larndis » user profile

Member Since 04/01/2018
Last Seen 2 hours 48 min
Badges 1 1
Location Canberra

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I'm assuming from the comments that neither you or your partner owned any other properties, but if you did this could be relevant
27/07/2024 - 08:31
Your idea of fun is wearing a bulletproof vest??
24/07/2024 - 20:54
I'm not really sure what you mean by 'butthurt', but as far as I can tell the vast majority of 'screeching', 'seething' and 'unhinged…
22/07/2024 - 23:19
Is plumbing the fridge an option? Or are you limited to non-plumbed options? There are plenty of plumbed and non-plumbed options that are…
20/07/2024 - 11:05
Yeah I think you're right, although it says it's part of the promotion it doesn't seem to be applying to that cruise, at least not for the…
19/07/2024 - 22:49
Just my teenage son, I think they're only considered 'kids' up to 12 or something
19/07/2024 - 22:36
It would definitely need to be four people who are comfortable sharing a very small space :) We're two parents and children so not too much…
19/07/2024 - 20:46
Looks like kids and adults are the same price, I booked three adults and one child. Four adults comes up the same, actually $1500 but I…
18/07/2024 - 23:22
Good choice! Probably a wise investment. Was considering an upgrade but I'm not expecting to spend much time in the room.
18/07/2024 - 23:17
Booked for 8 nights for $400pp, very happy with that! Have been on P&O and Royal Caribbean before, no complaints. Wouldn't say Royal…
18/07/2024 - 22:49
Water bottles not allowed, only unboxed cans (non-alcoholic)…
18/07/2024 - 22:36
On [Appliances Online]( you can search for fridges with a (cold) water…
18/07/2024 - 22:30
In Canberra our first indoor shopping centres were named Monaro Mall and Belconnen Mall, so the term gets used a lot here.
14/07/2024 - 08:34
No AliExpress parcels then?
12/07/2024 - 14:12
Getting a 'massive' tax return is a sign of a bad accountant, not a good one! Lol at how many people actually think that if their fake…
11/07/2024 - 07:45
Do you have anything in writing from the ATO? If you don't have a full paper trail get that ASAP .
10/07/2024 - 11:53
I think literally just increasing the deductions by a ridiculous amount.
10/07/2024 - 11:49
Then your option is to find a country you're happy with and move there. Or you can stay here and keep complaining, because the Australian…
10/07/2024 - 07:22
Definitely talk to a solicitor, preferably before meeting with the builder so you know where you stand and what your options are.
09/07/2024 - 08:25
Just claim genuine, deductible expenses and you will be fine. Don't make the mistake of thinking that because the ATO system 'let' you…
03/07/2024 - 07:39 some good feedback [here]( indicating that BazaarVoice are…
30/06/2024 - 22:48
So what you're saying is, any manipulation is done by BazaarVoice. Who runs BazaarVoice? What regulation is there? From a quick look, the…
29/06/2024 - 09:10
I don't think this is the result of corrupt parking inspectors though? More like a failing of the old chalk system, which is on its way out…
28/06/2024 - 09:28
Maximum might be for cars left in a one hour spot for two weeks
28/06/2024 - 09:26 can you explain how and why the review system has been manipulated to ensure all products have a >4.5 star rating?…
28/06/2024 - 07:55
I bought three of these ones for my kids at full price, very happy with them if you're looking for a thicker/warmer jacket. $12 one is good…
24/06/2024 - 15:55