Nikka Whisky from The Barrel 500ml $79.99 + Delivery ($0 MEL C&C/ $200 Order) @ Nicks Wine Merchants


One of my favourite classics.

Very well priced, I heard rumours about 2 -3 years ago it was going to be discontinued so i stocked up, but i guess that didnt happen!

Best with water, or neat, or in a highball, doesnt have the alcohol burn even thought its 51%

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Nicks Wine Merchants


  • +1

    What kind of barrel is this from

    • +18

      The round kind I think

      • Possibly wooden

        • Japanese barrel

          • @Daddy74: Possibly not. They use a lot of American barrels

      • +3

        And first worn by hobos held up with suspenders

    • Old crow

    • Dated Aug 6 1947

    • ex-bourbon and ex-sherry barrels. I'm not a huge whisk(e)y nerd but the sweet bourbon flavours come through in a delicious but delicate way with this whisky.

      Will always be my favourite Japanese spirit!

  • I’ve enjoyed a couple of bottles of this one. Strong drop. Apparently can no longer be called Japanese whisky due to new requirements. But it’s still the same drink.

  • -1

    Should I Go get Nicks or just get it from Dan's ?

    • hard one like this.

  • +19

    Nikka please

    • +1

      One of my favourate drops, theres a sweet after taste to this one which makes u want to have another shot.

      • +3

        I will always remember my first Nikka

      • +2

        Username checks out

    • Once you go Nikka, you don't go back

  • $89 at Dans on special … wonder if they can price match in store when its on special?

    • +1

      Just price beat to 78.99 and going to use a 5% gift card to bring it to 75.04

      • How did you do that?

      • +2
        • I just did this and the total was $83.69 delivered to Sydney (they wouldn't price match pick-up as both stores are located in Vic)

          • @winsonian: Bugger. Good for those in vic (like me)

          • @winsonian: After they adjust the price just change it back to pickup. Luckily has 1 stock near me. Worked for me :)

        • Thanks for that.

          The guy at Dan's did mention that if the price match is a online store/warehouse you'll need to do an online chat price match. In store price match is only for brick and mortar stores. But he priced matched it for me this time round.

          • @kikxz: What’s the difference between a warehouse and brick and mortar store according to Dan’s?

            Drink Society have an address which is open 9-5.

            14 Tottenham Parade
            West Footscray Victoria 3012

            Whether the competitor sells to the public out of a tin shed, igloo or tee-pee it shouldn’t matter and they should price match.

            • @VerticallyIntegrated: Not sure tbh, all the guy said at the Collingwood store - was for an in person price match you should be able to walk into the store.

              For an online only seller that allows click and collect you have to use the online chat service from DM's website so they can check out all the T and C's.

  • +2

    I’ve had this one a few times and I like it. I’d never bothered to look up what’s in it:

    40% single malts from the Miyagikyo and Yoichi distilleries, 60% Coffey grain spirit from Nikko stills aged for “around” 10 years. Married for 3-6 months in a number of different cask types; ex-bourbon barrels, ex-sherry butts, and refilled, recharred and remade hogsheads. Bottled at 51.4%.

    I’m usually not a fan of grain whiskies, but I like this one and it’s 60% grain.

  • Never tried but comments seems interesting enough, will buy one and see

  • Enjoyed this one when I went to the Yoichi distillery in Japan, the pick of the bunch was the Yoichi 10 year old though

  • This is one my favourites in this price range, must resist.

  • Interesting, I had this years ago and really wasnt impressed with the taste. I found it quite basic tbh. I've had numerous Highland whiskeys that I'd all rate over this. I mean I am comparing single malts vs a blended, the Nikka reminded me mostly of JW Black/Gold

  • +1

    Asked for a bottle of this at Dan Murphy's.
    Got punched in the face before I could finish my sentence.

  • Definitely add water. One of the best and a great price.

  • +1

    Very slightly cheaper at the drink society:…

  • Thanks. Picked up a bottle, as well as a Highland Park Cask Strength Release No.3 to try (plus to get over $200!). Stocking up for winter! New customer with Nicks, but their website is really polished and informative, will be back.

  • Anyone know the domestic price in Japan & rough availability in cities like Tokyo/Kyoto?

    • I have never been able to find it in Japan since 2016. All bought out by foreigners/tourists.

    • 3500 yen as of 2 weeks ago.

      • Very nice. Where did you manage to find it?

        • honestly dont remember so sorry i cant help you there, i just walked into one of those alcohol outlets in one of the underground shopping tunnels. didnt get a recipt

    • Cheapest I saw was Y5,680 but wasn’t really looking. October 24.

    • Last month at Donki it was 6,390 Yen (before tax) for the Export version. Local version (no box) was cheaper, I think around 5,600 Yen (before tax).

  • -4

    Stop supporting 500ml bottles. Vote with your wallets.

  • +1

    If anyone would prefer to Click and Collect from Melbourne's West, The Drink Society based out of West Footscray has it for a couple bucks cheaper.…

  • Nikka from the Nevis. Not a bad price for this very drinkable dram.

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