Neighbours Kids Driving Me Insane

I bought an art deco apartment about a year ago. I love it except for one problem — I can hear the neighbours below me and the ones below them (I'm on the top floor). The building has wooden floorboards and doesn't seem to have any noise isolation between the floors. The neighbour directly below me is away a lot so I don't hear him much. The real problem is the neighbours on the ground floor whose kids run around every night until well …. I heard them at 2am last night. Usually they're up till 11pm/12am most nights. Their dog's also up / barking late. The kids are approx 5-7 years old.

This wasn't a problem when I first moved in. But I've got a new job and get up 5.30am every day now. I brought it up with them once and the dad kind of laughed it off. The mum told her kid to apologise to me, which felt weird and a denial of personal responsibility.

They told me to call them if it's causing issues, but I'm tired of messaging them every night. They should be respectful. I've asked them to consider buying rugs / even thought about buying them myself and getting them delivered to them.

It's a shame because I liked these people when I moved in, but it's testing my patience and I've soured on them heaps. Also weird that kids that young are up so late. My dad would've whooped my *** if i was up that late.

Right now I sleep with noise cancelling headphones, but they fall off, I sleep on my side and it's a PITA. I also have a fan on for white noise, but this kind of noise sort of 'cuts through' the white noise.

Can I raise this with the Owners Corp and get them to pay for noise isolation ? It wouldn't be cheap…

What other options are there ? (Don't want to sell)

Need advice (Melbourne metro)


  • I sleep with ABC radio put me to sleep people next door to me are trash same problem

  • +15

    19khz tone pulsing from 5:30am - when you leave every morning.

    Only the kids will hear it. It'll wake them up and adjust their circadian clocks so they'll go to sleep earlier.

  • Had to start sleeping with ear plugs when some kids moved in next door. Their driveway runs past my window and they would be out there at first light.

    Eventually it got quiet again, I can't actually tell if they are only there part time or just mostly stay inside now.

  • Find the frequency above what you are able to hear then blast the (profanity) out of that every time the kids make noise when you want to sleep.

  • +1

    I always use silicon plugs like for swimmers. From pharmacy.
    Highly recommend.

    I am super sensitive to noisy too and have a medical condition, neurological. Also ear ringing from time to time.
    Without silicon plugs i would have made it through))

    you can make shape of them whatever you want, just make sure hygiene every day disinfect with alcohol.
    Cant use the same for prolonged times though…

  • +1

    Only way to fix this is make them feel what you feel. You're up at 530am fight fire with fire. When they complain tell them well we can work on this together or not…

  • +1

    Consider sleep earphones

    Something like, Soundcore by Anker Sleep A10 Earbuds

  • +2

    I was the shitty neighbor once, didn't realize how much the noise traveled - next apartment were very quiet. Once they had friends over when I was at home, next to a shared wall, and I realized how much I must have annoyed them (for like a year). Well I toned it down to the point I'd expect they can't hear me, but I could have done that a lot sooner if they had approached me and asked. I suppose they were too polite for their own good.

  • I bought an art deco apartment

    I love this detail

    "So the kids are really noisy, and…"
    "Wait a sec. What kind of apartment is this?"
    "What do you mean?"
    "Like, modern, mid-century, brutalist, Spanish revivalist…"
    "Oh, it's art deco."
    "God, this changes EVERYTHING"

    • +2

      Turned out to be a sound investment.

  • +7

    So update — I bumped into them yesterday and they were apologetic didn’t realise how bad it is … told me they’ll crack down on the kids running / jumping late at night which is great. I’ve got a mate who is going to take a look at the floors so we’ll see how we go.

    Thanks for the white noise, music/rain, ear plugs suggestions people. Really appreciated.

  • save up all the egg cartons, and then place it on the floor and hope it absorbs all the sound, or give it to your neighbour and tell them to place it on their ceiling. Not only it would look nice, it would be free for them too win/win

  • +4

    My mate loved his 3rd floor unit, but hated all the noise (wood floor, loud muisc, rotating inconsiderate tenants) from unit below so purchased it when it hit the market to renovate and control who lives there. Hes still there 15 yrs later.

    • +3

      rich people

  • +1

    Cant wait for the density everyone wants? yeah so good to live on top of each other and hear every little thing our neighbors do.

  • +1

    (I'm on the top floor).

    And here I was, reassuring myself that if I ever bought an apartment, the top floor would be the best choice in terms of noise.

  • The floor below the floor below - wow. I certainly hope this is not the case with modern apartments. I had plans, after winning Powerball, on buying the penthouse and the sub-penthouse to escape the noise problem.

  • -3

    Never, ever, EVER buy flats, units, villas, strata-titled property - sell.

    (Don't want to sell)

    Then learn to love it, ignore it, or go mad and be carted away. No matter what, you were going to have problems at some point because that's just what happens in flats/units/villas. Renting is one thing because one may not have a choice. But deliberately buying into one!? I have never understood why people do it. I have never heard a valid reason for it. For example… I look at a LOT of real estate, all around the country, and I see houses for cheaper or the same price, or a little further away for a little more $. But if they had some patience, visited the REAs in the area and told them: "This is what I want and I have my financing ready to go…" and dropped back once every 3-4 weeks, "Found anything for me to buy yet?" they would see one the same, or about the same, price. So why anyone would refuse to extend that loan a little more, would give up the extra privacy, that added breathing room from neighbours, is beyond me.

    I've heard people say, "But we didn't want to take care of a lawn." So pay someone else to. Or just poison it. Or pour gravel on it. Or approach the local TAFE (or whoever does courses) and tell them they can come and make a waterless garden (decorative rocks, gravel, cactus, etc). Or tell the local concreting business they can pour any leftover mix from their jobs over the fence into your yard any time they like just smooth it flat before leaving until the grass is all covered. Or spray 1m2 of it at a time with petrol (so you can keep control of the fire) using a $20 sprayer from Bunnings and burn it to the dirt every 6 months so it never grows. Or tell a neighbour with no yard they grow food there if they give you some now and again. "Oh I didn't think of that…"

    When it's your own torrens titled house and the neighbours are noisy, at least you can cut a hole in, or rip the entire gyprock off your internal walls (without anybody even knowing) and fill the cavity with something to block the noise… and you get to do it without needing to pay some body corporate $$$ to meet once a month and send letters back and forth with "allowable response times" taking several months hoping for their permission to modify your own home.

    I'd approach banks, get approval/financing ready (how much they'll lend), don't allow them to make the first place collateral for the second - the new place is its own collateral. Now visit REAs, go back regularly and/or call so they know you, set up online watch lists for new listings so you can jump on a house when it comes up, and if values are going up (or down) you still own yours, so it's changing at the very same rate - so you lose nothing. Explain beforehand that at contract time you will be requesting a clause added to the sale contract granting you immediate/early access to the new property while retaining the usual settlement (payment) period/date. That way you get the keys, move in weeks earlier than you would have normally, get your first property property appraised not by a REA, but by a quantity surveyor, and as it's priced correctly (not by a greedy REA) it will sell in two weeks.

    OR… keep the first place, rent it out, putting that money into its own loan if there is one, and/or any extra towards paying off the second place sooner. Now the noise is your tenant's problem which you can ignore, and you have more money and privacy than you did before.

    • +1

      Renting is one thing because one may not have a choice. But deliberately buying into one!? I have never understood why people do it.

      heard of affordability?

      • -2

        Yes, but since I covered that two sentences later, why are you bringing it up?

        "For example… I look at a LOT of real estate, all around the country, and I see houses for cheaper or the same price, or a little further away for a little more $."

        • +1

          I am not sure in which world units and house prices are same - certainly not in Sydney and Melbourne. For some people it may be a choice but for many, apartment living is purely due to affordability.

          • -2


            certainly not in Sydney and Melbourne

            No-one mentioned Sydney/Melbourne. He did say the building has only three levels. So at the closest it's going to be on the outer suburbs. e.g. Western Sydney maybe. But it could be Dubbo for all we know. It's also why I also said look a little further out and/or pay a little more.

            I have been looking at hundreds of listings for the last three days, all around Australia, and I continually see blocks of units going for very similar prices to 2, 3, and 4 bedroom houses in the same town or the next one over. Most people will never see them because the REAs already have people who have approached them saying, "My financing is ready to go, this is what I want, phone me when one comes in."

            Next, some people just sell below market value. For all sorts of reasons. They get cancer and want money fast to enjoy their time left, or they move overseas and want it dealt with NOW, or the wife leaves and they want to punish that cheating _____ by selling fast below market value, etc. It just depends how bad you want it, how much effort you're prepared to put in finding, and preparing to be ready when an opportunity appears. It doesn't take much effort REALLY but most people can't be arsed putting in ANY and so they never get to see them, many never even get listed with serious buyers already waiting, already with their ducks lined up ready.

            • +2


              No-one mentioned Sydney/Melbourne.

              The OP is from Melbourne as stated in the post so I am really not sure what you are on about. Just like your username your response is faulty :D

              • -2

                @IMadeYouReadThis: "In Melbourne" doesn't necessarily mean the middle of the city high rises though, does it (especially at only three stories tall). Just like people who live in the leafy outer suburbs around Sydney will say they "live in Sydney" but aren't all on George Street or adjacent to the QVB.

  • if all else fails you could aways rentvest
    you'd be able to deduct strata and any maintenance costs
    if you bought last year there might be some capital gain already
    you can probably move into a more modern/flashier place for similar to what you will get in rent - with more common area facilities/gyms pools etc that the owner is paying for instead

  • Have you considered active noise cancellation speakers?
    Another option is to go to concerts and listen to lots of loud music until you go deaf.

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