Fairfax Shares Only 45cents Each!

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Time to stock up on Fairfax shares Get them while they're cheap because of Gina Rinehart. Over 10% off compared to yesterday. Down down prices are down.

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  • +2

    loved the 'down down prices are down' bit :D

  • This has to be a joke right?

  • Haha

  • +2

    while you're in the worthless stocks shop, pickup some Qantas shares too…

    (disclosure: i am a QAN shareholder)

  • +1

    I don't see any upside in newspaper… heard of the internet?

  • +3

    Use coupon code [ishouldhavestucktomining]

    • Shame that minings going to go down in about 2 years

  • Actually I just met someone who works at Fairfax. Word is that fairfax basically a sinking ship. Sold most of its profit making business to repay debt.

    • Whoaaa what is this?! Insider trading?!?!?!

    • +4

      No…its called publically available information.


      I don't get why some stupid people neg for no reason on this site. Don't you research before buying stocks? Geez

      • Oh minijumbuck.It's because a lot of people here are not interested in mature input,JUST PUTDOWNS (the same people are still wanting to buy Ansett shares i'm sure ).

  • I think one investment bank recently valued their Print Newspaper business at precisely $zero

    Harsh but fair.

    I'll pay for a digital subscription when they bring it in. Their content is the best in Australia.

    The OP may have a point, but I can still see this getting forummed

    • +1

      Problem is that there is a good chance of the quality slipping as a result of all this. Personally I have moved to ABC news.

  • +3

    In reality, its a bit like Ozbargain

    Fairfax was traditionally a toffs paper. It presented views that were more suited to someone who could have space to open the broadsheet, like in the back of a chauffeured car or an office desk.

    The worker crammed onto a bus read the Murdoch tabloids and the sports page was on the back.

    Then the academics got control of the paper, they wrote insightful pieces on moral issues that were not of interest to the bosses or money.

    And while the elite academics got subscriptions, the bulk of the academia are poor students who wouldn't buy a newspaper or subscribe. Or if they did its at a heavily discounted rate, hence the Ozbargain reference above. As well they are more into new technology, so while they love the positions the Fairfax is on, in terms of commentary, they are not the ones to support the company. And as some here say, they are already moving to the ABC, so their support base is further declining

    Given also that the journo's are more left in their support, given even with that support, the nation according to the polls has shifted right, they are not giving the views that many want to hear. Hence the readership decline.

    Like any "battle" you never give up your home/old base, until you build your new base. And at the same time new players have entered the market.

    Now Fairfax is out on a battlefield with no base, (alienated traditional readers and non paying new readers).

    This is NOT to say that Fairfax should change their standard is they wish to be pure in their position, however to be pure, they do need the financial resources to endure until the mood of their market is either won over, which frankly I believe they are too late and too poor to do.

  • It's very simple. Nothing to do with content. Advertising moved to the Internet. Purchases and subscriptions don't cover costs, it's advertising that does. Most newspapers are in trouble.

    Many people have the mistaken impression that you are buying a paper when you pick up something from the newsagent. It's actually the other way around. Advertisers bought your attention from the publisher. Same deal with commercial TV,

    • In a pure sense you are right, but circulation is one major measure that advertisers use to determine the audience their campaign will reach. So sales of the papers are important.

      • Good circulation figures will not persuade advertisers to switch from cheaper Internet advertising to newspaper ads.

  • Gina can't sell it on 50 cents and now 45 cents. hmmm

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