Online Auctions Other than eBay?

Hey everyone. Was wondering if there are online auction sites where they got a good amount of electronics and other things? Actually pretty much anything but antiques and art? The only one I know is Ebay really and I like how I can contact the seller directly. Is there something similar out there?

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eBay Australia
eBay Australia


  • +2

    There are plenty. Lloyds, grays, then they get smaller from there.


    has lots of art auctions

  • +2

    Tell us what city you are in so we can Google "[city name] auctions" and then give you the top relevant results that come up. Even here in Adelaide there's at least one place that auctions alls sorts of stuff online. Totally random stuff, 50 hard drives missing their PCB, antique-looking lamps, and other assorted random junk.

  • Adelaide: The Auction Rooms (sometimes has a lot of old computer hardware) and MGS. These are proper auction houses however so you can't contact the vendor.

  • graysonline

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