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Buy 8 Pairs of Underwear & Get 10 Free ($248 for 18 Pairs/ $13.77 Each) Delivered @ Step One


This makes them come down to about $13.77 each and get a free t-shirt. Also doing buy 4 get 3 free and buy 3 get 1 free.

Following on from recent deals including the buy 5 get 6 free https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/875886

Many have commented that the quality has gone down in recent years, but I’m happy with mine.

Referral Links

Referral: random (68)

Referee gets 50% off 1st order. Referrer gets 1 free pair.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

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closed Comments

  • +5

    18? That's so excessive. You could go a month without washing any underwear.

    • +9

      Umm, I hope you mean 18 days

      • +11

        Front to back
        Back to front
        Flip inside out

      • I've been travelling for 3 months and can confirm 18 that I am still to use all of them atleast once.

    • Do a group buy

  • I would go naked

  • +5

    18 would sure make them last a little longer now their quality has gone to poo

    • +1

      Someone, somewhere: I bet I could print one out of TPU

      • +1

        God damnit now I wanna try

        • There was a craze for a while where everyone was doing tpu crocs prints… why not jocks next HAHA

          CROCS N JOCKS

  • +5

    Kmart version is the same quality for less $$$

    • +3

      They're really not

      • +1

        Well you could always go to bonds outlets and get some cheap decent ones. Step One is really nothing but marketing…

        Don't get my wrong, some people are attached to the brand.

      • -1

        The bamboo kmart version is identical

        • mind sharing a link of Kmart version?

        • Nope. I’ve heard this argument so so many times and unless I’m looking at the wrong ones, they are definitely not identical. I’ve used the Kmart ones and get bad gooch chafing to the point I walk around like Clint Eastwood at the end of the day. No good for a physical job in the heat.

    • +2

      I’ve tried K-Mart ones, Target and Bonds, but find none of them as comfortable and only the step ones hold my junk comfortably in place.

  • +2

    Quality has definitely gone down. Needing to buy 18 pairs for a decent price is excessive. I think Tradie and AussieBum are better now.

    • +2

      Love my Tradie "no chafe" undies. I can vouch on their quality. Big W stocks them.

      • +1

        Second this, have switched from Step One to these - so much better !

  • +1

    IMO Knobby are much better, there was a guy that commented on their FB post saying that had a better deal during the week. I'm not sure of the validity of it but that would be enough to put me off.

    • Would love to find this link, cant even get access to their BF deal.

    • It didn't look like the Knobby ones in the awesome prints have the inner thigh panel, can you confirm?

      • +1

        Nah Knobby don't have the inner panel, however, the material is much more breathable and is better (again IMO) overall. I have both and won't be getting Step One again.

        • Cool. Do in knobby have the ball sling? I notice in my tradie bamboo from 2 years ago they do, but last year's BF Tradies bamboo do not.

  • Thanks OP. Love my step Ones. Extremely comfortable and wont buy anything else.

  • +3

    Before a six month backpacking trip I bought a few brands and experimented. My order of preference:

    Willy Wagtail
    All Citizens



    For me, some kind of ball pouch is the game changing function. Stepone were great for a number of years, but the market has kept innovating and there are much better options out there.

  • lol… Christmas for the entire family - including cousins - sorted.

    Thanks OP!

  • +5

    When they send you a reminder that's it's 12 months since your last order and time to get new, you know you're not getting quality, just marketing. Some of my older step1 are doing better than my newer pairs. When I sent them picture of previous purchase, they offered one pair of undies for free. I've got BigW boxers that are 7 years old ans still going, just. 12-24 months max for these. No thanks. Not going back.

    • +1

      I couldn’t agree more with this post. I’m really annoyed that they went so far downhill so quickly as I really liked them and would have been a loyal customer but I won’t but then again.

  • +1

    bought some recently with the buy 5 get 6 free. only got 10 pairs been a week and they have not responded to my emails. disappointing customer service disappointing quality in recent times. officially on my avoid list now. do not recommend 1 1/2 stars of 5 stars

  • +1

    Happy with my bonds alphas and bamboozles thanks

  • I buy the kmart ones with the days of the week on them. They're decent. 18 months and the 2 packs are doing fine. I don't wear them to footy training as they are not good for holding my junk in place when running (stick to standards jocks). Also if i feel like rebelling against the system I then wear a different days . E.g. today I am wearing tuesday. #fightthesystem.

  • Under Armour are probably the best, and right now, they can be had on a decent discount.

  • Got my order delivered but only 3 undies not thee 18 ordered, anyone else have an issue? Just following it up now, no response yet.

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