What's with Competition Winners Being Almost Always Women?

Been entering comps on OzBargain for a while now and after checking the emails when they announce winners it seems like 99% of the winners are women. Is it a coincidence or do women just enter way more online competitions than guys do?


  • +5

    Women are more competitive

    • +2


      All of recorded human history (as well as basic biology) would disagree with you but go ahead… remove all doubt.

      • +6

        I believe Pcosmic is employing a literary device called "irony".

        Like most gender-gaps, the reasons comes down to men and women making different choices sometimes. i.e. preference.

        • So gender-based discrimination doesn't exist? It's all (mostly) due to preference?

          • +5

            @larndis: Yes, obviously if you have a workplace with 100 women and throw 1 dude in their, he will be discriminated and excluded in some circumstances, but men dont whinge and complain so no one will care, generally speaking.

            • +1

              @lew380: "Men don't whinge and complain", where do you live that you've never met a man? It sounds nice

              • @larndis: Generally speaking, on average, whatever term you want to use.

                • @lew380: Based on…..

                  • @larndis: Basic biology, men and women have differences(nothing wrong with having differences, we don't have to be clones) , men tend to bottle things up, less prone to expressing emotions and feelings, for better or worse.

                    • @lew380: Evidence?

                      • @larndis: PMS would be one variable. Obviously its a complex multivariate problem and hard to find a single study to nail it all down conclusively.

                        • @lew380: So just completely unfounded stereotyping then, gotcha

                          • @larndis: Thats the thing with generalisations, they are generally true!

              • @larndis: LOL!

        • I believe Pcosmic is employing a literary device called "irony".

          Generous assumption.

          It's 2023. There are countless people who would unironically make ridiculous, sweeping statements like "women are more competitive than men" with a straight face and not realise how cringey they come across.

          • @Gnostikos: I prefer to see the local community as witty until they're proven cringey.

  • +9

    Pretty sure you will find some users on here who feel this is a woke conspiracy to discriminate against the poor men.

    • +7

      I was just thinking maybe there's some housewife group online that is super active with online competitions or something like that. Either that or it's confirmation bias on my part and I'm just noticing womens names more often by coincidence?

      • +1

        Maybe they are the “professional” ozbargainers we keep hearing about.

    • +6

      ….micro-aggression detected!

    • +1

      O P. is assuming genders?¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯
      Apologies to @Sye. Didn't see your comment b4 posting.

  • +6

    Did you just assume their gender?

  • +2

    Those are men… undercover.

  • +1

    Gotta make up that 30% somehow.

  • +2

    Maybe they are men identifying as women

    • Transphobe!

  • +2

    Pretty sure they just spend way more time entering competitions.

  • +2

    grabs popcorn

  • +3

    There are competitions on OzBargain?

    Maybe women mostly win them because they know they exist because they read the written stuff to find out how things work, whereas men never do.

  • +2

    I went through a bit of a competition phase and it was too much effort for me.

    Maintaining a second email, second phone number, dealing with all the spam, etc.

  • -8

    For the same reason there is a pay gap. Women spend less time doing proper work and more time entering competitions

    • +2

      Couldn't help yourself huh?

  • +3

    I’m a guy, but I always enter competitions as Malibu Stacey. I have a far better success rate with Malibu.

  • Hang on a sec… this gives me an idea

  • +1

    What competitions are you entering 🤔

  • +2

    Why are you always on about women, Stan?

  • -7

    because the men are working and not wasting their time on frivolities!

    • -3

      Nice truth bomb, you're not allowed to say things that are true, haven't you heard!

  • +9

    I am wondering why it is that people always use the word "always" in a way that implies that what they are saying is more significant than a simple personal anecdote.

  • Well I’m female and I haven’t won any. Mind you I don’t think I’ve entered any anyway. Do they give out people real names rather than their monikers? Not sure I’d be happy with that.

    • Usually it’s real first name and initial from the surname.

      • Why not just use our Monikers?

  • Are the coml winners chosen or at random? Maybe a higher proportion of females enter or maybe it's just a bit of bias. I used to be responsible for some comp winner selections and I would pick the person that was best for the org and potential advertising.

    • So we should be entering competitions as non binary or attack helicopters hoping some radical marxist is doing the choosing?

      • +1

        You have to tailor the persona to the competition. Embody the target audience.

        Channel 9/any home prodcuts? Basic middle age Aussie woman with no non-white friends.

        Tool store? 30yo tradie, lifted Ute, teenage girlfriend.

        Fashion brand? Shallow influencer type.

        Progressive local company? Purple hair, they/them, parents pay their rent, tattoos.

        Computer store? A mountain of pale meat with strong negative opinions about women.

  • -1

    Men are prepared to work for their rewards.

  • Trying to figure out how you assign gender to a username.

    • 'singlemalt72'….i reckon youre a bloke, prob born '72. wrong/right?

      • +2

        And you are a guy who grew up in Melbourne possibly Bruns-a-wick or Footes-cray.

        Regardless most psudenoms here are pretty genderless.

  • +1

    To be honest I haven't ever noticed more women winning competitions than men. If there was an imbalance I suspect it would be nothing more than most blokes would go "ugh too much effort to enter" especially if it's one of those in 25 words or less and women would be a bit more patient to finish the entry. If it makes you feel better I won a Xbox S signed by Sam Kerr a month back and I'm a guy. No idea what I'm going to do with the Xbox though, debating selling it as we don't use our current Xbox One or 360 very much any more.

    • I'm not saying guys never win or that there's anything unfair going on. It's either a coincidence or women enter far more competitions then men for whatever reason, just commenting on a pattern really.

  • +2

    Been entering comps on OzBargain for a while now and after checking the emails when they announce winners it seems like 99% of the winners are women.

    Men win too… They're usually just more selective about what competitions they actually enter.

    I would know. I'm a guy and I've won a fair bit over the years.

    Average competition entrant profile however is a middle-aged white woman whos shits on endlessly about their kids or offers some sob story.

    Is it a coincidence or do women just enter way more online competitions than guys do?

    I'm gonna go with my gut and say yes, women usually enter more online comps. I mean, there are a lot more websites that are specifically female oriented so when they run comps for a free handbag, cosmetics, etc, it'll be women entering and winning the entire time. I've tried on these websites in the past myself for more unisex prizes and identified myself as male and I have never won anything off them.

    11 or so years ago, I used to work at a marketing firm during university and I actually judged a 25WOL comp for a cruise. 100 entrants and 95% of them were women.

    And I remember all of their answers were atrociously shit. I struggled to pick a winner because they were all horrendously uninspired responses.

  • +4

    I spoke to a marketing bloke in a large corporate about this years ago. The comps in magazines is well over 70% female entrants & the same or more for supermarket-based entrants. Also, when complaint/enquiry phone numbers started appearing on products yonks ago in supermarkets, it was mostly females ringing - trying to get free stuff, as if it were a competition all of it's own.

    Shoot me down as much as you like, it's just that it seemed to all be formed around compulsive behaviour & was well known about & was exploited.

  • I have never won. It's possible that mostly women enter.

  • I'm a guy with a clearly guys name and have won quite a few comps via ozbargain. My current success rate is ~1/100 comps entered. Usually I find the skill comps easier to win as you can put effort into the entries, the others are just games of chance so if you get drawn you win but if you don't then GG. I also have a system in place now to enter comps easily each day and do the daily entries to increase my chances. Gotta grind for the win sometimes.

  • Simply not true. I've won bucketloads of stuff from free trips to the WRC Rally in NSW for 2 all inclusive, to just this year in April $10k from a radio question, and a WHOLE lot more in between.

    It could be more women enter, but I absolutely do not believe there's a skew towards gender.

    I will say it's harder to win lately. Used to win more in previous years, but my only advice is just enter. Gotta be in it to win it.

    • +1

      Never suggested there was a skew in awarding wins, just wondering why so many women enter compared to men.

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