Best Laptops/Ultra Books/Notebooks - Under 14" For Less Than $650?

Hi everyone.

Would just like to know your opinion or what you've heard about any good
laptops, ultra or note books that are priced under $650 and have 'up to par' specs?

Ive already searched most retailers like Jb, Dicksmith, Good Guys, Bing lee, etc.
Haven't really liked the Asus range F202 or the options they offer.

What do you'se think?



  • Do you need it straight away, or can you wait a little? If it is straight away, take a look at MSY as they routinely have a few deals that are good.
    I'm looking for the same, but am content to wait until the right deal comes along.

  • me too, looking for one.
    my main requirement is LIGHT and THIN and WIN8 and 13" and cheaper than MacAir.

  • -1

    Anything with Full HD and 11.6/13.3" for this price?

    • For less than $650? - No.

      • you are joking…

        i mean i LOL at the guy wanting a $650 13" unit that competes with a mac air that is $1,500!

        the only laptop that has caught my eye is the Logical Blue W550EU but that's 15.6" and its $800

  • I need a laptop for my upcoming exam in mid May, but would prefer 15.6" I missed out on deal for the Acer V3-571-32354G50Mak that Myer was offering which was only $262 after cashback.

    I currently have my eye on the Acer Aspire E1-571-33114G50Mnk:
    For $399 after cashback I think it does the job but would like a second opinion.

    Also does anyone know when the big stores (Good Guys, Harvey, Dicksmith, MSY, etc) will be doing their next big sale?

    • I'm a bit turned off by the optical drive. I don't want to have to carry one all the time. It's heavy, and the battery life is poor. But if you are just after office programs and web browsing it will be fine.

      • Thanks for the reply, I do need a dvd drive and yes, it will be for office programs, pdfs and reckon tax elite. So pretty basic.

        I think my Exams are in Mid June and not next month. I'll do what your doing and hold out till I get the right deal.

        Hopefully by June we'll have i5 laptops at similar prices to the i3. Even if it is a little heavy.

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