Need Advice. Samsung S24+ or Something Like OPPO?

My current mobile is a Samsung 21, 5G.

I mainly use it for making calls, use my apps (utilities etc).

No gaming.

I need a bigger screen, Samsung 24+ is a good size.

Should I buy the Samsung 24+ or would a high end mobile like OPPO be a better choice?

I also need the mobile to offer good reception in remote areas (WA, Kimberley)

I need the mobile to have good battery life.

Would Google 8 pro be a better choice?


  • -1

    or would a high end mobile like OPPO be a better choice?

    Which one specifically?

    Samsung will get 2 or so more year of software/security updates than high-end OPPOs (7yrs vs 5yrs), mobile reception will probably be identical

    Would Google 8 pro be a better choice?

    They aren't exactly known for their battery life… GSM tests would confirm this.

  • +1

    Samsung A55 as you don't do Gaming and has basic needs. It has BIG and GREAT screen for media consumption, long software update support and 2 years local warranty.

  • -4

    Oppo's are horrific phones.

    • +1

      Ya kidding, they've been some of the best hardware for $ in recent times.

  • -2

    Just get the Samsung, it will hold it's value (meaning you can sell it later for a big percentage of what you bought it for. Samsung is a much bigger company so support and customer service will be faster and better.

    I understand you like android, Samsung has a thing called One UI, which is how the phone looks. Oppo phones look completely different, even though they are both android.

    If this is not an issue consider iPhones as well, especially if you take a lot of videos.

    • +3

      please dont spread misinformation,
      sent my realme out of warranty to oppo, auspost on friday back with me fixed on the wednesday, no factory reset done, no cost to me
      sent my s7 under warranty for water ingress, refused warranty, then battery buldged, refused warranty again, ACCC ruled and find Samsung, ACCC told me to send in after calling them, samsung refused twice. still unfixed

      please check product reviews for Samsung, also they are most complained about company and check the threads on this site for samsung warrranty issues


    another day another SAMSUNG Disaster

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