

  • 802 food delivery drivers so far

  • Some companies still offer work from home actually

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