ggrant » posts

BITCON - Cryptocurrency. Is It a Global Deposit Interest Scam?

Is Bitcoin simply a financial industry scam getting user's bank interest? Typical trader example: Transfer your government guaranteed funds from an Aussie bank earning 3% interest. The funds …

Free Shipping from First Choice Liquor (Min Spend $20)

expired Free Shipping from First Choice Liquor (Min Spend $20)


Free shipping today only. Same deal as previously. So can look them up if you aren't familiar.

RAMS Home Loan

RAMS Saver Rate Dropping from 3.15% to 3.00% from 22/12/16

RAMS Saver rate dropping from 3.15% to 3.00% from 22/12/16 If relevant, best not to withdraw until early Jan due to losing bonus rate interest. ING is 3% as well so I'm off to Amsterdam

Two Tricks on Bad Wine Experiences

Just thought I'd share two tips that worked fairly well to recover from a bad wine day. 1/. I bought the cheapest cask wine called Daybreak, and I couldn't drink it (some Daybreak …