No Power Point…Any Other Option than - Govee Neon Flex RGBIC?

Dont have power point so looks like my options are limited to Govee Neon Flex RGBIC for under (kitchen) cabinet led lights.
Do you guys recommend any other option? TIA.


  • I'm confused. Doesn't the Govee strip need any power?

    • It has a 24v power adaptor, apparently. So, if you don't have a power point, how are you going to power it?

      • Was thinking they come with rechargeable battery options too?

        • Nah, unless you had like.. a 24v battery setup to run it off..

  • +1

    Short of trying to hide an extension cable, or extending the secondary output (legally a diy thing as it’s low voltage) and then hiding either one with some duct it would be way neater to get a sparky to install a power point.

    I assume you want to get fancy with colour changing and not just after any type of light - if the latter you could just go rechargeable cabinet lights, many come with sensors and some even can be recharged with usb c. Haven’t seen any with rgb though. You would want white ones anyway to get the most out of the limited voltage/current setup.

    • Thanks a lot for your reply.
      Yeah, im after color changing lights option.
      Btw, in case if there is no option for color changing at all then I may have to settle down on white lights, so in that case could you please recommend me few specific options? Kitchen cabinet is 3m wide. Thanks.

      • Just hop on amazon if you have an account and take a look under ‘rechargeable pantry light’ - they’re all roughy much of a muchness at comparable price brackets.

        Be prepared to recharge them maybe at least once a month though assuming activation 4-5 times a day.

        I see some decent looking ones from around $30-50 for a twin pack and sometimes there are some limited time deals too.

        If you do need a sparky to come around for something else I’d ask them to put in a power point though, idk how much you value your time/ convenience but I still suggest PowerPoint in cupboard or relatively nearby be the go.

  • just get an USB powered led strip and connect to powerbank.

  • +1

    Do you have a range hood/kitchen exhaust fan?

    • yep

      • so, doesn't that run on power?

        • +1

          There's your answer! Piggyback of exhaust fan.
          Otherwise, remove some roofing (if you can) and go down through the top wall plate?

  • I'm sure you a) have a power outlet somewhere in you r kitchen, and b) are capable or running 24V power cables to the cabinet.
    What is the problem? Pictures?

    Do you have power on the other side of the wall behind cabinets?

    • Thanks @bargaino Actually sparky drilled the hole inside cabinet to see if they have run the adapter cable and get it connected to the under power point but there is a timebernin between so says he cannot do it… see the picture…

      • Ah, a new build! That puts a very different light on the question.
        So the problem it that you are having trouble running a power cable behind the splashback, and you don't want to use the double GPO on the splashback.

        From the picture, the obvious answer is what azonki said. Is the extractor hard-wired?
        Then install an outlet in the cupboard next to the rangehood. Not a GPO, but one specifically for lights.…

        • @bargaino re "you don't want to use the double GPO on the splashback"

          if all options are complicated then I might consider it….
          Only problem is, if I use double GPO on the splashback the wires will be hanging out (seen) on splashback, right? Any better way to hide them?

          • @bluespider: You need more power outlets anyway. I hope there is going to be one on the other side of the cooktop.
            You'll soon have a powerboard plugged in to the existing GPO, and messy junk all over the place. So whats a few more wires? :-)

            Nah, do it properly, and power the cabinet lights from the extractor wiring.
            And you still need at least two outlets on the left side. My kitchen is old, and so has at least six powerboards scattered around.
            To avoid that, have about 20 outlets (ten doubles) in your kitchen.

            There is something wrong with your electrician if he cannot add a GPO inside the cabinet.

  • @bargaino @azonki when you guys say through extractor wiring …in that case, the LED strip will be on only when the extractor/rangehood is power on, right?

    • It depends. Normally they are always powered, and controlled by switches on the unit.

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