Is Ceramic & Leather Protection Worth It for a New Vehicle Purchase

We have purchased a new car & the sales consultant is highly recommending for us to purchase the Ceramic Paint Protection & interior leather protection for our new Nissan X-Trail E-4orce Hybrid car.

We have also been told about the "Schmick dent recovery" programme where you pay a 5 year membership then each repair is capped at $50…is this programme worth it?


  • +5

    Nada. Just cover the seat with clingwrap

    • Agreed

      Surely this is up to OP to figure out.

      If OP has young kids and lets them eat and drink in the car (which is a no-no) then leather protection should be considered

      • "then leather protection should be considered"
        Except when you read the terms and conditions which say any damage by children is not covered.😮

        • "If you need to sell me leather protection you must be selling a product unfit for purpose. Ill just go buy another brand"

          • @Euphemistic: All car seat fabrics are the same.
            So no-win situtation

            Alternatively just wack on a pair of after-market seat covers

  • Don't suppose you know where the search section is on the page huh…?

  • +12

    Sometimes I wonder if people are really wanting an answer or if they're actually just using the question as an excuse to just announce that they're proud of their new purchase. lol

    • +12

      yea but you wouldnt brag about an x-trail hybrid

      • +5

        I definitely wouldn't, but being able to save up a for a car is a big achievement for some (and I joke about it, but I get where they're coming from haha)

        • +1

          but being able to save up a for a car is a big achievement

          Agree.. specially these days

          • @pharkurnell: Esp an X trail hybrid… Good luck… Save the money for repair down the track.

  • +4

    Ask them why you should still buy this car if the paint is not good enough without protection?

    Last car i bought (18mth old used) they put the hard word on to get the tint and paint protection package. The car already has tint amd probably had paint protection too.

  • +7

    I have ceramic coating on our 2 cars. I find it useful, as they're easier to dry after washing, the water forms into beads and then are easily blown away by a blower, or just by driving immediately afterwards. The person who put it on mentioned that the paint will be now less affected by bird droppings as the acid in the dropping will have to penetrate the coating to get to the paint, though I do not know how true this is.

    • +1

      Thank you hdus002 appreciate your feedback.

    • "less affected by bird droppings"… Sure…

  • +10

    If you desire this stuff choose your own supplier. It's a high margin upsell to vulnerable new car purchasers. You're supposed to buy paint protection, window tint, upholstery treatment, underbody sealant, genuine accessories & extended warranty.

  • +7

    If you really want all that stuff get some quotes from legit detailers outside the dealership.

    You might be surprised at the price difference without the dealership taking a cut of the profits.

  • +5

    A ceramic coating provides as much protection as a good sealant (which BTW costs around $50 and can be applied by yourself) but lasts much longer. It makes washing the car easier, keeps the car cleaner for longer, and provides extra protection against UV, bird droppings, and other harsh chemicals that can degrade your clear coat. A good idea if you don't garage your car and often parked under the sun. However, it does not provide any protection against scratches or dings. You can also apply it anytime after delivery; the only thing is, the longer you wait and wash the car without proper care, the more prep work is required before application.

  • The X-Trail doesn't have any leather to protect.

    • Artifical or man made leather :)

      • +2

        Only the finest plastique.

        • +3

          Tesla call them Vegan leather lol

    • +1

      Synthetic leather-accented~ seat trim

      That's a hypenators wet dream.

  • Only if it's done by a professional detailer and not the car dealership. Coatings tested only last max 3 years before they need to be reapplied.

  • Tube ProjectFarm

    • Very impressive!

  • -4

    Through the dealer? No, absolutely not.

    Through reputable 3rd parties? Yes for ceramic if car is $$ and invest in car seat covers.

    Have a Rav4, got ceramic and it saved us on a claim after a knob dinged it in the carpark. The ceramic took the brunt and the dent was able to be popped and polished out.

    Had it not been there, it would have been a full door and quarter panel respray. There are different coatings and generally if you're paying this much you'd want the baked versions.

    We maintain our exposed leather with normal leather maintenance products but still have a dashmat, wool seat covers up front and velour in the back. You can get them tailor made by tye same factory direct that makes Sperling etc.

    • +2

      I'm under the impression a 0.002mm layer of after-market coating provides zero protection against collision damage. What product are you using?

      • I think the mob we went through used Ceramic Pro?

        And Im just saying what the panelbeaters told us. A claim and $8000+ job went down to $300 cashie. They said the ceramic was enough to stop the metallic paint from being damaged.

        Whatever. It's super easy to clean and we're in a high gum area. So far, no complaints

        • I’m pretty sure that the ceramic coating did nothing. Even without it, the paint on your car would have survived. Paintless dent removal is commonly used to repair small dings. I had a small door ding removed for $125 on a car that didn’t have any coatings. In my opinion, $300 is on the higher side unless it was a pretty large ding. Also, for $8,000, you can paint an entire car. A simple door would have cost less than $1,000 for a cash job. I’ve had a damaged rear quarter panel repaired on a car with a white metallic pearl finish (one of the most difficult paints to match) and had the rear bumper, rear quarter panel, and rear door painted and blended almost perfectly for $800 cash. As I’ve indicated earlier, a ceramic coating can't protect against physical damage. At best, it may reduce a bit of swirling you may get from washing your car improperly.

  • Assume the same retailer is also trying to sell you “factory dashcams” at very high markup too?

  • +1

    Upselling is rife in the Motor Trade, I have a laugh when the sales people scurry off to their office when I disclose I worked in the design department before we ditched our industry, after 33 years I had seen much of the snake oil thats directed to customers. If you are so intent on these products, ask around and go direct and avoid the big mark ups in the showrooms!.

  • +1

    Being a Nissan you'd likely get better value from an extended warranty.

    • Haha… So true… The 3 pot turbo is known to have issues. GG.

  • ceramic yes, but you can get this done at a good detailer with usually better products/result/cheaper

    leather stuff they use is just spray on shit

    "Schmick dent recovery" i dont know what that is, but neighbour is a dumbass and bought a big ass ram after complaining our street never has parking and isnt wide enough. Within 2 weeks he was scraped down the side and still hasnt sold his 2 old cars which are now parked on the street so for him it was worth it as they repaired it for free

  • Why does the Sales consultant have no confidence in the Nissan body paint?
    Possibly he knows something we don't, or he is just on a commission.


    Worked well on mates sorta neglected patrol…

  • +1

    We have our current and previous cars done and it definitely makes the car much easier to clean, protects paintwork from bird droppings/road grimes and enhances gloss & shine. We used to get it done with the car dealer for convenience (all done when you pick up the car) and cheap (we always manged to squeezed them down by at least 50%) but with the last 3 cars, we have use a professional detailer and the quality of work and result is definitely better. The car dealers tender out their work to the cheapest price and so for a detailer to win the job, they have to cut corners such as the very important pre coating work - comprehsive wash, decontaminate & correct the painwork so that the paintwork is perfect before applying the coating. They make also apply less coats. It will still look good enough when you pick up the car but I find the beading doesn't last as long and once you learn what to look for, you can spot the difference

  • The car dealer will just say how much you pay extra per week/month to do this additional top-up up and that amount seems negligible like $ 15 pw for 5 years, many people get carried away with the new car possession and go over the top with dealer selling technique.

    Don't get emotional and attached with your car, just take your car for a drive, top it up with good quality fuel, get service on time and ignore minor scratches and bumps as it's just a car.

    If you have this positive attitude then you will enjoy your car more then keeping car with low KM and stingy to delay service when needed and toping with E10 fuel and having heartburn when got some small scratch or paint chips.

  • I am no expert, but I have read how good ceramic is, but evidently it is expensive & also it is not easy to remove if needing to re-do. It does not give dent protection. I am thinking of getting a clear partial wrap to protect the front bumper, lights & bonnet. I have also read that if you do a partial wrap, then you should get ceramic on the rest of the car to prevent fading & keep the colour matching.

  • Question is how much are they charging for the ceramic coating? I rather pay for PPF that will be much capable protection even against stone chip which will happen if you drive on freeway often.

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