[PC, Steam] Free - Protos Magos (Early Access) @ Steam


Protos Magos is a Spellcrafting FPS with fast-paced combat. Explore a medieval setting and blast your way through a horde of demons. Create custom spells to suit your unique play style.

The game is still in early access, a demo is available.

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
“The game will be for free during Early Access, but I intend to gradually increase the price as more content is added”

To get this game you need to:

  • Be logged into Steam on a web browser
  • Copy
  • Go to any https://store.steampowered.com/ page, such as the game store page through the deal link
  • Press F12 to open the web console
  • Paste AddFreeLicense(810499) and hit enter (first time users will need to type allow pasting and hit enter first)
  • You should get a undefined has been added to your account. It is now available in your Steam Library. pop up
  • The game is now added to your library

Alternative method for Chromium users:

  • Be logged into Steam on a web browser
  • Copy
  • Go to any https://store.steampowered.com/ page, such as the game store page through the deal link
  • In the address bar, type in
    and paste avascript:AddFreeLicense(810499)
  • Go (don't search)
  • You should get a undefined has been added to your account. It is now available in your Steam Library. pop up
  • The game is now added to your library

Or you can go to SteamDB https://steamdb.info/app/2259190/ and click on install.

If you already have or don't mind installing the SteamDB extension you can go here https://steamdb.info/sub/810499/, and click on 'Add free license'.

If you have the Steam client installed on your Windows device you can try this:

  • Open a run window (windows key+r or type run in the search bar)
  • Type or cut and paste

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    • Are you sure that wasn't just the demo?

      • Oooh haha I guess I wasn't sure. Cheers

  • +2

    All Reviews:
    No user reviews
    Release Date:
    31 Mar, 2023

    Yeah nah thanks

    • It's early access, there are some early access reviews which seem pretty positive.

  • Look like just demo

    • +4

      Follow the instructions to add the game to your library.

      • +1

        How can we add non demo to library via steam app?

        • I added it from steamdb

          • +1

            @superforever: That would only be the game demo. Protos Magos is only currently a game demo. And adding that to your account is not going to give access to the paid version when it releases. It will be a completely different Steam App ID number. So congrats you have a free developmental game demo.

            • +1

              @hollykryten: I checked my steam library I have both in it, demo and not demo.

              • @superforever: Well this makes it seem that once the Early Access is over it's switching to paid only. What's to stop them disabling access to the game when Early Access is over unless you pay?.

                Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
                “The game will be for free during Early Access, but I intend to gradually increase the price as more content is added”

                • @hollykryten: The instructions in the description above adds the main game, not the demo.

                  If the developer decides to switch away, they will need to make a new game under a new steamid. So it's possible, but they'd lose a bunch of existing players (who may not actually switch).

        • +2

          Instructions are in the description. You can install via a web browser, SteamDB or through Windows.

  • +1

    Followed instructions, now own the main game.

  • -4

    This is just an early access developmental game demo. Only free to play game demo during the Early Access stage of development. You're not going to get the paid game for free when it releases and claiming this free game demo onto your account will never give access to the full game once it releases. So how is a free game demo a deal?.

    • Check your steam library after you added it with steamdb.

      • +2

        Yeah it shows as Protos Magos in the steam library. I think that i was wrong.

  • Haha played through the demo then came back and noticed the the instructions for the full game.

    Looks very promising.

    • +2

      Replayed through the first part and found a bunch more secrets and spells. Very fun. Reminiscent of quake games with elements of Warlock but 3D. IMO easily worth about $10.

      • +1

        Appreciate the quick review, very helpful for random free games.

  • +1

    Just hit F12 instead of Ctrl+Shift+J/Ctrl+Shift+K

  • Thanks, I used the last option for Windows, and instead of installing, I just close the dialog and checked my library, it appears that the early access is already added.

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