$282 fine for reading TXT at red light

Can the ozbargain community shed some light on how I can contest this?
$282 is very painful!!

closed Comments

        • I doubt that Oz would officially discriminate between nationalities when granting citizenship. If the boat people from the middle east who seek asylum here can keep citizenship in the countries they allege are oppressing them, I would not think that Chinese immigrants would be treated differently.

        • +1

          I thought that you had to give up your citizenship and passport of your home country. Or does it depend on the country that you originally came from?


        • That's just silly.
          The comments of a few idiots on Ozbargain is not representative of the community as a whole.

          If all you choose take from this entire discussion is this one comment, it will have been worth your while posting here. It WAS you who initially pulled the race card, but you need to realise there will always be the ignorant few who are only too ready and willing to pounce.

          Consider the $282 fine to be a probable deterrant to every using your phone in the car again, and one day it may well save your life, or that of someone else - best $282 you ever spent.

        • +3

          Maybe if all of you just explained to him "what you did was wrong, Australian law says you can't look at your phone anytime you are behind the wheel, you're not being bullied as I've had Ozzie mates caught for doing the same thing, you can only pay the fine and learn" instead of treating OP as the epitome/representation of all bad drivers in Australia and giving him hell for it.

          What happened to fostering a welcome community?

        • I thought that you had to give up your citizenship and passport of your home country. Or does it depend on the country that you originally came from?



  • +3

    Take it to court is the only way. Personally I don't think $282 is enough, not even close. People like you think you have the right to obey the laws you want to, with no regard for others. You are the reason the traffic situation's so bad in Melbourne, playing with your phones at the lights, you miss the lights turning green, so 3 cars get through the intersection.

    I doubt it was even at the stop light as you claim, no doubt you were driving whilst using the phone, as I see countless people doing. Studies have shown this is as dangerous as drink driving. Consider yourself lucky you only received a fine. If it were up to me, your license would be suspended, and your car impounded, on a first offense, with the penalty rising for subsequent offences.

    • -3

      So what position do you hold and what gives you the right to generalize? Everybody is judged on a case by case basis, if you have proof, then show me some.

      I don't know which part of town you are from, certainly the traffic is not that bad at all over where I am.

      Geez, license suspended and car impounded - ouch! All these won't give revenue to the state so technically you are not really helping the state to get back in surplus. A fine is a win win for both - driver learns and state earns extra $. You gotta think a little more commercial. If I proceed to court, I will give the state even more money. Why do think tycoons and corporate giants get into lawsuit and fight for years?

      • +1

        You would be paying more than $282 if your car was impounded and if your license was suspended the state could make extra revenue from you using public transport.

      • +1

        While I may not agree with the extreme suggestion, there is a big difference between a fine and something that impacts your actions like impounding or licence removal.

        Many people do not learn lessons from a simple fine. This is made even worse due to class devides, those with ample money will shrug off such a fine and learn nothing.

      • +2

        Oh, that's why "tycoons and corporate giants get into lawsuit and fight for years"! To "give the state even more money".

        Your view of the world is truly warped.

      • +2

        You don't seem to be learning…..anything

  • +3

    This is cyber bullying? Are you for real? This isn't even close to that, and for you to even mention it at all is hugely offensive and an insult to those who have died from bullying.

    You were caught using a phone behind the wheel, regardless of the circumstances it's illegal. I welcome you to go fight it, just so the magistrate will lay down the law.

    Nothing of this at all has anything to do with your immigration status, and to use that is a terrible cop out.

    Eventually you will learn, hopefully the fine and 3 demerit opoints will make you understand that you are not special by any means and regardless of your color, race or nationality you can and will be caught.

    I drive for a living, and yes I do report people on the phone and provide evidence in the form of video footage provided by the several cameras placed on my prime mover and both trailers. And they do follow up on it.

  • -6

    Too many self righteous tools laying down their internet vengeance over obvious revenue raising.
    Op: Sorry to hear you got stung, good luck.

  • Hate that law, but they have to draw the line somewhere. Reading/writing while driving is incredibly dangerous, but obviously at a red light (especially ones you're used to and know when they're going to change), not so much. Just don't do it, or get a form of voice over to read it to you handsfree

  • +3

    you should have told them you were checking Ozbargain ;)

  • +1

    I can't even touch my bottle of water when I'm in the drivers seat?

    God I love Ozbargain. You've saved me $282.

  • +1

    The only way is to be able to prove that you were looking at or reading something else

    • That's going to be hard given this thread exists with cateyneow admitting he did it and his picture in his thumbnail.

  • +1

    This sort of reminds me of the story and north korea and how we view their rights in the country. We may think their unlucky but thats only because we prefer our system over theres. I have a feeling OP feels the same way about our country comparing to our restrictions and is trying to contest about it. Think about the overview for a second. We may think we are lucky but that's the only way of living we know lol.

    In some way people may disagree but those people just going with the flow 100% and following new laws are like cows inside a slaughterhouse. Not saying that rebelling is the way but not believing something so much can also be bad.

    Now before abyone decides to slunder me. I am a borb australian citizen and been thinking about the restrictions on freedom lately.

    • +1

      not sure what 'slunder' and 'borb' mean, but anyway:

      Are you telling me that this is not a sensible law, insofar as that it is there to prevent crashes and keep lives safe? That I'm a 'cow' for actually following this law?

      Sure, there are totally unnecessary restrictions on freedom in Australia, I'm sure most people realise that - but it's barely within our ability or scope to do anything about that, when politicians pretty much do as they please when they're in power…etcetcetc.

  • +1

    Where's the law about how cops can just suddenly tailgate you and follow you a decent distance? Then finally they turn on the siren and lights forcing you to pull over for no reason almost causing a heart attack just get to pass you. Or when you see them purposely turn the lights and sirens on to run a red light but as soon as they go pass it they turn it off? If you ask me we need more laws to make sure that police officers aren't allowed to abuse their power and to respect the law not break it themselves. Seriously is anyone here a police officer and can you shed some light on why in the past year alone I've had 3 occurrences with cops tailgating me and then forcing me to change lanes and pull over while they just drive past?

    • Any time lights are activated its recorded via the incar cameras and data loggers, if they are on a non critical job (or a job that requires 'stealth' ie not full lights and sirens for say a robbery)

      Ever stop to think you shouldn't of been in at lane to begin with? Or that you were below the limit and holding him up? With technology as it is now they can't get away with much without something or someone recording there actions.

  • On a similar note as this topic, a friend of mine was caught drunk driving over the weekend. It was his first drunk-driving offence and unfortunately on his birthday. Also, since he was way above the limit(0.124), his license got cancelled for a year. Now that would have been fine because he understands the repercussion of his decision to dive but his work needs him to drive everyday. He installs those energy saving electricity plugs and has to drive from one suburb to another.
    So, he had to quit his job. his employer will take him back when he can drive but that won't be for another one year. Is there any chance of him getting his license back? From some research, we found out the Queensland has the option of work license solely for this purpose. Apparently Victoria doesn't. But we are still not very sure about it. Would really appreciate any tips or info that could help him.

    • +1

      Your mate should consider himself extremely fortunate that he is alive to even have the opportunity to change jobs; or not in gaol pondering the ramifications of killing another motorist or pedestrian whilst driving very drunk!

      He should just suck it up, he got off lightly in the big scheme of things.

      • Fair enough, He completely understands and is deeply remorseful but he still needs to work. He lives by himself and has no other source of income whatsoever. Changing a job is not easy as it sounds.

        • +1

          yeah, QLD - restricted drivers license. Only driving when allowed. full P plate restrictions. you stuff up and you're stuffed.

          Contact Victorian Legal Aid. get some over the phone advice or book for a face to face session. or check their website legalaid.vic.gov.au

        • +2

          He lives by himself and has no other source of income whatsoever. Changing a job is not easy as it sounds.

          Those are called natural consequences. Your mate should have to learned to live with them once he actively chose to endanger the lives of others by driving at more than 4x the legal limit. Remember, we're talking about a well publicised criminal offence here, NOT some minor traffic infringement.

          I hate to sound callous, but I have little time for drunk drivers. I've lost friends & family members to these self-indulgent people over the years. Giving them free do-overs like 'work licences' is IMHO just trivialising the spirit & effect of the law, and reinforcing their selfish behaviour.


    • Maybe he can go do some FIFO work.

  • +3

    Wow, this is just pathetic from OPs comments. I dont think OP was fined enough!

    • I dont think OP was fined enough!

      Why? What amount would you suggest is fitting for the crime?

    • hear, hear

  • Happened to me last week as well.
    Have a cry, pay up, then don't do it again.

    At least that's what I did.

  • -1

    just negging all of cateyneow's posts to join in with the crowd

    • +2

      There is a limit of 5 a day.

      • +1

        Precisely, save some for me…

    • +4

      just negging all of cateyneow's posts to join in with the crowd

      That's exactly what many people do in this and other discussions posted on OzB.

      Which is why this neg/pos feature on comments is silly. It discourages people from using their brain and making up their own mind.

      • +2

        I prefer to + all the comments I agree with and leave the others rather than use -.

        The few times I use - is when there is factually incorrect information that might confuse other readers.

        • +2

          Also I 'disagree' with people who neg and not provide a reason - keyboard warriors if there ever was a better example. Hit and run!!!

  • I think OP has already got the answer he/she was looking for.

    Thread closed.

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