Dyson Fan Recommendation

Planning to buy Dyson fan for my living room, currently using Vornado. Lot of models no idea which to choose. Can you share personal reviews ? Is it worth the hype ?


  • Are you intending to both heat and cool your living space?

    • Both

      • I have Dyson AM09 and HP01 that make good fan heaters for small spaces (e.g. bathrooms, bedrooms). For cooling my Xiaomi DC pedestals and DC Vornado are nearly silent on low speeds. I'd say Dyson is just too noisy for cooling a living space so best try before you buy. Plenty of these in all variants at Cashies.

      • Dyson is good for heating, but noisy and terrible for cooling. for cooling you would be better of with pedestals

  • Dyson fans are better in smaller rooms, not living rooms as you can't get the best use of filtration and heating bigger area.

  • +3

    They don't work anywhere as well as Vornado style fans for moving air. I've found that the DC air circulators are better than just about anything else for larger spaces- I've tried Dysons, box fans, axial tower fans.

  • +3

    I've had one of the heat+cool fans for a couple of years now and wouldn't recommend it.

    It's good as a small heater, but doesn't move a lot of air as a fan, and is noisy while off (if the passive air monitoring setting is turned on). It's also louder than you'd expect, and the base volume level increases over time.

    I use a Vornado 633DC in the living room now and much prefer it.

  • +1

    i scored a Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool from an op shop for $10.
    grabbed a remote of aliexpress for $4.

    it's okay.

    good in a small room

    mainly use it as heat source for drying clothes on a rack in winter.

    • Wow that cheap almost free. May I know which shop

      • I doubt they would have more than one unit donated

  • Was given a tower fan, wouldn’t recommend it, esp. for a big room

  • +3

    From all the reviews I've read they're not as effective as a traditional fan. They're just aspirational appliances for middle class suburbanites.

    • +3

      They're just aspirational appliances for middle class suburbanites.

      I've never thought of it this way before, but it's true. And sad.

      They are mediocre fans, they are just plain bad air purifiers. Apparently their hair driers are actually good, but I'm never going to buy one.

  • +1

    I own Dysons and Vornado, and the Vornado is a far more powerful fan.

    You buy Dyson for….I dunno, can't think of any good reasons to.

    • +1

      To tell people you have a Dyson.

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