Ether » posts

Need Advice on Insurance Claim

Okay here is the situation… I rear-ended into someone's car. The damage appears to be rather minor (paint scratches and stuff) to the other driver's car. Both parties are …

Advice needed on Telechoice/LC plans

I'm currently assessing whether to go with Telechoice or LC. My research so far has found that: Telechoice They claim to use Telstra network (albeit only "some parts of" Telstra …

Recommendation on car window tinting in Melbourne

Can anyone recommend a car window tinting place in Melbourne? Also, what is the average price for window tinting and how long would it take? Thanks.

Difference between a grey import and AU stock for Mobiles/tablets?

AFAIK, if its a grey import, it is made in a weird corner of the world, and you get text in weird language when booting up the screen. Also, if the phone breaks, you'd have to send it to the …

Good backup tool to use in Windows 7

… because the Windows 7 backup tool is just not enough. Preferably free. Also I'm fussy about my file's creation and modification times, so those details need to stay intact after a …

Clutch and clutch wear

I've been wondering this all along. Google isn't exactly reliable these days so I thought I better clear up my mind once and for all.