Alan6984 » user profile

Member Since 09/09/2018
Last Seen 07/01/2024
Location New Zealand

Recent Activities

I have had domains (just email) hosted on Yandex for years, and it has been both free and works perfectly, but I am concerned about moving…
26/03/2022 - 20:16
Please correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think you get Exchange Online with M365 Family, so you would not be able to host email?
16/03/2022 - 13:39
That looks like a good option too - 90 days trial should be plenty to see if it will fit. Do you know if there are / will be any…
16/03/2022 - 13:36
Okay - I had the impression that you paid per user (which I had inferred to mean per user login / account):…
16/03/2022 - 08:06
If we did this with, say, four family members, does that mean that all users are logging in as 'admin'?
15/03/2022 - 20:54
This is what I have done in a similar situation: 1) I told them they could collect it within a specific time / date and gave them three…
08/03/2022 - 08:29
Hi, I think that WindScribe have changed the format of their referral links. Mine is now of the format:…
20/01/2021 - 14:41
I would seriously consider looking at another builder. They are either out to screw you over with $20 per day, or they have no confidence…
21/10/2020 - 07:22
I think Gmail is 25MB (not certain), but if you run your own mailserver, you can have whatever (or no) limits you like. If you know what…
10/04/2020 - 08:19
Have you tried copying onto an external drive that does not support NTFS Encryption? Maybe format a drive with exFAT (which can handle ACLs…
10/04/2020 - 08:12
Having worked at, and in the past, owned, a wholesaler, I can tell you that, in general, they won't want to sell to you - they will likely…
10/03/2020 - 07:06
This post is essentially bang on - I live in Auckland currently, and all of the above is what I observe too. On the eggs, I normally buy in…
21/01/2020 - 21:48
I remember my dad telling me what the induction loops do at lights in the UK, and that was in the early eighties (long before I could…
25/05/2019 - 10:51
Alan6984 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
09/09/2018 - 19:10