smartmerino » user profile

Member Since 04/06/2017
Last Seen 12/02/2024
Location Auckland

Recent Activities

We used to have something like these, they we're hit and miss with our customers. We're always keen on a comeback but need to dig a bit…
08/02/2024 - 07:24
Out of interest, what price did you get them for? And how long ago did you purchase them?
08/02/2024 - 07:22
I'm not sure you understand the price of making products.
08/02/2024 - 07:21
That's one ingredient. The main costs come from; raw merino, spinning to yarn, turning to fabric, dyeing, cutting and sewing. And sure, you…
08/02/2024 - 07:20
Hi Alvian, thanks for this note. I'm new to this so 100% knew I would stuff it up somewhere along the way. Would your guidance to be to…
08/02/2024 - 07:15
10% off New Zealand Made Merino Clothing + A$15 Delivery ($0 with A$200 Order) @ Smart Merino, New Zealand
## Stay Warm and Stylish with 10% off Quality Merino Clothing # [Smart Merino]( for merino clothing for men…
07/02/2024 - 14:56
smartmerino joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
04/06/2017 - 09:12