[Resolved] Using Modem Lan2 Rather Then Lan1 for Router Connection for Opticomm


I have a question about my new house network setting, the previous owner did wired few blue ethernet cable around the house and it all connect to lan 2 on Huawei modem, I called exetel they said I need to connect my router to lan 1 but it is not practical as the location of the ONT, previous owner mentioned just connect the blue ethernet cable from the bedroom.

Any suggestion I can use lan 2 from the Huawei modem to my router wan port ?



  • +3

    This hurts my head, got pics or model numbers of the devices?

    • https://imgur.io/a/0Po1yHo

      Thanks for your replay, the first image shows the lan 1 light on so the internet working, but previous the internet was set on lan 2 which is the one plug into the wall socket and 3rd image is the room where previous the router plug in

  • Why can't you just unplug whatever cable is plugged into LAN2 and plug it into LAN1?

  • I think that the Huawei modem is the ONT.

    You should connect your router to the ONT. If this happens to be with some ethernet cable that the previous owner installed, that is fine. Other network cables to your devices should be connected to your router.

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