Using TCN Giftcards at JB Hi-Fi Online

Hoping someone can answer the following questions. I have enquired with TCN but haven't had a reply.

  1. Can TCN giftcards (specifically the Him / Her cards) currently be used at JB Hi-Fi Online?

  2. Is there a limit to the amount of giftcards you can redeem in one transaction at JB Hi-Fi Online?

Thanks in advance.

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  • You can use them but only one per transaction, as you enter the card details at check out as if you are paying with Visa or Mastercard.

    The trick is to buy JB Hifi gift cards either online or in store, which you can stack multiple of at checkout. I have had success buying 3-5 per day before JB hifi rejects it due to high risk. Then wait until the next day and do a few more. If this fails, then either take the cards in store to complete the purchase or to buy gift cards you can use online

  • +3

    Can TCN giftcards (specifically the Him / Her cards) currently be used at JB Hi-Fi Online?

    If you have a physical TCN gift card listing JB Hi-Fi as a participating merchant (e.g. a TCN Him gift card from the upcoming Woolworths instore gift card deal), that currently can either be used instore at JB Hi-Fi or “online”. You can always check this yourself by going to the webpage for the TCN gift card you have (or are interested in), scrolling down to the Participating Retailers section and clicking/tapping on the JB Hi-Fi logo. The preview window explaining who JB Hi-Fi is will say the available redemption options (Instore & Online, Online or Instore).

    “Online” is actually a bit of a misnomer with these TCN gift cards, because it actually refers to you going to the webpage on the TCN website for the physical TCN gift card you have and exchange the TCN gift card for a digital JB Hi-Fi gift card. Read about it here if you are not sure how to do an exchange.

    Keep in mind that the option to exchange for a digital JB Hi-Fi gift card through the TCN website is sometimes unavailable (and is usually unavailable just ahead of the Black Friday sales period).

    Is there a limit to the amount of giftcards you can redeem in one transaction at JB Hi-Fi Online?

    You cannot redeem any physical TCN gift cards on the JB Hi-Fi online website, as those operate on the eftpos network.

    You can redeem an unlimited number of JB Hi-Fi gift cards in one transaction on the JB Hi-Fi website.

    • +1

      Thank you for your more than helpful response!

    • Thanks for sharing. I tried to exchange TCN for JB Hifi gift card at the store but was told it is against their policy.

      Unfortunately trying to exchange it on TCN website didn't work for me. After keying in the card number and PIN, it states that there's something wrong with the card. I have checked to confirm that there is balance on the TCN card.

  • Hi was just wondering if we could use a combination of TCN, Ultimate and JB giftcards in a single transaction to make purchases in store ? Cheers!

  • wish I saw this before dropping hundreds on home cards to use at JB or GG online, get the same error mentioned above when trying to convert to store cards - what a scam

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