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  • -1


    • +11

      I remember a time when nobody gave a rats clack what other people wore and judged people on their character rather than their clothing choices.

      Not on Ozbargain though. On OzB there are a whole lot of people who seem to like making themselves feel superior by demeaning others for what they wear.

      Always seems like peak irony on a bargain website.


      • -8

        Talking about trends through the years.

        You took it personally. Triggered much?


        • Oh wow. Yeah man, you read me like a book. Very triggered. You're real perceptive.. What can i say? Arrogant W-anchors set me off every time. Guilty as charged. Seems to be a lot on this website.

          • @Fredorishi: You mean arrogant such as yourself? Look in the mirror much? https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/869712

            Sounds like you have a coloured history yourself, dug yourself that little hole haha, lad.

            • -1

              @adrianhughes1998: Lol. Trawling through my old posts now? You must be even more bored than me. Or maybe you're just good at stalking people?

              How does understanding the toxic culture of Policing make me arrogant? What hole have I dug?

              You're clutching at straws, dude.

              • @Fredorishi: Took me all of 20 seconds to find that information that is right there in the public domain. Took my chances to see if you were a hypocrite, which, you are.

                You wanna call me out on my opinions, I'll call you out on yours. Just give up mate lol.

                • -1

                  @adrianhughes1998: You're not calling me out on anything. You're dredging up a comment section from 3 months ago and saying nothing relevant about the previous conversation or the current one.

                  How am i a hypocrite? How am I arrogant? What hole have I dug?

                  Maybe try answering the questions or respond like a grown up. Rather than throwing silly accusations around just because you're salty about my initial comment.


                  I really don't think I'm the "triggered" one here.

                  • @Fredorishi: You are very triggered. With your initial mocking of my initial comment on this thread with 'sheesh'. If you weren't triggered or cared what I said, you wouldn't have commented. Don't you have a grasp on the meaning of words in the English language?

                    So let's not forget who got salty in the first place. Let's not forget who's the one who can't let things go.

                    It's not me, it's YOU.

                    • -1

                      @adrianhughes1998: Have a cry about it.

                      Maybe have a look at how many people liked my post and disliked your next one. And once you've wiped away the tears, perhaps you could consider some self-reflection….. If you're capable of that?

                      Seeing as you just keep repeating the same accusations and can't elaborate or answer basic questions, this "conversation" is beyond pointless.

                      Peace out dude. All the best. xx

                      • @Fredorishi: What about the dislikes in the post you did months ago then. Could say the same for you. You can't justify your argument, not in the slightest.

                        You are a dumb shit, as simple as that.

    • +2

      What are you on about? The 90s was when Champion was huge. Same with Starter and Russell Athletic. It died out late 90s/2000s.

      • Fila same too. Is Reebok looked down upon now?

  • -2

    eshay bras

  • Very limited selection on sale

  • +1

    6 items on sale for men
    Aint nobody got time for that

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