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Apple AirPods 4 w/ Active Noise Cancellation $264.99 Delivered @ Costco (Membership Required) (Price Beat $251.75 @ Officeworks)


Great deal on AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation.

Price beat at Officeworks (currently at $268)


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Costco Wholesale
Costco Wholesale


  • +5

    Good deal

  • -1

    If Airpod Pro 2 is available at a similar price point , which one would be the best choice from a comfort and safety point of view

    • Depends on your ears. And what safety concerns you have.

      • What safety concerns are there to consider?

        • I’m still waiting to find out :p

        • +1

          Safety of your AirPods in that you’ll lose them if/when they fall out?

      • Extended use of sealed earphones could be a contributing factor for hearing loss

        • Even if you don't listen loud? I haven't heard of this before

          • @Jackson: There is no concrete evidence at this point in time, however it might be too late for many of us if new evidence emerge in 5- 10 years from now.

            • @utsc: Do you know how long this has been suspected/they have been doing research for? I've been listening through these for a loooong time and I can't say I've noticed anything, but I make sure not to listen too loud

    • My ears prefer Airpods 4, my partners prefer the Pro 2's, and we can't see a difference in our ears so it's a bit of a guessing game

    • +4

      From reading around, sounds like personal preference. The Pros use the in-ear sealed thingy which some people find uncomfortable especially with noise cancelling turned on where it can create a feeling of pressure in your head. The regular AirPods still have ANC but will naturally be less effective due to not having such an effective seal. It's hard unless you know people who will let you try theirs on. I would say unless you expect to be in really noisy environments like power tools and whatnot, the ANC on the regular AirPods will be adequate but I'm not speaking from personal experience.

      The other thing is the Pros should in theory stay in your ears better during exercise but some people said they actually fell out a lot while the regular ones held on a lot better. I go to the gym and walk but don't really run so I think either will be fine. Personally I don't like the in-ear feeling. I prefer the Bose range for fit and noise cancelling and they don't create such a strong seal to the point where it's uncomfortable - but they don't switch seamlessly between Apple devices like the AirPods do.

    • +1

      I’ve got both, I use the pro ones only when I am home. Don’t like the fit and the rubber tip of the pro ones. Air pods 4 quality wise is good enough for me, doesn’t fall off my ear when I am at the gym and does a good job in noise cancelling.
      Pro 2 has better sound quality but air pods 4 is good enough. Also no volume control on Air pods 4. Overall in my case and for my ears I prefer airpods 4.

  • -1

    I think this has been answered before but does OW consistently do price beat on Costco special/sale prices? Do I need to prove I'm a Costco member to be eligible? (I'm not)

    • i claimed yesterday, i said i was member but they didn't ask for it. as long as sku/model number matches. each store varies

    • +1

      I price beat today. Membership was not checked for me.

  • Waiting for deal on AirPods Pro 2 🙏

    • Same here. A good deal is around $300?

      • Around $280 based on previous deals posted here.

  • Sigh. My Galaxy Buds Pro 2 are off for repair with the Good Guys. Never fit me anyway. Let's see if OW will still price beat tomorrow

  • +1

    I am a bit anti airpods, but the other week after buying the cheap creative Zen Air 2 I tested them against a friend's airpods and while the creatives are very decent for the 25 dollar delivered price tag, the airpods clearly sounded better, not enough to make me want to pay 240 bucks more or nearly 10 times as much.

    What I am wondering is if I wanted an equivalent sound quality but wasn't fussed about buying an Apple product, how much would I be up for and what brand would match the sound quality of these?

    • +1

      I got a Huawei freebud pro in an eBay deal for 99 bucks. They are comparable with pro. Just need to wait for deals

    • Yeah Apples method is to provide a product that performs just within spec for the price tag, then load up with features that make them so convenient you wouldn't dare change. Stuff like connectivity and find my.

  • Bought, thank you!

  • Went to the OW and they price beat Costco no issues. My OG AirPods Pro started dying last couple of days and after looking at reviews I decided to not buy Pro 2 and instead 4 ANC, as the ANC is similar. After testing them out the last 2 hours I'm very happy. Comfy, good new features like conversation awareness and $150 cheaper than Pro 2, which may potentially be replaced with Pro 3 later this year. Thanks OP!

    • If price wasn’t an issue which would you choose?
      Looking to replace my OG too

      • +1

        If time wasn't an issue I'd wait for Pro 3 and buy them (possibly in September). If price wasn't an issue eg. both 4 ANC and Pro 2 were at the same price, I'd go for Pro obviously. Pro 2 has better ANC and I like the silicon tips and was afraid the non-silicon buds won't be comfortable, but that proved to be a non-issue for me.

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