Odd » user profile

Member Since 24/09/2015
Last Seen 20/06/2021

Recent Activities

What is an OTR Store?
23/03/2021 - 07:17
Scalping is kinda a grey area. In a sense basically all middle-men/retailers are involved in this practice, they just set their prices…
08/03/2020 - 11:41
Am I doing it right? https://wn.nr/wgd5wJ
23/12/2017 - 04:47
OfficeWorks has the newer and faster 40MB/s version [SanDisk 16GB Ultra $12.99 @…
24/09/2015 - 05:24
Odd joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
24/09/2015 - 05:19