Changes to Everyday Extra & Delivery Unlimited @ Woolworths

Woolworths are changing the benefits of existing and future subscriptions to Everyday Extra.

As of July 1st

  • Triple points will become double points, and
  • The 10% discount at Woolworths and Big W won’t be available online

Subscriptions are now $70/year instead of $59, monthly subscriptions are still $7.

Woolworths are changing the benefits of existing and future subscriptions to Delivery Unlimited

Increased minimum spend for Woolworths delivery
- The minimum spend threshold will increase from $50 to $75. This means you will get free Same or Next Day delivery on all orders of $75 or more*, and discounted Delivery Now fees on orders of $75 or more.*

Paper and reusable bag fees
- Your Delivery Unlimited subscription will no longer include bag fees for Woolworths Online orders. This means that the fee for paper or reusable bags will be added to Woolworths orders. This will be a fee of $1 per order for reusable bags, or $2 per order for paper bags.

To show our appreciation for your support we will provide 3 months additional free access to your current annual plan as a thank you.

It’s ridiculous that this affects existing subscriptions, and they know this because you can now cancel and be refunded for the remainder of the subscription.

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Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards


  • +14

    woolies: "(profanity) you… weve got you now with loyalty schemes, points bullshit, cards & subscriptions, now we'll do whatever we (profanity) want to you!"

    woolies going the hard squeeze!

    • +10

      Woolies going the bait and switch…..

  • +33

    Time to cancel. WTF Woolworths, first the useless breakable paper bags and now this. You did well during the pandemic & will continue to make a fortune during the cost of living crisis because people gotta eat. But i’m off to Coles.

    • +37

      LOL….like coles is any better!

    • +42

      But i’m off to Coles.


      That's the problem when you have a duopoly, they're both as bad as each other.

        • +10

          Once upon a time Coles resisted the woke trend but the CEO

          what trend did they resist and have since flipped?
          It was those new 'woke' self-serve Mochi and Macron bars right?

            • +6

              @burningrage: What is wrong with taking your own bags?

            • -1

              @burningrage: Username fits

            • -1


              Looks like I hit the spot with Woolies' fanbois lol

              Nah, you hit the spot with the new woke IT crowd that arrived here in the last few years.

            • @burningrage: I remember that too, Coles kept the free bags for like another month, and they reported higher profit than woolies at that time.

              Aldi still have plastic bags (15c) right now fwiw.

              My one also has self-serve checkouts now, rather than a single conveyerbelt with old ladies paying with coins / bagging slowly at the end with their scrunched up cloth bags.

              I've switched to it now from Woolies and it's much cheaper now too!

          • @SBOB: Macron bars? macarons fit for a french president :)

            and yeah what a waste of space

      • +5

        Last resort, Aldi, if you have one close enough so that Coles and Woolies stop right here with:
        * Price Gouging
        * Changing T&C
        and get back to market competition

        I use to order online as I'm 20 min away (40min return) from Woolies or Aldi, but if I have to drive, I'll choose Aldi easily, the value is great and to my surprise the quality as well…

        • Even Aldi has introduced self-serve checkouts now :(

          • +1

            @factor: difference being its optional

          • +8

            @factor: If they would introduce online shopping I'd never need Coles or Woolworths again.

          • +4

            @factor: Would have been nice to have those on Saturday when I had to wait in line for 5 minutes to buy a single item at ALDI.

            I don't know why people are so opposed to self-checkouts…

            • +4

              @miicah: *Lessens employment opportunities/bad for the economy
              *Some people may like the human interaction
              *Some people need assistance with their bags/bagging items
              *The self-checkouts can be a PITA sometimes to be honest (e.g. "Item removed from bagging area" when nothing has been removed)
              *Having to wait for assistance when the machine cr@ps itself
              *Limited machines for cash payments.

              Just to name a few.

              Disclaimer: I use self-serve 99% of the time, but can understand why people may not

              • +1

                @GregRust: Self serve checkouts were fine a couple of years ago when they had the scales disabled at my local Woolworths. At that point they knew the software was so bad that disabling the scales was fair and balanced.

                My main issues - treating everyone like criminals. Inability to scan as fast as staffed checkout as you can't have two things going at once. Not getting basic logic right like removal of a filled bag and thus adding another empty bag (which isn't zero weight, incredible!). Dodgy practices in auto fruit/veg detection for months offering only the more expensive bananas not the cheap ones on the auto detection.

                Essentially foisting beta software on the customers, with software designed highly in the store's favour.

                It's not the only shit software out there in the world, but given it is the main interface to their customers, you'd think they would care marginally more than Qantas.

                Probably the main issue is I do logic / state-machines / automation for a living. So I know it isn't difficult to do much better.

                • @factor: I think they introduced self service to bring in the camera surveillance. The cameras are not a solution but the reason for it all

            • +1

              @miicah: I'm opposed to self checkouts when I have a shopping trolley full of 50 items and I have to bag it all myself and it takes five times as long.

              Most of the time self serve is fine, but for people who do big shops it's a right PITA

              • +1


                I have to bag it all myself

                So does anyone at ALDI. No difference there.

                • +2

                  @wisdomtooth: Except the difference is that Aldi always has registers open.

                  I've been to coles and woolies when there have been no registers open because they want you to use self serve. I've had to go find someone because there's no way in hell I'm spending 20 minutes scanning 100+ items.

                  • @coffeeinmyveins:

                    Except the difference is that Aldi always has registers open.

                    Often just one, with a pretty long queue (and, yes, I'm often there!).

                    Regardless, the self-bagging is the same either way.

        • +3

          I like Aldi, I just wish they had a better range and in many cases better quality. I find too often I will avoid Aldi simply because I know if I go there I will then have to make a second visit to a woolies or coles.

          • -4

            @gromit: Please surrender your OzBargainer id at the logoff.

            • @wisdomtooth: Saving money doesn't mean having poor quality.

              • +2

                @coffeeinmyveins: I was referring to the 2nd visit 😄

                I don't think quality is poor at Aldi. In fact, I think it's better than Colesworths. Their purchase Dept seems pretty Germanic in their selection — stuff is ugly, but works. And lasts!

                • @wisdomtooth: Agreed. For the most part their stuff is of good value, especially things that are knock offs of much more expensive things.

                  Some of it I'm a bit skeptical of like their power tools etc though.

                  • @coffeeinmyveins: We were sceptical of their large appliances, but bought their washer, and it never as much had hiccup. They don't owe anything in quality to the Fisher & Paykell's we had before.

                    As for power tools, I've read plenty of people here saying they're good enough for DYIers like myself (not tradies, of course). Trouble is, whenever they have a power tool on special, Bunnings matches it with an Ozito. That's hard to compete with.

                • @wisdomtooth: I was referring to their food, nuch of which is pretty average. Though i just threw out the bbq i bought there, rusted away internally and it had poor heat distribution so i would not say even the items are of any sort of reasonable quality.

                  • @gromit: TBH BBQ's in general at the lower price point don't have good heat distribution and tend to fall apart, you need to spend quite a bit to get a good one.

                  • @gromit:

                    I was referring to their food, nuch of which is pretty average.

                    Not my experience. Don't know what food you're buying, but whatever it is, it's definitely better at Aldi than at Colesworths (except the grapes! 😆).

      • -1

        They're the same in every way, except Coles has way better bread.

        Woolies bakery is trash.

        • +2

          They're both pretty crappy bread tbh

      • +2

        Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

        • +1

          I was with Kang. :(

    • +1

      Go to Aldi.

  • +1

    They better make it up in other ways then. The offers have been bad since joining (spend $230 for 2 weeks bla bla bla).

  • +21

    Woolworths Mobile and Everyday Insurance also now state that the 10% off can only be used in-store after 30 June.

    • +1

      Plus credit card service axed. All customers will have to move to a Macquire credit card or cancel it, no more 10% off via it.

      • +1

        I think the writing was on the wall for the Woolworths credit card scheme when Macquarie stopped issuing new Woolworths credit cards a few years ago and have refused to allow new applications ever since.

        • I always assumed it was pandemic related, given they stopped accepting new card applications in like March April 2020

    • Source? Cant find that info anywhere.

      • +3

        Edit: thanks, found it.

        %#*% you Woolworths.

    • The only reason I shop at woolies is bc it's so convenient to do it online and also get 10% discount. If I have to go in the store, I might as well go somewhere else

  • +6

    Another frustrating move. The reduction in points earning is probably going to cost me about $50 a year and the increased fee makes the situation worse. I'll still get value from it, but it is a kick in the guts only a year or so after being launched.

    • Can you really notice $50 over a year?

      • This is ozbargain. They spend hours for a free 2 dollars.

  • +13

    Sick and tired of these companies that change their offerings to charge more but offer less. It’s like Australia Post when they started charging more for stamps but also extended the deliver timeframe.

    I’ll be cancelling my subscription and will alternate between Coles and Wollies as I have been lazy keeping my shopping just with Wollies. No rewards for loyalty as we know!

    • +7

      To be fair, Colesworth are doing this to boost their existing profits.

      AusPost only made those changes because their letter delivery operations is making a massive loss and is unsustainable.

      • Profits? Surely it's all inflation related. /sarcasm

  • +3

    Why would they do this? A purchase is a purchase, I don't get why they are changing it, and so soon after releasing it too. You would think they'd at least wait for the initial subscribers to get their full year's worth. I got the annual subscription and it's been amazing value, but definitely cancelling after using the June code as it's pretty worthless after that. I only shop online at Woolies, not in store unless it's for a little top up order. Such a shame.

    • +3

      Agree and all their recent promos have targeted direct-to-boot ($10 off $170 spend) so it would appear they are trying to push people that way. Strange and annoying move by Woolies.

    • +1

      There were two problems with the everyday extra code.

      1) people would use it online and in store.

      2) the discount never capped at $50 online. I was regularly doing $680 in a monthly shop and I’d get $68 off my shopping.

      I think they’re also losing out money on people impulse shopping. It’s harder to keep track of what you’re spending in store and you’re more likely to impulse buy.

      I’m cancelling once June’s code is done. If I’m forced to go to a store I’ll go to Aldi.

      • Yes I found you could dual use the code, suspect they finally worked that out. But surprising that they couldn’t (or won’t) work out how to do a proper single use code. Maybe it is the impulse buy aspect.

        I’m cancelling after the free 3 months. Not worth for reduced points and forced in store shop. Will also look to can delivery unlimited and move to coles extra program.

        • I think they’re also losing out money on people impulse shopping. (sheebies)


          all their recent promos have targeted direct-to-boot ($10 off $170 spend) so it would appear they are trying to push people that way. (leyton01)

      • "I think they’re also losing out money on people impulse shopping."

        It might be the opposite to this but still a reason.

        I know I spend way more online than in store, so much easier to shop and also have it directly loaded into my boot rather than wandering around with a trolley and 2 children. If online shops are larger than the discount is more and might be a reason for them limiting to in store (trolley size!).

      • Knew about the ability to use in store and online each month but wish I knew about the no cap online (not that I've ever bought more than $500 in groceries before).

  • +8

    An immediate cancel from me. Not worth only shopping at Woolworths when benefits are lowered. Boosters have been rubbish lately too.

  • +4

    Proof that Colesworth is gauging customers and not just increasing prices to keep up with inflation. They are actually increasing profit margins.….

    • +4

      We didn't need more proof that they are just profiteering off the current economic issues.

      Whenever woolies comes out with a "help with the cost of living" by saying prices are down or locked I just laugh, it's like a rich slave owner throwing scraps to their slave and thinking how benevolent they are.

      • Let them eat cake

    • +1

      Not just Coles and Woolies. (…).

      Aldi’s retail prices rose by about 7.8 per cent on average last year, with its cost inflation sitting at about 9.2 per cent. Mr Lack said this showed Aldi was absorbing some of those prices hikes.

      That is in line with 7.7 per cent food inflation at Woolworths, and 7.4 per cent at Coles in the December half.

  • +5

    I did just complete a rather large shop that netted 6000 points ($440 spend, minus 10%, then points from Everyday Extra, Everyday Pay and boosters) and was wondering how in the hell this is viable for Woolworths to offer en masse, especially seeing how people on OB utilise savings and stack discounts (I thought I was amazing at it until I saw some of you aha)

    Guess they realised it too

    • +1

      I'm still shitty about it but thought the same thing.

      I started having a crack in March and it a little over 2 months I've already got 18,000 Qantas Points from Everyday Rewards alone. (one-way Perth to Sydney equivalent).

      • +7

        What I’m most pissed about is that I paid for the service based on what it offered for 12 months. Now they’ve changed what it offers, I get less value than originally stated but everything is still more than what I paid.

        Just going to have to try harder and milk every cent out of it - it and flybuys have paid for more than half of my new iPhone, after all

        • +1

          We still get one more 10% off in June… time to stock up on the non-perishables!

          • +2

            @Kail: It’s actually two, one online and one in store.

        • If you paid up the year already, you get 3 months free, no? Just cancel after that?

      • I have been Woolworths rewards for over 10 years and always left the option of receiving Woolworths credits (2000 points to $10). If I decide to go for the Qantas points, is that worth for my family?Thanks

        • +1

          For every 2000 rewards points you can get 1000 Qantas point.

          1000 points can be worth more than $10 IF used on flights and upgrades.

          Qantas point are worth between about 1.2c to 7c depending on how you spend them. This makes every 2000 rewards points worth $12 to $70. Which is better than 10.


          Check the tables there for how much 1000 Qantas Points is worth.

          Of course, flight upgrades (which have the best rate of return) are a luxury and putting $10 towards essentials like groceries could be more important to you.

          It is also hard to get those rewards seats and upgrades even if you have the points, so it's a matter of to each their own.

          • @happydude: Thank you so much. I noticed that the required Qantas Points are really high for an overseas trip during the school holiday therefore I thought that there is no point for me to accumulate the points. But I will definitely check the link to find the best option.

            • +1

              @HappyBargainer: One thing to know is there is "Points Pay" and "Classic Rewards" Flights -

              Forget points pay completely. It's a rip off.

              Classic reward will be impossible during school holidays. Someone will get them but they will be a platinum frequent flyer.

              • @happydude: Thank you and how are you going with your Qantas points. Is that worth for you to accumulate them or you are on the Woolworths shopping credits?

                • @HappyBargainer: Qantas points.

                  I have interstate family and I'm not picky about when I fly so it works for me. I've got 18,000 Qantas points in the last couple of months which is one way from Perth to Sydney (about $390 - $45 in fees = $345 ). It would have been $180 in Woolies vouchers.

                  Trying to get a family on the one flight may be more challenging.

                  • @happydude: I found that WWS started to remove some good deals such as 10% online discount each month for WWS mobile. Lack of competition is really an issue. In supermarket world, WWS and Coles control the whole market.

    • Woolworths is laughing. You think you did well by getting 10% off here and there. They got $400 of your money.

      You're only getting 6000 points on rather fully priced items!

      • Its not like the $400 they got is for nothing. They had to buy something mark it up and sell it. Out of the $400 retail its likely that the cost price was about $340. So that made a huge $20 profit of that $400 sale. Then the 6000 points equates to $30 towards your next shop. So at best they broke even on that shop.

        They break even on one shop but hope you go back for all the others and also for the small shops.

    • +2

      how in the hell this is viable for Woolworths to offer en masse

      Because for every 100 people that use this sort of offer there are 10,000 that don't.

      Also they're still making profit off your shop, and you're more likely to continue shopping with them.

      These companies make BILLIONS in profit each year.

    • +1

      Didn't they still make a huge profit despite last year despite all the above be offered en mass?

      • Woolworths has posted $907 million in profits in its half-yearly results off total sales of $33.2 billion.

        • Which despite the numbers, isn't exactly a "massive" profit margin on turn over.

  • +4

    I'll do my last big purchase 1 June, and then cancel.

  • +8

    It's a double whammy for people who do mainly online purchases from Woolworths.
    Changes to Everyday Extra means discontinuation of 10% discount on online purchases
    Changes to Delivery Unlimited means Increased Minimum Spend for free deliveries from $50 to $75 and a Fee for paper bags ($2 per order) or reusable bags ($1 per order) will be added to Woolworths orders

      • +3

        The problem is Woolworths tries to profiteer at every corner. If anything the contracted delivery service should retain 80-90% of costs/profits - Mr Wentworth should only have 5% leverage. It's a bit like farm gate prices. Wools wants to pay 20c/kg for peas and by the time the peas are frozen it cost 4$/kg+ in the supermarket - Class A extortion!

        • The problem is, even though the farmers sell product directly such as in pop-up farmers/Sunday market, the price there wouldn't always be cheaper than woolies too. Why? That means that whatever price difference woolies come up with, it's the fair market price.

          • @leiiv: Farm gate prices are not sell to the public prices from farms. That's what woolies pays - contract based. Your never getting that as a consumer. I'm saying the farmer should get more in that instance and the profiteering should be the farmer not woolworths

    • +22

      The problem for Woolies is, if they're trying to force me off Online shopping and into my car to shop in-store, then I'm driving to Aldi.

      • +1


      • +1

        Yep that’s the last thing they want! We shop at Woolies because of the delivery subscription convenience and the discount which went just a short way to making it less of a complete rip off.

  • +15

    I guess they weren't able to fix the double-dip glitch(?) which allowed us to use the 10% discount twice each month, one for online order and one for in store purchase, so they scrapped the online discount completely.

    • +4


      • +1

        Where have you been there has been discussion before on several posts.

        • +1

          I’ve only recently started using OB, after years of occasionally coming across a post or deal via Google

          • @linkindan: yea, people bring it up every woolies post. Was good while it lasted. Annoying they just axed it instead of fixing the issue.

            • +1

              @yoquierotaco: Fixing the issue would have been online or instore dicount once and you cant use it again that month. Making it work in store only is ridiculous… Look forward to saving some money at Aldi now since i only go instore at Woolies for smaller $50 and under shops. If they're gonna make me do the big weekly shop in store that single 10% isn't big enough to combat 4 big weekly Aldi shops in terms of savings…

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