Do I Need to Pay for Labour to Replace One Month Old Bunnings Kitchen Tap That Has Rusted?

Hey fellow OzBargainers, I'm just after some advice and borrow your wisdom.

I bought a Mondella kitchen tap from Bunnings about a month ago and paid a handyman to replace our old one. However, a month later, it has started rusting near its base - definitely separate from the main sink. Photo

I have the receipt and I anticipate there will be no issues with refund/exchange.

However, the issue is getting the tap off and replacing it - is there any way I can get Bunnings to organise this on my behalf?

I feel this is an unnecessary additional expense and it should be reimbursed in some form.

Or am I just being too idealistic and I'm just going to have to swallow a bitter pill?



    • Showed this to the Bunnings manager and they ended up agreeing and putting through the exchange YMMV.

      That's because Bunnings accepted the claim under statutory warranty (ACL) and not the manufacturer express warranty.

  • -2

    if got plumber it was his tap he would deal with it pay labor but got it your and handman no problem with handman you most like will have pay again

  • I would consider calling Mondella and see what their response is first.
    I had a tap replaced and the manufacturer organised it with a local authorised plumber and done within a few days.

  • yeah look, that isn't rust mate

    • What is it then?

      • copper bond that they use to putting the tap together/seal… grab a tooth pick wrap it in a rag and clean it off

  • Yes


  • From experience from a few Reno’s - is for any new stainless steel products installed - for protection use CLR after install. Great at removing rust. Do not use bleach on stainless steel - never ever!!. Something to watch out for with the new one you get.

  • Do I Need to Pay for Labour to Replace One Month Old Bunnings Kitchen Tap That Has Rusted?

    Yes I’m afraid. Your handyman paid for installation and the failure is not with the installation but the hardware itself.


    It’t not rocket science to replace a tap where the terminals are already existing, and a very useful skill to have. Get yourself a compatible spanner and a basin wrench if the tap already in-place requires it. Make sure you shut the connecting taps before hand and have plenty of towels to catch any dripping when disconnecting so the cupboard space wont get any wet.
    When you reinstall the tap, read the instructions really well and do a test fit without the hoses plugged in. Some taps specifically says do not use tools when connecting the hot and cold lines as using them with force can damaged the o-rings . When you reconnect the hoses and first open the tap and slowly let the water in, now close the tap and make sure there are no leakages anywhere that you can notice. When you finish installing everything put some tp or paper towels around the connection points and inspect it after some time and the next day. If everything is good, congratulations!

    If you’re not too confident, ask help from a friend it’ll be a fun experiment and trust me you’ll never call a plumber again for a similar job.

    Good luck 💪

    • This is wrong advice regarding paying. The supplier of the product should pay to have someone replace it. This is part of law which warranties cannot override

  • There's no way that's rust. Just clean it off with a scouring pad and be on your way.

  • Do it yourself, it's a piece of piss

  • So many don't seem to agree that its rust. But, I have what looks to be the same mondella tap from bunnings ($2-300) and it also has a rust spot further up the stem. It's been a few years now but it came out quite early too.

    Low grade "stainless" steel products I've bought also gets rust spots.

    I think it just comes down to low quality and cost cutting. My first one had a gouge in the bottom ring (OPs pic) which i swapped out as I didnt want water leaking through.

  • +1

    first thought - your purchase from Bunnings was supply only, not labour, so I wouldn't expect them to pay for removing the tap you walked away from their checkout with. So I would say your contract with Bunnings begins and ends at a Bunnings store.

    I would arrange removal at my own cost, find out the fault (is it really rust or some other grunge?), and return it to Bunnings for a repair/replacement/refund at your option under Australian consumer law. Hope you kept your receipt.

    Handyman is separate deal - my mixer tap probably uses long tube spanners you can find in Bunnings for reaching up under the vanity for loosening/tightening the dinky brass nuts

    like -

    dunno about this baby -

    but then again - if you paid a handyman $200 or something already I'll guess you have NFI about such DIY work, in which case go ahead and pay someone else another $1-200 to do what I'd do myself … ;-)

  • In other news.

    OP found out simple it was to install a tap. It would be tough proving who/what caused the rust, i'd assume it'd be a manufacturing defect personally.

  • Soon as I read Mondella knew there would be an issue

  • Email Bunnos, we paid for a toilet install from them and the plumber busted the tiles. Ended up with nearly $2k back from Bunnos after several back and forth emails.

  • Thanks all for your inputs & opinions!

    I tried to edit my original post so if anyone reading this in the future was curious about the outcome but the post was locked so I couldn't.

    I contacted Bunnings and they referred me to the manufacturer Kinetic Sourcing Group.
    I exchanged emails/photos with their customer services team and they advised me it was surface rust on top of the tap due to minerals from stagnant tap water. They advised me to use stainless steel rust removers which I did and it looks absolutely clean now. No need to replace the tap at all.

    Thanks again to everyone for the insightful discussion and comments.

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