My android phone got stolen over a week ago and I was able to view track my phone with time line but now don't see time line anymore any idea?I am following close to have enough details and had over to police.
Can't View Time Line Stolen Phone

This is now mandatory for everyone, your location history (timeline) will no longer be tied to your Google account, instead it is linked to your mobile device and the only way to inspect your timeline, is to use that device.
You cannot remotely view your timeline on the web browser anymore.
If you lost a device though you can still get it's current location using Android Find My Device.
You will need to have switched it on in the first place though……
It's staggered, the changeover hasn't happened for everyone yet
First week I used my older android device linked to all devices and was able to view time line, can't can't view it regardless of PC, if I contact google support would it be any help? Need to hand over IMEI number and all evidence so it can be tracked, my phone was apparently stolen from my work, CCTV has only half proof that this one guy had taken it, it traces phone location take up a few streets when je finished and was tuneed off, I might be able to get other shops to access CCTV and it matches up I should have hard profff to get it back?
got stolen over a week ago
I don't think police are going to prioritise this, regardless of how well you triangulated it's position
Good. I would hope they prioritise domestic violence incidents, traffic crashes, mental health incidents and the myriad of other taskings before dealing with a stolen phone.
The AFP are going to be the least interested in helping you get your shit back. This is not in the wheelhouse of the AFP, to go around getting people’s mobile phones back…
prioritise domestic violence incidents, traffic crashes, mental health incidents and the myriad of other taskings
best they can do is a 2hr wait before attending
Their priority is speeding tickets and other revenue-generating activities.
This is why you do your own homework and the hand all evidence over so police does not need to do as much, only the arrest warrant.
You could walk the person into the police station with evidence proving them guilty and they probably wouldn’t bat an eyelid.
Police resources are spread so thin, they don’t have time for minor crime.
I wish I lived in the same fantasy reality as you.
Not until you start taking actions into your own hands. It has worked for me.
Even if you have pinpointed the actual house where phone is. The police cant do anything from a legal standpoint.
Doubtful but the best you could hope for is for them to knock on the door and have a chat unless they admit they have the phone the police cant search the place.
The police cant do anything from a legal standpoint.
Can't, or won't?
I mean the phone dirrection moved same place and time as when the person finished up shift, isn't that enough to provide evidence? And as mentioned if I can get matched records indicating my phone was being used with CCTV to turn of my phone wouldn't that work either???
So you know the person who you suspect took your phone?
Google are ceasing cloud based timeline so it is limited to the device. Maybe they conned you into opting in early? They send a lot of popups etc trying to convince you.