A Sharp Edge on a Woolies Shelf Tore a Hole in My Shirt, Should Woolies Buy Me a New Shirt?

I was buying candy from Woolies last week and while walking past the end if an aisle my shirt snagged on a sharp corner of a shelf that hadn't had those plastic cap things put on the edge, tearing a small hole into my shirt.

Should Woolies buy me a new shirt?

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    You should buy Woolies a new shelf

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  • This sounds ridiculous, but I have vague memories of a workmate in the UK getting a new suit out of a shop for something similar.

  • Only settle for them supplying clothing for the rest of your life due to pain and suffering.

  • +1

    I want candy

  • +1

    I was struck by the use of the word Candy too, but will try not to be diverted.
    If the nature of the isle end doesn't conform to normal standards and is a hazard that could catch anyone out, then you have a right to say so, talk/write to the store manager and ask them to defray your costs. They might well take into account how new your shirt is, in deciding on an amt of compensation due.
    YMMV and depend on the manager and how you present the issue.

    • +2

      Where is the small island in this story?

  • if the shirt is more than 50 bucks, yeaa

  • Complain online and they will send you a gift voucher

  • +2


    My mum (probably 30 years ago now) bought some bleach from Coles and it was leaking. She didn't realise and it went on her dress.
    She went and complained at the desk (a few days later) and they compensated her for it.

  • 😂 wtf did I just read?!

  • It’s actually amazing to me how so many have this mentality to just think about who’s compensating them for every minor inconvenience in their life.

    I mean, if the shelf was really faulty in some way, it sounds fair to maybe get a sorry gift card or something.

    But the fact that such a thought crosses people’s mind to even ask… it’s so petty and tragic lol. I’d be embarrassed to ask.

    Wear and tear is a part of life. Do you track down who’s at fault for every scratch, scrape, scuff and sprinkle on all your goods lol?

  • Sue Woolworths

    Get a lawyer and obtain damages

    • MUst be worth at least $1M, i mean they pay the woolies CEO $2m and he does nothing.

  • Why are tyou dragging or pressing yourself along shelving that this is even possible ?

    • Must be the pot belly flailing around because of eating too much "candy".

      • Even if you are oversized, the isles in super markets shoyuld be more than enough for just about everyone to walk thru without hitting things especially the shelves.

        • It happened as the OP tried to lean sideways from their mobility scooter to grab "candy" and their pot belly flailed around to the opposite side, hitting a sharp edge of the shelf, tearing a piece of blanket (that was sewn into a shirt) and eventually destroying the shelves on that side.

  • What shirt is it? Anko brand?

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