• long running

TIDAL HiRes Music Streaming: Individual $12.99/Month, Family (6 Members) $19.99/Mo, Student $5.99/Mo after 30-Day Free Trial


From April 10, Tidal have reduced their pricing structure ā€¦ combined all hi-res and standard subscriptions into the one single, hi-res subscription, and have removed the free, lo-res tier completely
- in Aus, Tidal is now:
student - $5.99 / month
individual - $12.99 / month [DJ extension add-on - $11.00 / month]
family - $19.99 / month

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  • +2

    NGL Youtube Music packaged in with Youtube Premium is terrific value for money.

    Tidal is good is you're an audiophile, not so critical for 80% of users.

    • +14

      They're an annoying company because they stopped a region workaround? What an ass thing to be annoyed at a company for

      • +7

        Not wrong. I got a few good months out of different country / VPN exploits with Tidal, but completely understand why they eventually terminated it haha.

      • -2

        Well the Tidal pricing is ridiculous locally.

        I pay for for other services locally because its fair enough and not worth the hassle.

    • +5

      Only annoying if you're currently living in Turkey

    • +3

      You can go live in Turkey if ya want, ya Turkey

  • +5

    Tidal is also useful for DJs who use Serato because it integrates with the software (very niche group i know)

    • But they're now charging special pricing for that feature! What a pain.

      • yes i only realised after my comment. it's outrageous

  • +4

    $3.33/m per person for the top tier sub. Theres literally no competion to Tidal.

    • +1

      I need more friends šŸ˜”

    • how can you get it so cheap? Shared account?

      • +1

        there's a thread elsewhere in Ozbargains Classifieds for those who want to share a Family subscription (total of 6 accounts available per 'family' group)

        • +1

          thanks mate, been using ozb for almost 20 years but didnt know it had classifieds lol

      • +1

        $19.99/6 brother

        • thanks mate

  • How do they do the student tier? Do you just need a student identification?

  • Sweet! Will try to get that student membership working

    • +1

      Let me know how you got it. I'm interested, too.

      • +1

        Worked for me, however I am actually a student with a student email ect :)

  • +2

    Might be the only company to be reducing their subscription prices šŸ¤£

  • Family account now cheaper than Spotify.. even more appealing

  • No mention of MQA? Still there innit?

    • +1

      I think TIDAL is replacing MQA with high resolution lossless FLAC format.

    • +1

      some MQA titles still, but most of the MQA content has been replaced by hi-res Flac

  • Hmmm tempted to switch to the Student Tidal plan but Student Apple Music also nets me AppleTV+ sub for free for $6.99 total. Apple Music also has lossless so sound quality wise no difference with Tidal. Might just stick with Apple Music for now for that reason otherwise would definitely switch

  • take care with tidal guys - cancelled a free subscription years back then discovered sometime later that they had continued to charge me monthly. They claimed I hadn't cancelled correctly - suggest you take a screenshot of your cancellation although that might still not get your money back. IMHO not to be trusted…. but then I guess who is these days.

  • +1

    I made a new account witih my other Gmail and there was an offer to pay $2 to get a 60 day free trial instead of a $0 30 day free trial, might just be with the Individual Plan as that is what I chose, but might work with Family and Student.

    Will test out and figure out if I want to grow a new 'Family' for it :)

  • Slightly cheaper for individual if VPN to .my

    • Can you add more info, please? What do you mean .my? Thanks.

      • +1

        I meant signing up to Tidal Malaysia via VPN. About AUD 5.50 a month for Individual. May be lower next month.

        • are you able to confirm the price for family?

  • They had my cash at $4pm via VPN, but they got greedy and closed off the geo-blocking workaround. Well within their rights to do so of course, but now that they've lost thousands of subscribers paying that $4 (who are now paying NOTHING and have moved elsewhere), it's also within the rights of customers to go elsewhere.

    Bye bye Tidal!

    • Bye bye Tidal!

      Hello Spotify?

      • Too expensive.

        YouTube Premium throws in Music for free. It's not as good, but free is free.
        Good enough for what I use it for.

  • Iā€™m getting $16.99 and $26.99 for individual and family plan pricing when I go into the app.

    • My guess is that it's because either Apple or Google are adding a cost to it. Likely cheaper to go via the website directly and logging in through the app

  • If you have Plex pass you can subscribe through Plex for $11.99/month

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