azurenim » posts

poll Huawei P30 Lite Vs Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro

I cannot decide which 128gb phone to get. Happy to go with whichever has the most votes. I just want a nice camera for lots of videos and photos, expandable storage for keep them in, my budget is …

Room Dividers/Partitions - Why so expensive?

I'm looking for a room divider to separate some open storage, say about 3-4 panels across. I've had a look at brand new ones and I don't know if I just have no experience in furniture …

Recommendations for Fantasy/Steampunk Books? Kindle eBooks Highly Preferred

Feeling like some steampunk fantasy and I've read some good ones recently that only have their toes in the genre (Lindsay Buroker, etc.). Would appreciate it if you guys could help out. I …