• long running

Spalding Basketball $9.95 (Was $79.95) & More + $9.95 Post ($0 Perth C&C) @ Jim Kidd Sports


Restock of NBA Wilson & Spalding Basketball Clearance / Wilson Reaction $9.95 (don't pay $79.95) + $9.95 Post ($0 Perth C&C) @ JKS

Insufficient quantity and duplicate items removed from title — Mod.

100+ Sale Products in the collection.

Restock of NBA Wilson & Spalding Basketball Clearance Ball Size Price Sale
Wilson Reaction Size 7 Basketball Black/White (sold out) Basketball size 7 Now $9.95 (Was $79.95) $70 OFF
NBA Team Tribute Basketball New York Knicks Basketball size 7 Now $9.95 (Was $39.95) $30 OFF
Wilson NBA Forge Plus Basketball in Dark Grey Basketball size 6 Now $9.95 (Was $79.95) $70 OFF
Wilson NBA Forge Plus Basketball in Dark Grey Basketball size 7 Now $29.95 (Was $79.95) $50 OFF
Spalding Marble Basketball Basketball size 5 & 7 Now $9.95 (Was $29.95) $20 OFF
Spalding TF-Flex Basketball Basketball size 7 Now $9.95 (Was $29.95) $20 OFF
Wilson NBA Retro Mini Brooklyn Nets Mini Basketball size 3 Now $9.95 (Was $29.95) $20 OFF

Check the Full Collection for all Basketball Clearance Products

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Jim Kidd Sports
Jim Kidd Sports


  • +1

    I got the Wilson NBA Game Ball (size 7) for $50, reduced from $110. Was hidden on page 6.

    • +1

      hi jard001 - thanks for your order, hope you enjoy your new basketball! We tried to arrange them in price order which is why that one was a bit hidden!

      Kind regards,

    • +1

      Nah, that is not the NBA game ball but a replica of it.

  • +1

    You should make up some Nico Harrison Dallas jersey's so the Dallas fans can buy them to burn… loll

    • I heard Luka only has two destination in mind, Denver or Spurs. This is why Dallas got rid of him and Rob Lowe didn't do the due diligence because he doesn't want to miss out.

  • +1

    On basketball, whats the ozb recommended outdoor basketball hoop system?

    • ideally circular, but i've in my youth used the recycling bin

    • +1

      Personally, I bought the Lifetime 44 MVP system. In recent sales it was $250 at rebel, seems to often be at that price. Plus keep an eye on shopback etc. There are much fancier things out there, but my 8&12yo boys were impressed with it. I think it's the clear/polycarb backboard that makes it look fancier than it is.

      Spalding has the better reputation, and probably easier to resell, but comes at a higher price.

    • My recommendation is wait for them to go on sale, but don't skimp. Cheap systems FEEL cheap.

      OR, keep an eye on Facebook marketplace. Bargains pop up all the time on great quality systems. If you get a second-hand spading system it's usually really easy to buy spare parts for, so even if you need to replace a backboard it can still end up being vastly cheaper than buying new.
      I actually got my system for free and all I needed to do was replace the ring and net, which set me back about $60 at the time. The backboard later shattered, but that too was replaced easily for about $150, if I remember correctly. For context, it was originally a $900 system.

  • +3

    @jimkiddsports the Wilson NBA Forge Plus Basketball in Dark Grey In size 7 is not showing at $9.95?

    • -3

      Size 6 is $9.95 and sold out

      • +2

        This post says size 7 is also $9.95, but it isn't.

      • Hi, We've just updated the quantities, they should be available to purchase now.

        • Is there a reason the size 7 is listed at $29.95 but says $9.95 in your post?

    • +1

      bought 2 from the last post for ($9.95) each. They are awesome!

  • +11

    Wilson NBA Forge Plus Basketball in Dark Grey is showing as $29.95

    • -3

      Size 6 is $9.95 and sold out

      • +2

        This post says size 7 is also $9.95, but it isn't.

  • +1

    Also keen on the Dark grey if it's $9.95, I do have 2 others in my cart as well but that one would be nice!

  • Shipping not available in VIC

    • Hi lamladrt - Can you screenshot your cart and PM me please. Sometimes it's because select products are only available for click & collect (from Perth) but let me look into it so I can tell you for sure.

      Many thanks

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