apprentice » posts

$50 Exercise Earphones

Hi guys I am in search for a pair of exercise earphones for less than $50. I will be only using them at the gym. So, I want them to be bass heavy, overall sound quality doesn't have to be that good.

Which external HD?? Buffalo, Seagate or Western Digital?

I am looking to buy an external HD to back up my desktop data. I was looking into these 3 HDs withing my budget:

What to do with faulty product just after warranty expires?

Hi guys, I bought a GPS navigator from Goodguys little over 13 months ago for $185. They offered me extended warranty but I didn't take it.

2TB 3.5" Hard Drive USB 2.0

Hi guys, I need to buy a 2TB 3.5" USB 2.0 Hard Drive. Where I can I find the cheapest price to pricematch at Office Works? Choosing USB2.0 over 3.0 solely because of price. Thanks

i3 4GB RAM Notebook for $400?

Hi guys, looking to buy a notebook with this configuration- i3 or equivalent AMD processor & 4gb ram. Can this be bought for $400 anywhere? Thanks

Cheap Mobile Phone Repairer in Inner City Melbourne??

The LCD of my HTC Desire is shattered and my phone is out of warranty. Do you know any repairer in inner city Melbourne who fixes phones at a reasonable price?

Need to buy a 1TB/2TB external HD with e-sata

Hi guys I desparetly need to buy a 1TB/2TB Hard with e-sata drive asap. Prices seem to be skyrocketed due to the recent flood in Thailand.

Is this a good deal?

Cheapest 40" LCD with wifi and PVR?

Hi guys, I am in the market for a LCD TV with wifi and PVR capability. Thinking of buying now as it could be little bit cheaper than ususal. This will be my first big screen tv(using a 20" crt now). …

Cheap clothing alteration in Melbourne

Hi guys where can I find really really cheap clothing alteration in Melbourne? like $10 for shortening jeans.

Where to buy discounted shoes in Melbourne?

Hi guys is there any place in Melbourne where Converse or Vans shoes are on sale? I was checking them out in Melbourne Central yesterday and they looked overpriced.

Need a cheap digital camera

HI guys can you suggest me a cheap I mean really cheap digital camera before christmas? In-store please. It might not get delivered before christmas if I buy online. Thanks in advance.

Where to buy a Highlander HD Digital Set-Top Box for cheap

Hi guys can you tell me where can I buy this set tops box for cheap. Thanks